Friday, March 24, 2006

Figure Skating: 2006 Worlds Ladies Short Program

Warm-Up Group 2
They are playing Joan Jett and the Black Hearts "I Love Rock and Roll" during the warm up...

Literally EVERY girl in this flight is wearing red. And almost the same shade!

7 Valentina MARCHEI ITA 22 19.12
Red strappy dress with white stones and elbow length red mitts, diagonal skirt.
REALLY familiar heroic music... Carmen?
looooonnnggg edge 3Z fall. 2A. camel outside twist sit, ugh layback. ch sit inside catch nice. familiar tango music slow; she's being cutsie to it. steps into 3S 2footed. one handed beill spiral, steady COE nice, beill back spiral nice, nice side spiral to back spiral ugh not well done. fast music: SL: FW uppy downy swirly FW good speed and
flying sit outside twist weird cannonball. nice sideways lean to extreme layback with awful leg position, foot to head.

26.08 + 19.98 = 45.06 T = 64.18 (2nd)

8 Julia SEBESTYEN HUN 20 19.77
red with black sequins. black one sleeve, one no sleeve and the back mostly illusion. black illusion sleeve and elbow length mitt. A weird but attractive dress
steps 3F fall (way under rotated). 3Z-1T (3Z was a bit under rotated). fly camel inside nice donut upright. nice classic spiral COE ugh beill short nice forward side ugh spiral to back ugh. half beill not held any of them. 1A step out. nice sideways to so so layback foot to head beill???. C FW good expression, nice choreo, to the music. camel sit layback ch camel, donut, beill eh, inside upright.

19.39 + 20.14 = 38.53 T = 58.30

9 Teodora POSTIC SLO 24 18.96
red skirt, pinker halter top and ugly dress and a BAD color on her who is a white on white blonde with pale lipstick and eye shadow. She needs to get with Sasha and learn how to do her makeup!
Wild Time
she sticks her butt out when she strokes. 2L pop 1T. steps 2S. nice death drop. sideways eh foot to head, layback, all EH. SL FW okay speed, but is she even skating TO the music? wobbly FW really BLAH. she needs a back flip here. nice 2A maybe 2footed. ugh Forward spiral wobbly COE, UGLY hbeill back so so side spiral. camel outside nice sit ugh sideways lean ch sit, inside squat, cannon (not well done), scratch. She can spin but her positions are ugly, her jumps were AWOL and she needed a dose of excitement BADLY.

14.66 + 16.11 = 30.77 T = 49.73

10 Amanda NYLANDER SWE 19 19.79
more mulberry than red. fading to white at the bottom. a nicely understated srappy dress oh wait, the skirt has a long pointed tail in the back. belay that.
Bach Toccata and Fugue ?
NICE axel sit cannon. steps 3L nice. good speed. 3F 2T. nice sideways to layback foot to head, nicely to the music. SL FW fast uppy downy not too difficult otherwise though. 2A okay 2foot? back beill ugh COE okay. ugh forward spiral. ugh back spiral to side nice. camel cannon nice, layback foot to head ch sit okay, inside catch

Girl skates pretty fast and had nice, economical stroking. She's not "artistic" but I like her. And she says hi to "Mama" in the K&C.

27.27 + 19.03 = 46.30 (personal best) T = 66.09

11 Annette DYTRT GER 21 19.47
candy red strappy dress with diagonal skirt longer in back. pretty. she needs less bronzer though.
oh shit. Tocatta and fugue AGAIN
3Z under-rotated, 2foot 2T. arm waving. steps 3F badly under rotated 2foot. fly camel layover donut. ah, the hooked on classics version! very nice side catch spiral F 2hand beill back hand to knee spiral. 2A nice. nice sideways to okay LB foot to head half beill. C FW good speed. nice difficulty swirly well sold. camel outside cannon half beill ch sit catch scratch

Boy... what a contrast! This girls can't jump, but she had mature presentation. Other girl did easier jumps but landed them. And to have 2 tocatta and fugues back to back! Ie yi yi!

20.96 + 20.94 = 41.90

Her PCS were garbage. She's trying not to cry. She misssed her jumps, but was head and shoulders better than the last skater and her PCS didn't reflect that AT ALL.

12 Anastasia GIMAZETDINOVA UZB 23 19.00
Red straight skirt. Bodice and sleeves has red curlicues over illusion. More illusion than dress, yet not particularly attractive.
The Godfather Part II
3Z 2foot, pitch forward 2T. ugh muzak "From a Distance." steps 3S nice. fly camel inside donut hbeill? okay Forward spiral COE slow back hbeill. nice side spiral. to back steady. camel outside sit layback beill traveling all over. ch squat, twist. C FW swirly and uppy downy. but SLOOOOOW. sideways nise to layback foot to head beill.

