With the Olympics over, I thought it might be worthwhile to see what's in the news.
Skating season winds down
Having Brian Orser guest star in the annual skating carnival really capped off the year for students of the Drayton Valley Figure Skating Club, according to Ginnie Vickrey. The event, titled Entertainment on Ice was a way for skaters young and older to showcase their talents and entertain their community at the Omniplex.
Games provide perfect backdrop for sports
Hannah Eppley usually takes her skis when her family heads to a mountain to enjoy some winter sports. But, Hannah, 11, of Port Huron quickly is gaining interest in another winter sport - snowboarding. She's been closely following the Olympic dreams of snowboarder Hannah Teter and others for the past two weeks.
"It looks fun and exciting, and it would just be fun to try," Hannah Eppley said. "Seeing people like Hannah Teter snowboarding got me interested."
Hannah isn't the only one whose interest is piqued when the winter Olympics roll around every four years.
Ice & snow to melt hearts
Arrivederci to zeroes & heroes
You take what you want from the Olympics, so feel free to rip these Winter Games today if the itch is there. There are plenty of good reasons to do so, from Bode Miller to Speedy Peterson to Mike Modano. There was the Austrian drug runaround, and the Wayne Gretzky denials, and one of the clumsiest women's figure skating events this side of "Skating with the Stars."
Not everyone caught a case of Olympic fever
It could have been skier Bode Miller's all-talk-and-no-medal performance.
Maybe it was Michelle Kwan's withdrawal from the figure skating competition because of an injury.
Whatever the reason, Americans weren't sitting on the edges of their couches, cheering as the 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin, Italy, unfolded on NBC and its five other networks.
The Winter's Tale
Looking back on the athletes, expectations and moments that made Olympic memories each day in Turin
OPENING: U.S. Alpine Team Brings High Hopes
The 20th Winter Olympics open with great expectations for the U.S. Alpine team, targeting a total of eight medals with stars Bode Miller and Lindsey Kildow ready to lead the way. A new scoring system will make its Olympic debut in figure skating, in hopes of eliminating the controversies that have long affected the sport. At the opening ceremony, Italian cross-country skier Stefania Belmondo, a five-time Olympian, is the final torch-bearer. Athletes from 80 nations parade into Olympic Stadium on the eve of 16 days of competition.
Cappellini Gets Last Chance for Junior Worlds Medal
Anna Cappellini & Luca Lanotte
TThe 2006 Junior Worlds will be the last chance for Anna Cappellini to medal at the event. She was fifth in 2004 with Matteo Zanni and the couple had a good chance at a medal last season after finishing third at the ISU Junior Grand Prix Final, but Zanni became ill and they had to withdraw after the original dance. Now Cappellini is back with a new partner, Luca Lanotte, and one final chance in Slovenia. After winning the Italian junior title, the couple set a goal of making the podium at Junior Worlds in Slovenia.
Wanna skate?
You spent two weeks glued to your TV watching the Winter Olympics. Now it's your turn: For two weeks you watched, worried and wished for gold as the U.S. Olympic team took to the ice and snow in Turin, Italy.
Now that it's over, you're thinking, "Hey, maybe I could do that."
Whether you are — or your child is — the next Sasha Cohen, Chad Hedrick or Pete Fenson (he's a curler), Houston has plenty of opportunities for wannabe Winter Olympians.
An icy disappointment
ALBENA Denkova and Maxim Staviski, Bulgaria’s top figure skating duo, finished fifth in the figure skating final at the Turin Olympic Games on February 20.The Bulgarians accrued 189.53 points. Gold went to the Russians Tatiana Navka and Roman Kostomarov, who garnered 200.64 points. Tanith Belbin and Benjamin Agosto of the US took silver with 196.06 points and Ukrainian husband and wife team Elena Grushina and Roslan Goncharov swept the bronze with 195.85 points.
Perfecting skills on ice
The Hancock Recreation Center’s latest session of the Learn to Skate Program is almost finished. All the students have been perfecting their skills on the ice. The program is designed to give personal attention to each student and create a faster learning environment. Learn to Skate Director Christy Bryant is also Head Skating Pro for the center and is a full-time figure skating coach. The group lessons are offered Saturday mornings from October through February and are for skaters of any age.
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Figure Skating SPOILERS: Ladies Free (last group)
I have only curse words to apply to my recording software. The first report I did, was 77MB uncompressed and 6.9MB in mp3. The second report was 487MB uncompressed and FORTY in mp3. Don't ask me WHY, they were both about 45 minutes long. So I spent the last THREE HOURS trying to get them down to a reasonable size and I have finally just freaking given up.
Here's the final group. It's 21MB. Sorry.
I'm exporting the second to last group now. It is very seldom that I wish I had a faster computer, but this is one of those times! Pokey old thing!
Here's the final group. It's 21MB. Sorry.
I'm exporting the second to last group now. It is very seldom that I wish I had a faster computer, but this is one of those times! Pokey old thing!
Figure Skating SPOILERS: Ladies Free G3
Okay, after fixing some numbers and such, here's group 3. Now, technically, I am posting this AFTER I posted group 4, but I adjusted the posting time so it would appear in the right place in the list of posts. I also fixed the previous post which SAID it was group 3 but was actually group 2. I can't count, sosumi.
Group 3. This file is 20MB. Cope.
Group 3. This file is 20MB. Cope.
Figure Skating SPOILERS: Ladies Free G2
I'm doing audio commentary today, instead of trying to type... cause frankly, I am a crappy typist and all the errors are embarrassing. So, here is the first group RTR showed, group 2. They just showed Kiira Korpi during the ice cut, but I was uploading. Nothing I could do. Poor kid did not skate well.
Anyway, please DOWNLOAD by right (or control) clicking on this link.
Ladies Free Group 2
I'm doing audio commentary today, instead of trying to type... cause frankly, I am a crappy typist and all the errors are embarrassing. So, here is the first group RTR showed, group 2. They just showed Kiira Korpi during the ice cut, but I was uploading. Nothing I could do. Poor kid did not skate well.
Anyway, please DOWNLOAD by right (or control) clicking on this link.
Ladies Free Group 2
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Figure Skating Shorthand
Q: Watching a web cast of skating on Chinese TV doesn't make you a rabid fan, does it?
A: No, but taking notes so you can report on it to lots of people who have probably also, watched it on web cast is.
