Friday, April 01, 2005

Does that make me a grand-mother, a troop leader or a pastry chef?

So, our promiscuous adolescent cat Smores had her litter in my closet last night at about 3 AM. I was having this weird dream that I was in an abandoned building trying to save some kitten stuck in a pipe. I finally woke to realize the mewing was REAL! Here are some pictures:

There are 6 kittens (not 7 as I had originally thought): one black, one orange tabby, two orange and white, one orange tabby and white, one white with orange and black patches. Since smores are an invention of the Girl Scouts (betcha didn't know that) and my oldest girl is a Scout, we decided to name the kittens after Girl Scout cookies.

Black: Double Dutch (because "Thin Mint" is a dumb name for a cat)
Orange Tabby: Samoas
Orange and White: Trefoil and Do-si-do
Orange Tabby and White: All-About
White with Orange and Black patches: Tagalong

I have Grand-Kittens!!


Anonymous said...

Oooooooh!!! You have a calico cat, like our kitten, Miss Mew. I love calico cats... they are so pretty!

According to my children, this definitely makes you a grandmother. ;-)

Anonymous said...

I WANT THE ORANGE TABBY! Is he ALL ORANGE with no white??? WHY do you LIVE SO FAR I need that KITTY! wahhhhhhhh Orange tabs are the sweetest cats...

Anonymous said...


They are darling. What a cute name for the cat--Smores!

Ann Marie

Anonymous said...

beautiful pictures. ;)