Saturday, June 18, 2005

Figure Skating Urges and Ice Blue Moods

Can I admit to being a tiny bit blue?

It's just a delicate shade of azure. Really. It's hard to be too upset surrounded by lovliness as I am. I am on a working vacation at my mother's shore house. The Cottage, as we call it, has been in my family for over 40 years... which explains why regular people like us can afford to have a house on the water. You can see pics at The panorama at the top of the page--I'm looking at thge real thing right now. Hard to be too blue, no?

The bad news is, the assistant at PMA who was my contact is leaving the firm. Now technically, I am signed to Peter Miller, the principle, but I haven't talked to him since the initial call in January. When I called roughly once a month, I got the assistant. You do the math. So I get an email at 5 PM Friday from said assistant saying basically "well, bye! It was nice to know ya!" And this leaves me wondering—okay, PANICKING—over exactly what is to become of me and On the Edge. I emailed Peter and his response was "remind me who you are." Oh THAT makes me feel good!!! Sigh. Another set back.

There is good news. After getting bounced from failed agent to promoted agent at Studio B (my tech book agent) over the last two years, I ended up with a new agent Laura Lewin. I say her name because this chick I can recommend. She comes back at me every couple months with this or that opportunity that she's heard of and am I interested in. A couple of them have not panned out. Finally, one has. A Studio B author pitched a book, sold the proposal and then couldn't commit to the writing schedule they wanted. So he's going to write about 20% of the book and I'm going to write 80% of the book. His name goes first on the cover and mine goes first on the check <grin>.

So, last but not least, an update on my daughter. Over the last several months, my three year old has grown markedly stronger. The muscular dystrophy was almost like a bad dream. we took her to Children's Hospital of the King's Daughter's in Norfolk to be a case at the Friday symposium the neurology department has for all the doctors and residents and student. The upshot being 4 different possibilities from the 4 doctors there, none of them anything that we had heretofore tested for. All of them proscribed the same treatment though, an MRI to pinpoint where a muscle biopsy should be done. So they did the MRI, and then we had two deaths in the family and made a 4000 mile road trip to the funeral, finished the school year and Dr Neurologist is not returning my calls. SIGH.

This would all be fine, except Joyah's teeth are rotting again. We've had troubles with her teeth in the past. At age 12 months, she had 8 cavities, despite having dental care similar to my other daughters who have had two cavities between them in their combined 15 years of life. By 18 months when she was old enough to get filled, she had 2 more. They filled 10 cavities and we undertook a very ambitious regimine of brushing and flossing—well, ambitious for us. It's done wonders for the whole rest of the family... except Joyah, who has at present about 3 new cavities in the last month. Inability to metabolize calcium is related to certain forms of muscular dystrophy. And a spate of cavities preceeded her last episode of weakening. in short, unless this is unrelated, and it might be, we are in for another round of weakening.

I was hoping that it was over.

Okay, maybe I do have reason to be a little blue.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Beautiful house on the water! Prayers that the doc gets back to you and good luck with the book :)