Okay, so you're a rabid fan, or a wanna-be rabid fan. The question is, when you take notes, how do you make the shorthand make any sense? And how do you write the notes so that you won't have to type out "triple-toeloop" eleventy-two times? And even if you're not a rabid fan, how do you read those frickin' reports because you, unlike all the other rabid fans can't get the web cast software to work.
If you're attempting to take these kind of notes at all, we have to assume that you can tell a toeloop from a Salchow and a donut-on-a-stick from a Beillmann. If you can't you're going to spend a lot of time typing the words, "Then the skater does, you know, that thingy where you..."
Jumps usually appear with a numeral (1, 2, 3, 4) in front of them noting whether they are a single, double, triple, or quad. Jumps in combination are separated by dashes or forward slashes depending on the recorder's preference.
Use the table below to decrypt the following examples. There are several possible flaws listed at the bottom of the table as well.
Example 1: Footwork into a triple flip.
Example 2: The skater lands a triple Lutz, turns out and tacks on a double toeloop.
Example 3: The skater lands a triple Lutz-triple loop-double loop combo at Europeans (and the note taker is non-American).
A: No, but taking notes so you can report on it to lots of people who have probably also, watched it on web cast is.
Okay, so you're a rabid fan, or a wanna-be rabid fan. The question is, when you take notes, how do you make the shorthand make any sense? And how do you write the notes so that you won't have to type out "triple-toeloop" eleventy-two times? And even if you're not a rabid fan, how do you read those frickin' reports because you, unlike all the other rabid fans can't get the web cast software to work.
If you're attempting to take these kind of notes at all, we have to assume that you can tell a toeloop from a Salchow and a donut-on-a-stick from a Beillmann. If you can't you're going to spend a lot of time typing the words, "Then the skater does, you know, that thingy where you..."
Jumps usually appear with a numeral (1, 2, 3, 4) in front of them noting whether they are a single, double, triple, or quad. Jumps in combination are separated by dashes or forward slashes depending on the recorder's preference.
Use the table below to decrypt the following examples. There are several possible flaws listed at the bottom of the table as well.
Example 1: Footwork into a triple flip.
FW to 3F or steps-3F
Example 2: The skater lands a triple Lutz, turns out and tacks on a double toeloop.
Without the faults: 3Z-2T
With the faults:3Z turn out-2T
Example 3: The skater lands a triple Lutz-triple loop-double loop combo at Europeans (and the note taker is non-American).
Jump | US | EU |
toeloop | T | T |
loop | L (loop) | R (Rittenburger) |
half-loop | HL | HL |
Salchow | S | S |
flip | F | F |
lip (a faulty flip) | lip | lip |
Lutz | Z | Z or L |
Flutz (a faulty Lutz). | Flz | Flz |
Axel | A or X | A or X |
Walley | W | W |
Reverse Walley (toeless Lutz) | RW | RW |
Toe Walley | TW | TW |
Footwork | steps or FW | Skater intentionally performs steps in a sequence of jumps. |
Fault | ||
Fall | (fall) | ISU rules for falls are complex, something other than hands and feet have to touch the ground, a knee or one's arse. |
Fall Out | (FO) | Skater takes step onto is free foot, usually turning from back to forwards. |
Turns Out | (TO) | Skater may turn several times on landing leg, but does not put the free foot down. |
Touch Down | (TD) | One or both hands touch the ice. |
Two-footed | (TF) or (2FT) | Skater lands with the free foot touching the ice. The skater's leg may not be completely "unwrapped." |
Figure Skating Webcasts and Me
A commenter asked where I'm getting my information. Considering that a thousand people showed up to read my reports yesterday, I thought an answer was in order.
I am watching the Russian Sports channel RTR on webcast. In Russia, skating is a popular sport, just like here. Except unlike the US, skating gets some respect in Russia. They treat it like a "real sport." RTR runs most skating events live, often in their entirety. A subscription is $9/month, payable via Paypal, and this was the best $9 I ever spent on skating.
Though the announcers yammer on—some things don't change form American TV—it's all in Russian, which I know very little of. It's easy to tune out. During pairs, I got to listing to the dulcet tones of the incomparable Anton Sihkuralidze... one wishes he might shut up occasionally. God that man loves to hear himself talk! During ice dance, we got Ilia Averbuhk, who turned out to be kind of quiet. It was nice just watching the dance without stupid announcers ruining my appreciation by never shutting up.
Most interesting, perhaps, is the post skating mike-in-the-face interviews. Of course, they only seem to interview the Russians, but that's okay. Russian TV is even MORE "homer" and Russophile than US TV is Ameri-centric. It's nice to see though, that skaters who stumble or are stiff and nervous when speaking English, actually smile and are very personable when speaking their own language. I think it's the first time I ever saw Tatiana Totmianina smile! And what a LOVELY smile she has. Wish we saw it on the ice more. Turns out, she's the lively one and Maxim Marinin comes off as bit more shy and retiring.
The other thing I LOVE about Russian TV is that they don't think the viewer is too stupid to understand figure skating. When Marinin did that scary axel lasso lift in the long program, they did a replay and you could hear Anton talking, probably about the ice spray flying and the insecurity of Marinin's footwork in the lift. The showed Marinin's FEET, which in ALL the times ABC and NBC have showed that horrific accident when Totmianina fell out of the lasso lift, NONE of them have showed WHY she fell... Marinin's feet. And it goes on. Russian TV does replays of landings, close up so we can see if they are two footed. They name the jumps, accurately, without fanfare and discussion. And when they do get a skate that they like—like Evan Lysacek—they don't stint in the praise... or at least such seems to be the tone.
As for who I am... long ago and far away, I was a roller figure skater. YES, you CAN do that on wheels. I quit about 20 years ago. I can identify jumps and I know technique because I was a skater and because I've been watching and learning the sport for 30 years. Over the last 8 years, I've been writing novels about figure skating and publishing other people's figure skating fiction at my web site Private Ice. My first print book comes out in the fall for the new skating season. I hope that some of the people who are enjoying these reports will pony up for a copy. The book's name is On the Edge. You can read the old serial version at my web site, but they're like a Tim Lizzie next to a modern Porsche.