Okay, I hated the music, but she has a nice quality to her skating. She has a VERY pretty camel position. Her spirals need a bit of work. Hug and kiss for her coach... who appears to be immune to being kissed by pretty girls.

29.27 + 20.23 = 49.50 (personal best) T = 68.50 (1st)

Deserved? Maybe they didn't catch those under rotated jumps!

End Group 2

Arina Martinova RUS
Moonlight Sonata
Black with open back and white stones and white underskirt.
3F wonky landing, whippy2T. a heavy metal moonlight. 3Z. 2A LOVELY. nice F classic spiral COE nice HUGE extension. back beill nice, nice side spiral. to nicer back spiral. fly camel inside, donut nice. serp FW swirly, uppy downy, fast and well sold. camel outside sit cannon layback beill ch squat sash catch. nice sideways to layback foot to head beill.

She's very flexible and her laybacks have a kind of betn turned out leg, but a VERY extreme back position.

29.59 + 19.37 = 48.96 T= 67.91

The judges are ON DRUGS. Those PCS scores are idiotic. She rough, but she points her toes and turns them out. She sold the program, though it was not a pretty-pretty program. She must be young and unfamiliar to them... that's it.

Katerina Gerboldt
red, illusion and gold lame in arabian pattern
Orient Qualibet
nice 2A. good stroking. 3L 2T. steps not flip slipped on the pick fall. fly camel inside nice donut upright. beill forward, nice COE not really nice position. side catch eh. back beill not nice. nice sideways to layback (ugly leg position, nice back) foot to head, beill not nice position. good speed though. C FW music is fast, she is slow and not selling it. she skates pretty and the music is not-pretty, bad match for her. camel outside squat layback, ch camel donut beill.

She's a VERY pretty girl, but she lacks the ability to really DO a beillmann so god knows WHY she's doing them. She neither presents well, nor sells the program. her jump landings are kinda wonky but generally clean.

19.44 + 17.15 = 36.59 T = 54.17

Warm-Up Group 3
13 Susanna POYKIO FIN 14 23.13
pink with silver criss crossy straps and skirt is 3 progressively darker layers of fringe. It looks nice, but down not move well.
One Mint Tulip, Girls Night Out
3Z2T NICE. steps nice 3F. fly camel inside hbeill. sexy music. easy 2A nice. eh back spiral to ugh side F spiral ugh COE ugh. back beill ugh sideways to layback foot to head beill eh. Sl FW swirly ell choreographed but slow. and not sold. awful music cuts/ camel sit layback beill, ch sit inside catch. She traveled all over the whole time.

Her jumps were lovely, but she really didn't sell this program well, especially at the end.

30.08 + 24.20 = 54.28 T = 77.41 (1st)

Unfortunately, I am going to have to leave to go get my kids at school now. I'll probably miss the rest of this group. I'm recording, so I'll catch up on them later.

14 Viktoria PAVUK HUN 15 21.31
15 Elene GEDEVANISHVILI GEO 17 20.72
16 Idora HEGEL CRO 13 23.26
17 Nadege BOBILLIER FRA 18 19.89
18 Yan LIU CHN 16 21.16

Warm-Up Group 4
19 Kiira KORPI FIN 8 25.44
ballet pink with deep bscoop back and chiffon over lycra skirt. pink illusion sleeves
violin/symphony music Beatles?
3T-3T NICE! steps3F fall. nice side ways to okay layback. C FW swirly. nice 2A. camel cannon sit catch ch sit sasha catch nice speed. nice F Spiral argh COE bad, back beill sp., back side catch sp nice. axel sit outside twist. Music ends abruptly

She was doing SO well at first... the flip was gorgeous until she fell... She was fully rotated, she just landed very strangely, dug in where she could have flowed. It was a very weird fall. She bonks herself on the head when she finishes. I swear, the child looks like Barbie.... except that she has arms and legs (our barbies don't)

28.98 + 25.34 = 53.32 (personal best) T = 78.76 (1st)

Lots of hugs and laughter from the coach. Boy are they happy!

