Thursday, March 29, 2007

Figure Skating Moms' Minivans

This is not a well known fact, but I have a curious soft spot for the "Pimp My Ride" genre of TV shows. My first car was a classic (a 65 For Falcon) and I love the old muscle cars. In fact, DH owned a 1971 Chevelle when we met. It added much to his charm.

As far as Pimp My Ride goes I am most certainly NOT the demographic. My car fetish even goes as far as watching Trick My Truck (on CMT where they use semi's)... at least when there ain't squat on. I don't much like the show where they steal the car and then play practical jokes on the owner while they trick out the vehicle... that's just too cruel for my taste. DH thinks it's funny, must be guy thing.

My favorite Pimp My Ride is when they installed a bunch of TVs in the floor of this chick's suburban and put in a console with a huge make-up case with running water and everything. It was just so outrageous it was cool. I always wanted to submit my minivan and ask them to make it into the ultimate mom-mobile.

But now... come to think of it, I'LL PASS!

Anyway, THIS is absolutely hysterical. French fries! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

It sounds like my car, though I don't have a minivan anymore. When I had one, that's about how it was (but without the bottles). Though I will say, they forgot the permanent marker on the upholstery.


Saturday, March 24, 2007

Figure Skating Worlds Coverage (Not!)

I got a comment the other day which asked if I was going to do play by play coverage of Worlds this week. While I'm gratified that someone was interested enough to ask, I must confess that I have a BAD case of busy this spring. I barely have time to watch skating much less spend hours watching every skater while typing reports.

Presently, I am working hard on the second edition of my Google book. My co-author and I have roughly four weeks to finish and we are already three weeks behind. I am preparing taxes again this year for the AARP TaxAide program two days a week. And we are moving again... by CHOICE. I can't believe that last one! But we are. I'm struggling to clean and pack and sort and get the mortgage crap done and so on.

This past week has been about my third week in a row where I have EIGHT days of work to complete in five days. I'm pretty much worn out. So if you are looking for Worlds coverage this year, my apologies. It's not happening. I just don't have any time and I have less energy. Maybe next year.

On a brighter note. Props to my favorite obscure skater Tomas Werner! I have loved Tomas for several years now--as far back as when he was skating for (was it?) Germany. Werner skated the lights out in his long, landed two BEAUTIFUL quads, and ended up fourth at Worlds after being like 19th last year. Go Tomas! On the other blade, sighs for Evan and tears for Johnny. I haven't watched any of the other coverage, and probably won't. I am falling into bed exhausted at relatively early hours and don't get to watch much TV.

Figure skating is my life, but sometimes work gets in the way.

Monday, March 05, 2007

What kind of programmer are you?

Ah, my survey jones thirsts for useless online "tests!" This one, supposedly based on the Myers-Briggs personality survey tells you what kind of programmer you are (my myers-briggs is SCARY balanced, BTW). Apparently, as a programmer, I'm a:


You're a Doer.
You are very quick at getting tasks done. You believe the outcome is the most important part of a task and the faster you can reach that outcome the better. After all, time is money.

You like coding at a Low level.
You're from the old school of programming and believe that you should have an intimate relationship with the computer. You don't mind juggling registers around and spending hours getting a 5% performance increase in an algorithm.

You work best in a Solo situation.
The best way to program is by yourself. There's no communication problems, you know every part of the code allowing you to write the best programs possible.

You are a liBeral programmer.
Programming is a complex task and you should use white space and comments as freely as possible to help simplify the task. We're not writing on paper anymore so we can take up as much room as we need.

If you want to see all the personality types, they're here.

Friday, March 02, 2007

The B I B L E... and other amusements

So, I was wandering the blogosphere and came upon this interesting quiz. I haven't indulged my survey jones in a while so this looked like a good opportunity.

I am Catholic. We RCs are not known for our encyclopedic knowledge of the Bible, but I'm also not your average Catholic. For about 3 years in elementary school, I attended a "Christian" academy run by the Southern Baptists. For the first year it was okay, but by the third year, I was getting told I was going to hell because I was Catholic.

Yeah, that sounds REAL Christian to me, too.

But as a result, I memorized the books of the Bible in 2nd grade (and lots of verses, too) and actually read the book (it has some great stories). Alas, I can no longer rattle off all the books of the old and new testaments. I can recite the 40 most common prepositions (courtesy of Catholic middle school).

Old reprobate that I am, who probably hasn't cracked a Bible since I was 10 (okay, a LITTLE in college where I used to annoy the fundamentalists in Bible study just for cussedness).

So color me amused.

You know the Bible 95%!

Wow! You are awesome! You are a true Biblical scholar, not just a hearer but a personal reader! The books, the characters, the events, the verses - you know it all! You are fantastic!

Ultimate Bible Quiz
Create MySpace Quizzes