I am watching the Russian Sports channel RTR on webcast. In Russia, skating is a popular sport, just like here. Except unlike the US, skating gets some respect in Russia. They treat it like a "real sport." RTR runs most skating events live, often in their entirety. A subscription is $9/month, payable via Paypal, and this was the best $9 I ever spent on skating.
Though the announcers yammer on—some things don't change form American TV—it's all in Russian, which I know very little of. It's easy to tune out. During pairs, I got to listing to the dulcet tones of the incomparable Anton Sihkuralidze... one wishes he might shut up occasionally. God that man loves to hear himself talk! During ice dance, we got Ilia Averbuhk, who turned out to be kind of quiet. It was nice just watching the dance without stupid announcers ruining my appreciation by never shutting up.
Most interesting, perhaps, is the post skating mike-in-the-face interviews. Of course, they only seem to interview the Russians, but that's okay. Russian TV is even MORE "homer" and Russophile than US TV is Ameri-centric. It's nice to see though, that skaters who stumble or are stiff and nervous when speaking English, actually smile and are very personable when speaking their own language. I think it's the first time I ever saw Tatiana Totmianina smile! And what a LOVELY smile she has. Wish we saw it on the ice more. Turns out, she's the lively one and Maxim Marinin comes off as bit more shy and retiring.
The other thing I LOVE about Russian TV is that they don't think the viewer is too stupid to understand figure skating. When Marinin did that scary axel lasso lift in the long program, they did a replay and you could hear Anton talking, probably about the ice spray flying and the insecurity of Marinin's footwork in the lift. The showed Marinin's FEET, which in ALL the times ABC and NBC have showed that horrific accident when Totmianina fell out of the lasso lift, NONE of them have showed WHY she fell... Marinin's feet. And it goes on. Russian TV does replays of landings, close up so we can see if they are two footed. They name the jumps, accurately, without fanfare and discussion. And when they do get a skate that they like—like Evan Lysacek—they don't stint in the praise... or at least such seems to be the tone.
As for who I am... long ago and far away, I was a roller figure skater. YES, you CAN do that on wheels. I quit about 20 years ago. I can identify jumps and I know technique because I was a skater and because I've been watching and learning the sport for 30 years. Over the last 8 years, I've been writing novels about figure skating and publishing other people's figure skating fiction at my web site Private Ice. My first print book comes out in the fall for the new skating season. I hope that some of the people who are enjoying these reports will pony up for a copy. The book's name is On the Edge. You can read the old serial version at my web site, but they're like a Tim Lizzie next to a modern Porsche.
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Figure Skating SPOILERS: Ladies Short G5
black velvet and illusion with stones
3T-2T. 3S hand down. fly came; inside half beill. wonky ch edge spiral to beill back beill ugly. 2A wild landing. sorry sideways sorry layback. circle FW slow and stoppy. camel sit inside camel sit sorry layback foot to head.
Those who cannot do laybacks should NOT put them in the combo spin TOO.
21.49 + 17.88 = 39.37
coach shook his finger at the PCS score, but really, they were pretty dead on. She SUUUUUCKED.
black with black illusion yoke and sleeves. interesting sequining all over, iridescent?
violin music
nice speed. HUGE 3Z-2T! but the 3Z was kinda cheated and might be downgraded. stalking steps3F 2footed fell out. flying camel layover inside upright. spiral wobbly ch edge, side catch, side to back spiral. 2A nice. nice fast circle FW. a pretty though unformed quality about her. I like her better than I expected. side to layback foot to head really NOT that good. camel sit weirs side ch sit catch. Finishes just after her music.
The Russian announcers do not like her technique.
19.37 + 19.79 = 39.16 23rd place
That was harsh, she did NOT suck. She has nice speed, big jumps, she spun decent though her positions could be better
neon orange MONSTROSITY
piano with bird sounds.
3Z-2t 2footed the 3Z but did not dogleg the picking. 3F looked 2footed (but wasn't). fly camel layover, inside. 2A nice. beill ch edge wobbly.back beill ugly, pathetic back spiral sideways leaning eh layback. SL FW eh lots of arm waving. camel traveling sit layback ch sit inside half beill.
I think I hate her hair cut. And her bent knees. I try to like Liashenko, but just cannot... not since Louis described her lutz picking technique as "dog at fire hydrant" Her Lutz picking technique, incidentally has improved a lot. Looked pretty secure... she does still stalk and telegraph it HORRIBLY.
27.47 + 24.88 = 52.35
black and red velvet. very elegant and nice.
lovely 3Z was that a 3T!? stalking steps 3F nice. nice spiral ch edge wobbly but not bad to beill side spiral held nicely back catch foot spiral. 2A nice./ nice death drop twist inside pancake. sideways lean to kwan layback. SL FW interesting and well done. camel outside layover sit twist layback ch sit twist pathetic half beill.
Fumie is speaking English in the K&C...
32.61 + 29.14 = 61.75
white fading to blue on the skirt. kinda zebra-y sequins on the bodice.
nice speed. 3F FALL! 3L nice. flying camel inside donut nice. side spiralwobbly ch edge spiral. back catch spiral. back beillman nice. nice 2A but small. fast circle FW. Outside? camel inside sit twist sideways ch sit beillman nice. sideways nice layback.
crowd goes WILD
26.25 + 28.52 -1 53.77 10th place. they held her up a tiny bit but not much.
her gypsy costume, the blue one.
charlotte on flat. 3Z-2T. sasha slide spiral. steps 3F nice. death drop cannon insides twist. 2A pulled THAT outta her arse! back side to side spiral crowd yells. big steady change EDGE spiral back beill spiral. sideways to layback to beill incredible! now build it up Sasha crwod is thwith her! she is SELLING IT! GO SASHA! camel outside sit cannon layback foot to head ch sit inside sahsa catach INCREIBLE
She brings the house down.
Now, will the judges put her ahead of Slute?
Now they are yelling for her U. S. A. U. S. A!
35.33 + 31.40 = 66.73
black velvet and illusion with stones
3T-2T. 3S hand down. fly came; inside half beill. wonky ch edge spiral to beill back beill ugly. 2A wild landing. sorry sideways sorry layback. circle FW slow and stoppy. camel sit inside camel sit sorry layback foot to head.
Those who cannot do laybacks should NOT put them in the combo spin TOO.
