For reasons beyond my ken, I have joined the blogging revolution... or perhaps that's evolution. I've always maintained that I don't read blogs and would never write one. Despite being a professional writer and journalist, I haven't the faintest idea what to write about figure skating.
It's even more ironic since over the last seven years, I've written literal volumes on all things figure skating. I've hung with the RSSIF regulars and written about figure skating. I'm active on SkateFans where I discuss a lot of stuff on figure skating--and make smartass (or dumbass) remarks (depending on your POV). I'm even on the SkateFAIR PR and Policy Committee, though I'm not sure that I'm accomplishing anything. I am a control freak among much more forceful and competent control freaks.
Anyway, the purpose of this figure skating blog is still unclear to me. I'm a very private person, so the likelihood of me spewing almost anything that might be sensitive about myself is nearly nil. But then, I do get the urge to rant about this or that occasionally. Sometimes, I like to reminisce. I am hoping—though I make no promises—that maybe I will start actually skating again. I have a pair of very expensive custom boots (bad feet) reposing in a box in my office, waiting for me to have the small amount of money needed to mount them.
It comes down to money. I'll be honest about that. Some people who see this might wonder how I can represent myself as a happenin' journalist and still be so broke all the time. The truth of the matter is, I make "eh" money freelancing. Freelancers in general, especially ones whose "full time" keeps getting eaten into by motherhood and military-spousehood, don't make a whole lot of moula. I have 3 kids and pretty much every penny I make goes to keeping them in private school, day care, and music lessons. There isn't much left for luxuries like ice skating... or even roller skating for that matter. We live a decent middle-class life... but I'm one of those kind of moms for whom my kids come first. If I get to skate, it's because I've snuck off from work in the middle if the day.
But still, the ice beckons.
Okay, I officially HATE Blogger now. This is the second time that it's selected something I didn't want and then when I typed over it wouldn't freaking undo!
I'm done for today. I'll tell y'all more about how I came into figure skating next week.