Friday, March 02, 2007

The B I B L E... and other amusements

So, I was wandering the blogosphere and came upon this interesting quiz. I haven't indulged my survey jones in a while so this looked like a good opportunity.

I am Catholic. We RCs are not known for our encyclopedic knowledge of the Bible, but I'm also not your average Catholic. For about 3 years in elementary school, I attended a "Christian" academy run by the Southern Baptists. For the first year it was okay, but by the third year, I was getting told I was going to hell because I was Catholic.

Yeah, that sounds REAL Christian to me, too.

But as a result, I memorized the books of the Bible in 2nd grade (and lots of verses, too) and actually read the book (it has some great stories). Alas, I can no longer rattle off all the books of the old and new testaments. I can recite the 40 most common prepositions (courtesy of Catholic middle school).

Old reprobate that I am, who probably hasn't cracked a Bible since I was 10 (okay, a LITTLE in college where I used to annoy the fundamentalists in Bible study just for cussedness).

So color me amused.

You know the Bible 95%!

Wow! You are awesome! You are a true Biblical scholar, not just a hearer but a personal reader! The books, the characters, the events, the verses - you know it all! You are fantastic!

Ultimate Bible Quiz
Create MySpace Quizzes


Ontario Emperor said...

I enjoyed your post on the quiz, and ended up taking it myself.

P.S. I have been a member of various Protestant denominations, but my best friend from high school is Roman Catholic. When he was confirmed as a teenager, he invited all of his friends to the service - his friends from Young Life, mostly Protestant. However, this happened to be the day that the priest delivered a homily about a group of soldiers who would go around saying, "Too bad you're not a Catholic." It's been a joke between us ever since.

P.P.S. I ran into a Jehovah's Witness at the gas station this morning. I admit that I did not show kindness.

P.P.P.S. Are you following Worlds?

Unknown said...

I scored 100 percent!!!! How did that happen?