21.49 + 17.88 = 39.37
coach shook his finger at the PCS score, but really, they were pretty dead on. She SUUUUUCKED.
black with black illusion yoke and sleeves. interesting sequining all over, iridescent?
violin music
nice speed. HUGE 3Z-2T! but the 3Z was kinda cheated and might be downgraded. stalking steps3F 2footed fell out. flying camel layover inside upright. spiral wobbly ch edge, side catch, side to back spiral. 2A nice. nice fast circle FW. a pretty though unformed quality about her. I like her better than I expected. side to layback foot to head really NOT that good. camel sit weirs side ch sit catch. Finishes just after her music.
The Russian announcers do not like her technique.
19.37 + 19.79 = 39.16 23rd place
That was harsh, she did NOT suck. She has nice speed, big jumps, she spun decent though her positions could be better
neon orange MONSTROSITY
piano with bird sounds.
3Z-2t 2footed the 3Z but did not dogleg the picking. 3F looked 2footed (but wasn't). fly camel layover, inside. 2A nice. beill ch edge wobbly.back beill ugly, pathetic back spiral sideways leaning eh layback. SL FW eh lots of arm waving. camel traveling sit layback ch sit inside half beill.
I think I hate her hair cut. And her bent knees. I try to like Liashenko, but just cannot... not since Louis described her lutz picking technique as "dog at fire hydrant" Her Lutz picking technique, incidentally has improved a lot. Looked pretty secure... she does still stalk and telegraph it HORRIBLY.
27.47 + 24.88 = 52.35
black and red velvet. very elegant and nice.
lovely 3Z was that a 3T!? stalking steps 3F nice. nice spiral ch edge wobbly but not bad to beill side spiral held nicely back catch foot spiral. 2A nice./ nice death drop twist inside pancake. sideways lean to kwan layback. SL FW interesting and well done. camel outside layover sit twist layback ch sit twist pathetic half beill.
Fumie is speaking English in the K&C...
32.61 + 29.14 = 61.75
white fading to blue on the skirt. kinda zebra-y sequins on the bodice.
nice speed. 3F FALL! 3L nice. flying camel inside donut nice. side spiralwobbly ch edge spiral. back catch spiral. back beillman nice. nice 2A but small. fast circle FW. Outside? camel inside sit twist sideways ch sit beillman nice. sideways nice layback.
crowd goes WILD
26.25 + 28.52 -1 53.77 10th place. they held her up a tiny bit but not much.
her gypsy costume, the blue one.
charlotte on flat. 3Z-2T. sasha slide spiral. steps 3F nice. death drop cannon insides twist. 2A pulled THAT outta her arse! back side to side spiral crowd yells. big steady change EDGE spiral back beill spiral. sideways to layback to beill incredible! now build it up Sasha crwod is thwith her! she is SELLING IT! GO SASHA!
She brings the house down.
Now, will the judges put her ahead of Slute?
Now they are yelling for her U. S. A. U. S. A!
35.33 + 31.40 = 66.73
Figure Skating SPOILERS: Ladies Short G4
The crowd is chanting something
A blue velvet and blue illusion unitard with starburst sequining. Attractive.
sound of talking: ominous music. FW stalking. 3Z (HUGE)-2T. nice speed. steps nice 3F. 3turn into 2A. nice flying came; layover inside nice donut upright. beill ch edge spiral wobbly. back beill spiral side spiral to back spiral nice sideways foot to head to beillman. SL FW very fast and difficult a bit sloppy. camel outside sit layback foot to head beillmann ch donut beillman upright inside.
She did a VERY nice job.
36.21 + 30.49 = 66.70 1st place
As if there was any question where she would be. She laid it down too.
Black with cut out back and large swirls of silver sequins. John Z is a LUCKY MAN.
piano billy joelish jazzy.
2F-2T. 1A popped. 1/2 split flip-3T. (I missed something here) camel beill layback ch sit inside sasha catchfoot. good speed. side spiral, beill spiral nice ch edge, back beill. death drop sit inside. SL FW slow gaining speed, or trying to. layback foot to head
the jumps were not there for Slyvia today and really, she didn't sell this program all that well. There have been some excellent performances today by some very unexpected people... this just wasn't one of them.
19.87 + 22.60 = 42.47 now in 18th.
I feel bad for her, but this was dead on.
red skirt. lots of illusion on tow with red curlicues and white stones. Interesting costume, but a little too bare for my taste.
gentle, generic music.
nice 2A. 3Z 2 footed 1T close to the boards. steps 2F popped. fly camel inside ugly donut entrance. playful music SL FW twizzles. nice clean feet, but slow side spiral no toe point ugly! spiral ch edge wobbly but nice position. back beill ugly and wobbly. camel outside sit layback beill ch squat low-catchfoot upright. sideway lean layback very laid back but ugly.
19.06 + 19.38 = 38.44 20th place.
maroon and red with high white collar and going down the front. Almost pretty
fast! 3Z2T did she 2 foot that? 3Lip was that SUPPOSED to be a Lutz because it WAS. NICE flying camel inverted! inside layover donut NICE!!! side catch ch edge a la Alissa C. then unsupported and bobbled a tiny bit back beill spiral. lovely 2A. sasha slide spiral. layback sideways beill. SL FW nice speed swirly good to the music. camel inside donut sit ch camel sit sideways beill
Shiz is giving Irina a run for her money!! Replay shows she did NOT 2foot her 3Z. This was not as "artistic" as we've seen Shiz do though.
Go Shiz!!!
35.93 + 30.09 = 66.02 personal best, in 2nd place.
Coach kisses her at the 35.93!
Black with black illusiona nd a big cross on the front. Very pretty girl.
slow eerie music sounds like water glasses
3Z fall... landed but just hopped off the landing and went down it was weird because the jump was there. i like how she moves though nice spped. NICE 3F. flying came; inside NICE donut upright. 1A. NICE sideways ugly layback. circle FGW slowish but good to the music. small circle. slower.... back beillman ch edge loses beill and goes to half beill. UGLY forward beill spiral turn back beill camel outside sit laynback ch sit inside catch crossfoot
She has nice fast spins and there is a graceful quality about her. She has long lines without being coltish. I've never seen her before, so I assume that she's new. If she can pull the jumps together, she might be a contender nest cycle.
Is that Galina Zemeskaya in the K&C?
