The slaying of 32 people at Virginia Tech has been all over the news the last couple of days. I was shut up in a community center in Hampton Roads, VA (the south-east corner of the state) most of the day Monday doing taxes for the AARP's TaxAide program and did not hear anything until nearly 2 PM. My response was the same as everyone else: incomprehension at the senselessness of the violence, parallels to the Texas clock tower shootings of so long ago, a sense that somewhere in Iraq LOTS of people whose names we will never know were dying in senseless violence too. That didn't change the horror that some disturbed soul could walk calmly into a university building and start shooting.
One of the victims was Lauren McCain, age 20, of Hampton, VA. Lauren worked at a pool frequented by more than a few kids from my children's school. Lauren's father works with my husband. I never knew Lauren. We never will.
Please send your prayers and good thoughts for the comfort of Lauren's family and the repose of her soul. This one hit too close to home.
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