Thursday, August 30, 2007

Insurance pirates...

Okay, so this was kind of spammed to an email list I am on. It is:

1) hysterical
2) too true
3) about a critical problem here in the US.

My family is very fortunate that we have good healthcare (my husband is military and they have comprehensive healthcare), but I am often concerned about others I know who do not. Many of my friends have no insurance. My own brother had none and ended up with $20K in medical bills in the last year alone. This is something that simply HAS to change and the vested interests will not allow it. Enjoy the video, it's an amusing take on a very serious subject.


JulieAnn said...

He he he he too funny and you're right, too true.


Carolyn Erickson said...

It's funny, Dej. And has quite a catchy tune too. ;-)

My problem with it is the Universal Health Care line. If we think rich private corporations don't have our best interests in mind, we really don't want to see how much love we'll get from the government.

They will not fix it. It's too friggin expensive, yes. But government won't make it cheaper or better.


The shark at the end was just too cute.

Carolyn Erickson said...

Tag! :)