20.43 + 21.82 -1 = 41.25 20th
She got hit hard for missing the combo... but she wasn't really this bad to be all the way down there...
very straight dark magenta with sequined flowers, deep v neck. actually almost but not quite attractive.
weird fiddle music
3Z under rotated 2footed fall. steps 3F wonky landing. sideways lean layback foot to head beill. huge wobbly ch edge spiral. back catch foot nice. ugly beill spiral. stalking pretty nice ena baure into 2A. camel sit jack catch ch sit catch. SL FW TW rev TW nice speed. nice difficulty. flying camel inverted upright.
21.21 + 20.65 -1 = 40.86 21st place and she is NOT happy.
NBC Real Time Results.
1) Irina
2) Shiz
3) Kimmie!
5) Emily Hughes!!
The crowd is chanting something
A blue velvet and blue illusion unitard with starburst sequining. Attractive.
sound of talking: ominous music. FW stalking. 3Z (HUGE)-2T. nice speed. steps nice 3F. 3turn into 2A. nice flying came; layover inside nice donut upright. beill ch edge spiral wobbly. back beill spiral side spiral to back spiral nice sideways foot to head to beillman. SL FW very fast and difficult a bit sloppy. camel outside sit layback foot to head beillmann ch donut beillman upright inside.
She did a VERY nice job.
36.21 + 30.49 = 66.70 1st place
As if there was any question where she would be. She laid it down too.
Black with cut out back and large swirls of silver sequins. John Z is a LUCKY MAN.
piano billy joelish jazzy.
2F-2T. 1A popped. 1/2 split flip-3T. (I missed something here) camel beill layback ch sit inside sasha catchfoot. good speed. side spiral, beill spiral nice ch edge, back beill. death drop sit inside. SL FW slow gaining speed, or trying to. layback foot to head
the jumps were not there for Slyvia today and really, she didn't sell this program all that well. There have been some excellent performances today by some very unexpected people... this just wasn't one of them.
19.87 + 22.60 = 42.47 now in 18th.
I feel bad for her, but this was dead on.
red skirt. lots of illusion on tow with red curlicues and white stones. Interesting costume, but a little too bare for my taste.
gentle, generic music.
nice 2A. 3Z 2 footed 1T close to the boards. steps 2F popped. fly camel inside ugly donut entrance. playful music SL FW twizzles. nice clean feet, but slow side spiral no toe point ugly! spiral ch edge wobbly but nice position. back beill ugly and wobbly. camel outside sit layback beill ch squat low-catchfoot upright. sideway lean layback very laid back but ugly.
19.06 + 19.38 = 38.44 20th place.
maroon and red with high white collar and going down the front. Almost pretty
fast! 3Z2T did she 2 foot that? 3Lip was that SUPPOSED to be a Lutz because it WAS. NICE flying camel inverted! inside layover donut NICE!!! side catch ch edge a la Alissa C. then unsupported and bobbled a tiny bit back beill spiral. lovely 2A. sasha slide spiral. layback sideways beill. SL FW nice speed swirly good to the music. camel inside donut sit ch camel sit sideways beill
Shiz is giving Irina a run for her money!! Replay shows she did NOT 2foot her 3Z. This was not as "artistic" as we've seen Shiz do though.
Go Shiz!!!
35.93 + 30.09 = 66.02 personal best, in 2nd place.
Coach kisses her at the 35.93!
Black with black illusiona nd a big cross on the front. Very pretty girl.
slow eerie music sounds like water glasses
3Z fall... landed but just hopped off the landing and went down it was weird because the jump was there. i like how she moves though nice spped. NICE 3F. flying came; inside NICE donut upright. 1A. NICE sideways ugly layback. circle FGW slowish but good to the music. small circle. slower.... back beillman ch edge loses beill and goes to half beill. UGLY forward beill spiral turn back beill camel outside sit laynback ch sit inside catch crossfoot
She has nice fast spins and there is a graceful quality about her. She has long lines without being coltish. I've never seen her before, so I assume that she's new. If she can pull the jumps together, she might be a contender nest cycle.
Is that Galina Zemeskaya in the K&C?
20.43 + 21.82 -1 = 41.25 20th
She got hit hard for missing the combo... but she wasn't really this bad to be all the way down there...
very straight dark magenta with sequined flowers, deep v neck. actually almost but not quite attractive.
weird fiddle music
3Z under rotated 2footed fall. steps 3F wonky landing. sideways lean layback foot to head beill. huge wobbly ch edge spiral. back catch foot nice. ugly beill spiral. stalking pretty nice ena baure into 2A. camel sit jack catch ch sit catch. SL FW TW rev TW nice speed. nice difficulty. flying camel inverted upright.
21.21 + 20.65 -1 = 40.86 21st place and she is NOT happy.
NBC Real Time Results.
1) Irina
2) Shiz
3) Kimmie!
5) Emily Hughes!!
Figure Skating SPOILERS: Ladies Short G3
DAMN. I went to get the kids at school and then to get gas for the car which I needed BADLY and thought this was coming back on at FOUR. Apparently, I have missed most of group 3.
Yellow dress with white yoke and flowy skirt. Nice, understated and pretty.
snowflakey music
stalking 3Z-2T. arm waving. stalking. steps to nice 3F. camelourside squat twist ch sit twist upright inside upright. back spiral wobbly ch edge, ha;f beill spiral, 2A wonky landing. death drop squat twist. SL FW nice dna fast and crisp sideways layback foot to head.
30.69 + 24.88 = 55.57 6th place...
Yellow dress with white yoke and flowy skirt. Nice, understated and pretty.
snowflakey music
stalking 3Z-2T. arm waving. stalking. steps to nice 3F. camelourside squat twist ch sit twist upright inside upright. back spiral wobbly ch edge, ha;f beill spiral, 2A wonky landing. death drop squat twist. SL FW nice dna fast and crisp sideways layback foot to head.
30.69 + 24.88 = 55.57 6th place...
Figure Skating SPOILERS: Ladies Short G2
Black unitard with wide gold sequined stripe going around and around
Blues for Klook
steps 3Z-2T. 3L 2 footed. sideways lean nice to layback eh traveling bad. held knee sopital half beill ch edge spiral poor. back siral poor. back SE 2A turns out flying came; inside layover. circle fw nice speed and good to the music, but bobbled. she looks WAY better than she did at SA. camel sit ch camel cannon sideways lean.
