The idea behind it is that there are two components to conservatism. There is an economic scale defined by the extremes of Communism (communalism) vs neo-liberalism (libertarianism) and there is a social scale defined by its extremes Authoritarianism (fascism) vs Libertarianism (anarchism). Put more simply: authority vs anarchy and communism vs unrestrained free markets. For example, here's how some famous world leaders rate on the political compass:
So, I took the test (I'd really love to see my neo-con friend Heather take this test. It's interesting!). Here's where I fall:
It appears I am just to the right of Gandhi, which I do not mind. I am a bit more liberal than I though of was, perhaps because of my libertarian leanings (and libertarians normally consider themselves on the right). But on this scale libertarian socially is left while libertarian economically is right and I tend to be more libertarian socially than economically.
But what's really telling is this image from Crooks and Liars about where the candidates fall. Even the MOST liberal of the democrats are FAR more authoritarian and far more economically libertarian. They are not very darned liberal AT ALL. No wonder I am not terribly thrilled about ANY of the presidential candidates!
I should note, at times, I found the test to be a bit too black and white. There were questions where I didn't exactly agree or disagree. Where the question itself seemed unreal. Anyway, so much for my survey jones. I'll be quite pleased when skating season begins again and when I have time to follow it.
In other news, my husband made Chief (E7). In the Navy, this is a BIG deal. They put you through a six week indoctrination that involves a lot of silly stuff, more volunteer work, and a whole lot of working late. I am presently conducting my marriage my cell phone. And after 5 years of not smoking, it took exactly five days for the indoc process to stress him out enough that he is back to killing himself.
No, I'm not very happy/
Five weeks and counting til pinning.
I've joined a new team blog. I haven't posted yet, due to email problems but when I do, the new blog is Mama Needs a Book Contract. It's a blog about writing and parenting (or in my case, women's issues). Looking forward to seeing you there!
HEY :-) Miss you!
Moving? to where?
we've had our share of issues here too... :::Sigh:::
would love to get cuaght up but I'm afraid I'm not very good on the phone right now - I have this throat/neck thing going on causing all sort of pain even into my ear and head. I believe it to be an impacted wisdom tooth but who knows!
Ok babbling!
Miss you please send me links to the other blog/s you update regularly.
I'm writerdebnj at xanga.
HUGS the kiddos for me and YAY about hubby's promotion!!!!
Hey, you read my mind. Mama DOES need a book contract! I'll come check it out. ;0)
Miss you, girl
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