Monday, January 29, 2007

More Silly Quiz Results...

Why do I do this?

I have yet to figure this out, peeps. I like taking silly quizzes, but at the same time, the results are sometimes of use and often of no use at all. For example, I recently took this quiz about whether "this guy" is my soulmate—yeah, I'm dripping sarcasm too.

The quiz asked some interesting questions, like "how's your sex life?" Of course, none of the answers really fit so I chose "comfortable." Hey, screaming orgasms are comfortable! No dice for choosing "sometimes blah, sometimes 'wow,' sometimes AWOL," it wasn;t one of the choices. Overall, I'd think my sex life is pretty good. The quiz does NOT approve.

Or it asks me what we talk about after work. And for some reason, talking about what he did and what I did during the day is the wrong thing. I mean, like we're supposed to passionately discuss politics (a bad idea since we are a purple marriage) or art or something. Hey, I want to know what he did! DH tells some pretty funny stories. It's a nice way to connect after a day slaving away at the computer. It's far from a boring recitation.

The other thing that bugs me? Apparently, I'm wrong that I don't depend on DH to be my bestest friend. We're not soulmates because I get emotional support from other women instead of from him. I guess it's not wise, that I figured out a long time ago that you can't grow watermelons from tomato seeds. DH is a GUY and I like him that way. I don't ask him to be a woman and nurture me in the ways the my women friends do (or kick me in the butt like they do either). Okay, sometimes, it's difficult, but he is who he is. We're more buddies than best friends. That's cool.

So anyway, here's the upshot:

Is He Your Soulmate?

Your Results:
He might be your soulmate... here's how to tell
You have a good relationship with your guy, but you don't seem to be connected to him on a deeper level. Maybe he's kind, loving and can offer you financial security. But your romance is lacking that extra spark that can only come from being with someone who truly understands you. But don't throw your relationship away just yet. Your guy could unknowingly be your soulmate, and it may be that you just aren't allowing yourself to fully open up to him. Instead of automatically reciting the events of your day when you get home, talk to him about the subjects you're truly passionate about. Enrich your conversations and make them more meaningful, and then see how he responds. Even if he doesn't share your passions, does he understand why they mean something to you? Does he still encourage you to pursue them? If so, you just might have to dig a little more for a deeper connection. More than anything else, you should know in your heart of hearts if he's really the "one" and worth fighting for. So don't settle for "good" relationship—set your sights high and seek out the passion, intuition and soulful connection that you deserve.

So he might be my soulmate.

Darn! And we've been married for 12.5 happy years.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

My baby won second place!!!

Okay, so it's not figure skating, but I had to share this because I am absolutely going CRAZY with joy! Both my big girl GG and my middlest Akey tried out for the talent show this year. They only took 13 children and Akey beat out two older girls singing the same song to make the show. And then she went and won SECOND PLACE in the PK-4th Grade division. I took the following videos and pictures with my cell phone (Quicktime required to view).

Oh, and I forgot! Last night, right around 5:40 PM, I finished—YES FINISHED, The Barunian Incident. It clocks in at 87K words. I am delighted to be finished, even if it is just the draft. Now, to critique. To editing. To querying! Well, really, to a drawer for about a month so I can approach it with fresh eyes. I already have a list of about 10 things that need fixing.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Figure Skating costume sewers beware

Well, peeps, today is a sad day. I'm a Walmart shopper. You can judge that as you may, but it's been a necessity to get as much bang for the buck as possible. We're not rich people and most of my adult life, we've struggled.

That said, I've been sewing since I was 6. And Walmart has been the primary source of fabric for my family for the last decade or so. So today, when I went into Walmart of length or royal blue ribbon, I was dismayed to find the fabric department GONE. An assistant manager was kind enough to explain to me that "corporate" is changing the way Walmart sells fabric. Instead of having bolts of fabric cut to the desired length, they will have precut lengths.

In other words, one will only be able to buy fabric that is too LONG or too SHORT. Buy too much or too little. F*ck you very much, Walmart.

What IDIOT thought this BRILLIANT plan up?

One who doesn't SEW, I bet.

But, I also bet that if Walmart gets enough complaints from avid sewers, they might just rethink their idiotic "new plan." (Have you noticed the shoe department has been reorganized to make it HARDER to buy shoes?) Apparently the stores are already fielding a lot of vociferous complaints from fabric buyers who ALSO think this is a dumb idea. They are also, BTW, "re-doing" the craft departments nationwide. You can bet that THAT will also be a dumbass redesign. So if you do crafts, be afraid. Be very afraid. Stand up for sewers, because crafters are next.

If you shop at Walmart (and even if you don't). Could you take a moment to send some feedback to Walmart Corporate about this situation? If you sew, or know someone who sews, maybe post this request to your blog (leave a link in the comments) so that your readers might also give Walmart a heads up that they are doing something dumb and we customers DON'T LIKE IT.

Contact Walmart here:

Click "Email Us." You will have to choose your store and then fill out a short survey about cleanliness etc. Then you click "Send email feedback" (or something like that) on the return page and they will allow you to send a letter.

Please! Take a couple minutes to lend a hand. Costuming is a fair sized part of skating. I learned to sew making my own costumes (helping mom, really). Affordable fabric is crucial for many, many sewers.

On the other hand, my husband will be CHEERING. He hates me buying fabric anyway.