20 Carolina KOSTNER ITA 7 25.64
Something awful with clear sequins over zebra fabric and the pattern repeated in black stones on illusion on the arms with a white very short , very fluffy chiffon skirt that darkens to blue. with a light blue lame panty and she has a massive wedgie. The designer should be SHOT. And what does this have to do with an angel??!!
Gabriel's Oboe
3F fall. steps 2L popped. arabian camel variant donut upright. bad wedgie. nice side back sp. F classic COE nice. back catch side nice. back beill sp. nice 2A. serp FW uppy downy camel outside sit nice sideways ch squat camel hbeill. sideways lean to nice layback

22.98 + 26.97 = 48.95 T = 74.59 (4th)

21 Sarah MEIER SUI 10 24.64
Lemon yellow with white around the bodice top, strappy, nice chiffon skirt, it lays very well. I like this dress. so simple, so elegant...
Finding Neverland Soundtrak
easy 3Z 2T nice. steps easy 3F very nice/ camel outside squat twisted upgiht ch sit twist upright, inside. nice delicate, light quality about her. she's selling this well. back spiral COE abrupt. f hbeill sp. nice 2A. nice DD twist squat, variant. SL FW very swirly and uppy downy. Finishes her footwork and then--pratfall! Probably technically NOT a fall since she only put a hand down. NICE sideways lean to nice so so layback foot to head. Ends a bit after her music.

33.47 + 27.04 = 60.51 T = 85.15 (1st)

Well deserved...

22 Elena SOKOLOVA RUS 11 24.42
hot pink half-and-ice-dancer's dress. She looks determined
LONG edge 3Z2T. steps 3L nice. arabian camel inside donut. h beill COE sp nice. back hand on knee sp. ugh side spiral to back spiral, smooth. 2A. nice sideways to ugh layback foot to head. C FW finally, she selling it. camel outside sit cannon layback ch squat hbeill upright inside.

She pumps her fist at the end. Finally she lays down a decent program. She was really tight and not even bothering to do anything but skate between jumps at the beginning, as she laid the jumps down, she loosened up and really started to make more out of the program. After the Olympics and a not so great qualifying at Worlds, this HAS to feel great.

33.24 + 27.74 = 60.98 (personal best) T = 85.40 (1st)

23 Yoshie ONDA JPN 12 23.39
dark salmon one shouldered dress, a somewhat longer than normal skirt that flutters a lot
Madame Bovary
3Z 2T nice. steps 3F ugly layback to sideways foot to head. ugh ugh ugh. F classic sp CEO ugh beill. back catch side sp. UGH back sp. steps nice 2A. Death drop squat twist. C FW, not sold well. good speed. camel outside sit cannon foot to head layback ch sit inside crossfoot. Good speed.

Why do they insist on giving Onda girls programs? I can see her saying to Josee, "but I WANT to be pretty-pretty" and unfortunately, it is like lipstick on a chicken. She just doesn't FEEL IT... and i wonder what there is that she DOES feel. She seems happy with how she skated and I guess she should be, it was clean.

29.49 + 23.00 = 52.49 T = 75.88 (5th)

24 Mira LEUNG CAN 9 24.77
strapless w/illusion mulberry fading to white... and the crowd goes WILD.
steps nice 3F. steops 3Z-2L nice. sideways to layback nice leg foot to head beill nice speed. steps 1A ooooooohhhhh! beill sp nice steady COE to classic sp back side sp. back catch sp nice. fly camel inside donut. C FW she's tired and only selling it some. good speed. camel outside, sit, twist, layback foot to head, beill ch camel donut, beill nice, sasha catch.

Leung has made such a HUGE advance this year in her presentation and artistry that she should really be proud of herself no matter WHERE she places. She went from being a skater I hated to being someone I really like and am excited about seeing in the future. I can't WAIT to see what she becomes.

26.43 + 23.06 = 49.49 T = 74.26 (8th)

That is just WRONG. What the hell are these judges SMOKING? I know that she missed the axel. I expected low tech scores, but they are not watching the same skater I am! They seem to be seeing the skater she WAS, not the skater she IS. There was no interruption from the axel whiff... and to give her PCS similar to ONDA??? Someone GOT some of this shit? Cause it must be GOOD SHIT they are smoking... good shit.

Bad news... Dh is home and we MUST go run an errand before 5 PM. So off we go. Ladies last group later when I get home...

Warm-Up Group 5
25 Yukari NAKANO JPN 4 27.79

26 Fumie SUGURI JPN 2 28.47

27 Emily HUGHES USA 6 25.68

28 Kimmie MEISSNER USA 3 28.46

29 Sasha COHEN USA 5 27.59

30 Joannie ROCHETTE CAN 1 29.28


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Thanks for the welcome
Christmas Day falls on December 25. It is preceded by Christmas Eve on December 24, and in some countries is followed by Boxing Day on December 26. Some Eastern Orthodox Churches celebrate Christmas on January 7, which corresponds to December 25 on the Julian calendar. December 25 as a birthdate for Jesus is merely traditional, and is not thought to be his actual date of birth. for attention thank you

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