26.74 + 20.32 = 47.06
mostly strapless fuschia fading to white. very pretty. lots of illusion of course.
good speed. steps3F very nice. very dynamic music. 3Z-2T very nice. sideways to layback to beillman. slowing. 2A wonky landing. beillman spiral Ch edge and lost hold of foot, side spiral nicely held. back side spiral with held foot. flying camel inside donut. circle steps she's selling it nicely but a little slow. camel nice sit twisted foot to head beillmann ch nice camel cat to donut sit to catch.
this is definitely the NEw Mira and I WAY like her and think she should be rewarded....
29.38 + 21.23 = 50.61 (personal best)
But the judges sure as hell don't care.
pink and black with flower on hip and tango skirt
and tango music!
3T-2T decent. steps3S nice. flying camel layover inside half beill. SL FW very slow stops and poses then finishes. 2A bad cheat on the landing NICE sideways lean to eh layback to beillman. ugly beill spiral steady and slow ch egde. back catch to dead stop. nice side spiral. camel sit sideways beillman ch squat inside camel beillman to weird side beillman variant.
Oh, and this wasn't much of a tango.
24.33 + 20.20 = 44.53
HUN PAVUK Viktoria
half black. half white. Pavuk is a very pretty blonde.
Swan Lake, I believe
3Z-2T eh bad picking technique. steps to 3F flying came; layover inside donut nice but ugly entry. nothing swannish about this. poor charlotte to 2A. side spiral Ch edge not held. back spiral nicely held side spiral nice sideways to layback to foot to het to beillman traveling. SL FW not very swannish. slow but difficult. camel nearly falls into the inside edge SLOW layback beillman ch squat inside sasha catchfoot so slow that I thought she was going to fall it was so slow.
a poorly done COP friendly program
26.78 + 19.62 (Italians don't like this) =46.40
The sunset dress... yellow fading to red and back to yellow. Much to like. fire cut outs at waist.
stalking 3Z-2T nice. pathetic steps 3L sat a little. flying camel nice layover inside upright. nice 2A. lovely quality about her. SL FW effective arm movements. slowing and then gaining speed. camel nice layback ch sit twist catch. beautiful spiral wobbly ch egde. back spiral lovely position. nice side spiral. layback sideways foot to head.
There is a really lovely quality about this skater. She is like a morning sun rising over a peaceful lake... very On Golden Pondish. She is very long legged and long armed, but rather than being coltish, she is simply lovely. her spins are very nice and I MAY have missed a position in there somewhere.
27.24 + 22.60 = 49.84 personal best and in 5th
Obviously, the judges don't like her like I do.
Hot pink "I borrowed _half_ an ice dancer's costume" costume
nice new haircut though.
VERY familiar music
stalking. 3Z under rotated and 2 footed, fall out 2T. 1L very bad pop. flying camel inside donut. half beill spiral ch edge nice/ hold knee back spiral. side spiral to back spiral eh. nice 2A. sideways leaning to eh layback foot to head. circle FW fall out in front of the judges. but very fast now. camel outside sit cannon sideways ch squat half beil upright.
Head in hands and shaking her head when she comes off the ice. Poor kid. She is very upset... but she still smiles and waves at the camera moment. Poor kid fighting tears.
21.13 + 25.56 = 46.69 in 7th
Black unitard with wide gold sequined stripe going around and around
Blues for Klook
steps 3Z-2T. 3L 2 footed. sideways lean nice to layback eh traveling bad. held knee sopital half beill ch edge spiral poor. back siral poor. back SE 2A turns out flying came; inside layover. circle fw nice speed and good to the music, but bobbled. she looks WAY better than she did at SA. camel sit ch camel cannon sideways lean.
26.74 + 20.32 = 47.06
mostly strapless fuschia fading to white. very pretty. lots of illusion of course.
good speed. steps3F very nice. very dynamic music. 3Z-2T very nice. sideways to layback to beillman. slowing. 2A wonky landing. beillman spiral Ch edge and lost hold of foot, side spiral nicely held. back side spiral with held foot. flying camel inside donut. circle steps she's selling it nicely but a little slow. camel nice sit twisted foot to head beillmann ch nice camel cat to donut sit to catch.
this is definitely the NEw Mira and I WAY like her and think she should be rewarded....
29.38 + 21.23 = 50.61 (personal best)
But the judges sure as hell don't care.
pink and black with flower on hip and tango skirt
and tango music!
3T-2T decent. steps3S nice. flying camel layover inside half beill. SL FW very slow stops and poses then finishes. 2A bad cheat on the landing NICE sideways lean to eh layback to beillman. ugly beill spiral steady and slow ch egde. back catch to dead stop. nice side spiral. camel sit sideways beillman ch squat inside camel beillman to weird side beillman variant.
Oh, and this wasn't much of a tango.
24.33 + 20.20 = 44.53
HUN PAVUK Viktoria
half black. half white. Pavuk is a very pretty blonde.
Swan Lake, I believe
3Z-2T eh bad picking technique. steps to 3F flying came; layover inside donut nice but ugly entry. nothing swannish about this. poor charlotte to 2A. side spiral Ch edge not held. back spiral nicely held side spiral nice sideways to layback to foot to het to beillman traveling. SL FW not very swannish. slow but difficult. camel nearly falls into the inside edge SLOW layback beillman ch squat inside sasha catchfoot so slow that I thought she was going to fall it was so slow.
a poorly done COP friendly program
26.78 + 19.62 (Italians don't like this) =46.40
The sunset dress... yellow fading to red and back to yellow. Much to like. fire cut outs at waist.
stalking 3Z-2T nice. pathetic steps 3L sat a little. flying camel nice layover inside upright. nice 2A. lovely quality about her. SL FW effective arm movements. slowing and then gaining speed. camel nice layback ch sit twist catch. beautiful spiral wobbly ch egde. back spiral lovely position. nice side spiral. layback sideways foot to head.
There is a really lovely quality about this skater. She is like a morning sun rising over a peaceful lake... very On Golden Pondish. She is very long legged and long armed, but rather than being coltish, she is simply lovely. her spins are very nice and I MAY have missed a position in there somewhere.
27.24 + 22.60 = 49.84 personal best and in 5th
Obviously, the judges don't like her like I do.
Hot pink "I borrowed _half_ an ice dancer's costume" costume
nice new haircut though.
