For those of us not lucky or dialed-in enough to attend this year's governing counsel, Janet Lynn gave a speech at the Alumni Dinner. I haven't seen this bandied about on the net too much. It hasn't been mentioned on Skatefans. But has the full transcript of Janet Lynn's speech and it looks like a gem.
Without further ado, I give you the timeless Janet Lynn:
Without further ado, I give you the timeless Janet Lynn:
When I was a new figure skater at age 2_1/2, little did I know that I was being entrusted with a unique and graceful culture and language that has brought joy to generations of skaters and observers. Many of us hold in trust the inheritance of our beautiful sport and art. Perhaps we can be inspired to find the best ways to transfer these treasures in healthy, excellent, practical ways to future generations of figure skaters.The speech goes on for another 11 pages... enjoy.
I invite you to consider with me the question: From Whence Comes the Joy of Figure Skating?
Why do skaters start to skate? What compelled people throughout history to find ways to glide on ice and develop art forms with etchings and movements? Why did you start to skate, or be involved in skating? Why did I? Why are we still drawn to our sport and art?
What draws observers to enter into this magnificent gift of movement across a frozen surface? Is it the sense of freedom? Is it when the illustrious skating language touches the soul of an observer?
I have concluded after years of consideration that the motivation to enter into the world of figure skating, whether as a skater, an observer, or in some other way, results from some sense of joy. In my experience, two of the main sources for the joy of figure skating are:
I was welcomed into a culture of figure skating that beckoned me to come and have fun! Come and glide and learn, and play on the ice with Turns…. Edges….. Stroking…. Hops….Jumps…. and Spins! Feel the fresh air flow across your face! See how fast you can skate! How many interesting ways can you can turn and glide on ice? Oh yes, there’s music! Can you find ways for your feet and knees to express the rhythm of that music? You are welcome to glide and play…… join those who are drawn to moving across a frozen pond! Strengthen your body…. learn a fascinating language on ice…. get lost in practice… then fly and be free!
- the graceful culture of figure skating
- the graceful language of figure skating.
Figure skating has often been said to lift the human spirit. To those who have experienced this exuberance, skating reminds us of something grand in our lives, and it draws us back to its goodness.