VERY familiar music
stalking. 3Z under rotated and 2 footed, fall out 2T. 1L very bad pop. flying camel inside donut. half beill spiral ch edge nice/ hold knee back spiral. side spiral to back spiral eh. nice 2A. sideways leaning to eh layback foot to head. circle FW fall out in front of the judges. but very fast now. camel outside sit cannon sideways ch squat half beil upright.
Head in hands and shaking her head when she comes off the ice. Poor kid. She is very upset... but she still smiles and waves at the camera moment. Poor kid fighting tears.
21.13 + 25.56 = 46.69 in 7th
Figure Skating SPOILERS: Ladies Short G1
black velvet bodice with one shoulder and no back and a silvery chiffon skirt. very elegant and pretty
violin music
FW slowly not such great stroking. 3T-2T in liberty position. 3S nice/ flying camel. NICE beillman variant!. i like how she moves. side spital to back hold it longer girl ch edge spiral nice not a wobble nice beillman spiral. nice side spiral. nice 2A. sideways to layback in Kwan position. circle FW fast and comples slowing. not a big circle but very nioce and with the music. camel inside, beill variant sit ch jackknife pancake upright
The biellman variant is a kind of twisted half-beillman, looks very different than others Beillmans. I like it. I can see why Naomi likes this skater so much. There is much to like. He jump landings are a bit cheated and she does not have the difficulty that many of the top skaters have, but she moves very smoothly and interprets the music well. There's a lot to like.
25.70 + 18.50 = 44.20
black strapless with slim chiffon skirt and silver seuining
heroic music. child is FAST. 3Z-3T! steps to3F NICE. she's still a jock nice layback touch foot to head, to sideways lean nice. she really gets down into her crossovers, covers a lot of ice. spiral ch e nice position steady. half beill, waves arms. nice 2A. camel sit layback ch sit inside catch excellent speed through. SL fWdeathe drop nice inside crossfoot sit.
She is very happy and should be. She still skates very jockishly, but you can't help liking her. That 3T was a bit cheated on the landing and may be downgraded.
34.20 + 25.20 = 59.40
pink with criss crossy white straps and 3 tier skirt darkening to magenta
heroic music
3Z-2T nice. jazzy music/ arm waving steps to 3F wonky lancing slying came; inside halt beill. slinky music. nice 2A. arm waving. ugly spiral to nice side spiral nice f spiral ch edge steady back beill spiral ugly sideway lean to layback to beill. back to jazzy music SL FW slow carefully done. not selling it. camel sit cannon layback foot to head ch sit inside catchfoot.
Jazzy music for a skater who cannot sell it really doesn't work all that well.
28.43 + 25.31 = 53.74
bubblegum pink with chiffon sleeves and skirt. Pretty, but VERY pink. Korpi is, as usuall gorgeous
vilion music nice stroking. stalking 2L(?)-2T, steps tonice 3F. nice sideways lean to eh layback. good speed in circle FW but nicely gentle for hte music. music does not do much2A but she does a LOT with it. came;l nice sit cannon catch ch sit inside (traveling), sasha catchfoot. music gets more intense. spiral ch edge nice. back beillman nice catchfoot side axel sit spin outside and another position I missed.
I have seen Korpi only once before and i recall she is not so great in the jumps, otherwise, she is a lovely skater... just really lovely. She's lovely to look at and lovely to watch. BOY, does she look like Jenny Kirk!
23.84 + 21.00 = 44.84
white with slim skirt and white illusion midrif. very nice.
Symphonic Madonna Like a Prayer I hate this music.
good speed. beautiful 3Z-2T nice Split falling leaf. steps 3F hand down. since slide. sideways eh to eh layback to kwan layback. spiral wobbly ch edge beill. catch side spiral nice. SL FW nice speed, good expression, goes well with the music. nice easy 2A. i really hate this music. camel layover sit cannon layback ch sit inside upright. eh death drop inside traveling all over the place and barely finishes with her music. did I mention that I hate this music?
28.87 + 26.98 = 55.85
black velvet bodice with one shoulder and no back and a silvery chiffon skirt. very elegant and pretty
violin music
FW slowly not such great stroking. 3T-2T in liberty position. 3S nice/ flying camel. NICE beillman variant!. i like how she moves. side spital to back hold it longer girl ch edge spiral nice not a wobble nice beillman spiral. nice side spiral. nice 2A. sideways to layback in Kwan position. circle FW fast and comples slowing. not a big circle but very nioce and with the music. camel inside, beill variant sit ch jackknife pancake upright
The biellman variant is a kind of twisted half-beillman, looks very different than others Beillmans. I like it. I can see why Naomi likes this skater so much. There is much to like. He jump landings are a bit cheated and she does not have the difficulty that many of the top skaters have, but she moves very smoothly and interprets the music well. There's a lot to like.
25.70 + 18.50 = 44.20
black strapless with slim chiffon skirt and silver seuining
heroic music. child is FAST. 3Z-3T! steps to3F NICE. she's still a jock nice layback touch foot to head, to sideways lean nice. she really gets down into her crossovers, covers a lot of ice. spiral ch e nice position steady. half beill, waves arms. nice 2A. camel sit layback ch sit inside catch excellent speed through. SL fWdeathe drop nice inside crossfoot sit.
She is very happy and should be. She still skates very jockishly, but you can't help liking her. That 3T was a bit cheated on the landing and may be downgraded.
34.20 + 25.20 = 59.40
pink with criss crossy white straps and 3 tier skirt darkening to magenta
heroic music
3Z-2T nice. jazzy music/ arm waving steps to 3F wonky lancing slying came; inside halt beill. slinky music. nice 2A. arm waving. ugly spiral to nice side spiral nice f spiral ch edge steady back beill spiral ugly sideway lean to layback to beill. back to jazzy music SL FW slow carefully done. not selling it. camel sit cannon layback foot to head ch sit inside catchfoot.
Jazzy music for a skater who cannot sell it really doesn't work all that well.
28.43 + 25.31 = 53.74
bubblegum pink with chiffon sleeves and skirt. Pretty, but VERY pink. Korpi is, as usuall gorgeous
vilion music nice stroking. stalking 2L(?)-2T, steps tonice 3F. nice sideways lean to eh layback. good speed in circle FW but nicely gentle for hte music. music does not do much2A but she does a LOT with it. came;l nice sit cannon catch ch sit inside (traveling), sasha catchfoot. music gets more intense. spiral ch edge nice. back beillman nice catchfoot side axel sit spin outside and another position I missed.
I have seen Korpi only once before and i recall she is not so great in the jumps, otherwise, she is a lovely skater... just really lovely. She's lovely to look at and lovely to watch. BOY, does she look like Jenny Kirk!
23.84 + 21.00 = 44.84
white with slim skirt and white illusion midrif. very nice.
Symphonic Madonna Like a Prayer I hate this music.
good speed. beautiful 3Z-2T nice Split falling leaf. steps 3F hand down. since slide. sideways eh to eh layback to kwan layback. spiral wobbly ch edge beill. catch side spiral nice. SL FW nice speed, good expression, goes well with the music. nice easy 2A. i really hate this music. camel layover sit cannon layback ch sit inside upright. eh death drop inside traveling all over the place and barely finishes with her music. did I mention that I hate this music?
28.87 + 26.98 = 55.85
Monday, February 20, 2006
Figure Skating SPOILERS: Free Dance G5
Her white with full frontal illusion with white pasties with fringe hanging from them. Him: white and silver
Lots of arabian moves. upside down lunge lift, nice. lots of 2 foot skating. dance hold FW mostly by side rather than f2f. slow. crotch to crotch to low hydo lift. beillman-sit ch hamill -sit. tw ch tw. weird in and out nup andunder leg thingy. kinda gyno. tw rev tw. beillmann hydro lift. nice dance FW SLOOOOOOWING. nice edges but VERY slow. beillman rotational lift ch direction. He doesn't kiss the ice, but kisses his hand and touched the ice.
51.40 + 47.77 = 99.17 T = 195.85
Boy, Europeans are really stingy with the stuffed animals, aren't they? the sweepers don't seem to have anything to sweep except fringies and feathers.
herL red shiffon with open back and v waist. him: matador costume in maroon and gold. NICE.
interesting opening. sit-sit sit-camel beillman. tw rev tw. handless cantilever. serp FW nice, difficult. swing around SE lift on nice edge. tw rev tw. Kos a bit wobbly. matador song. NICE dance hold circle FW. did naka trip? head and shoulder over the others. NICE SE lift ch SE lift. double SE he goes down onf a knee getting up. beillman SE lift to rotational.
barring Belbin and Agosto, this really IS a gold medal winning performance. the program is incredibly difficult, they do it well, good speed through out. clean feet. very close holds. There hasn't been anyone today who skated who could touch that. while lots of people did easy stuff, pretty well, NavKos did hard stuff effortlessly. The only thing is that Navka is so fiery that she will never be a matador's cape. Kostamarov tried, but he just can't outshine her, not for a second.
51.73 + 49.64 = 101.37 T = 200.64
This is just going to be tough to beat.
him: black pants black and maroon shirt with cut outs and stones. her, about the same but red skirt.
nice arabian from him. difficult entry into dangerous handless SE lift with her on shoulder to rotational lift very fast and sure. sit-camel ch sit hamill. he nearly falls in their Circle FW but she catches him. unforuntately right in front of the judges. tw rev tw. nice unison in the dancing in place. outside SE lift nice. not a lot of dance holds in their Serp seq. she has a MAJOR wedgie. tw rev tw music swells. split SE lift to around neck one foot lift. NICE cantilever, he leans back. tangled up ending.
I like the Bulgarians, but i think they needed a perfect performance to win a medal and this wasn't it.
51.34 + 46.69 -2 = 96.03 T = 189.53
he's MAD. Likely, they will place 4th
her: red flamenco dress. Him: black pants and lace on shoulders and front.
They get a ROUSING WELCOME! American or not, excellence brings out fans.
nice flamenco character. SE lift VEry nice position to rotational one arm very nice/ tw rev tw nice unison. very smooth. hand in hand. very busy serp FW not many dance holds and not difficult ones. great choreo though. sit-layback ch sit hamill. nice speed. high one foot lift to low 1 ffoot lift. SE ch ch ch to hydro. tw rev tw so so unison audience slapping with music/ VERY fast circular steps tanith trips. stays up they slow. easy dance holds. tw. split rotational lift. audience goes WILD!
This is a better DANCE, but I don't feel like it's just as difficult as N&K. Their lifts are better, I think, but they fall short in using difficult dance holds while doing difficult steps.
50.24 + 47.93 = 98.17 T = 196.06
Navka is back stage crying. I think she saw how well they skated and thought that the judges were going to give it to B&A. Then she sees they have won and she smiles.
different costumes from SA. weird red, black and gold costumes I like his. hers, as usual is hideous.
I like this program at least as I saw it at SA. cantilever SE lift. but they kept the face gloves. high SE lift. serp FW he needs someone taller, that's their problem. nice swoopy FW. odd death spiral-ish. glove faces, the Italians like them. pairs sit. one foot handstand lift. tw rev tw slow to a crawl. shoot the duck lean on each other wild. nice circle FW using some difficult holds. SE lift from OD. ch edge SE!.
This is a fantastic program and they did it very very well. Whomever does their choreography deserves props for doing something so interesting and unusual.
51.43 + 48.07 = 99.50 T = 194.28
FOURTH! OHHHHHHH! They were close too, just 1.5 pts behind GruGon. They look very disappointed.
Real Time Results.
Her white with full frontal illusion with white pasties with fringe hanging from them. Him: white and silver
Lots of arabian moves. upside down lunge lift, nice. lots of 2 foot skating. dance hold FW mostly by side rather than f2f. slow. crotch to crotch to low hydo lift. beillman-sit ch hamill -sit. tw ch tw. weird in and out nup andunder leg thingy. kinda gyno. tw rev tw. beillmann hydro lift. nice dance FW SLOOOOOOWING. nice edges but VERY slow. beillman rotational lift ch direction. He doesn't kiss the ice, but kisses his hand and touched the ice.
51.40 + 47.77 = 99.17 T = 195.85
Boy, Europeans are really stingy with the stuffed animals, aren't they? the sweepers don't seem to have anything to sweep except fringies and feathers.
herL red shiffon with open back and v waist. him: matador costume in maroon and gold. NICE.
interesting opening. sit-sit sit-camel beillman. tw rev tw. handless cantilever. serp FW nice, difficult. swing around SE lift on nice edge. tw rev tw. Kos a bit wobbly. matador song. NICE dance hold circle FW. did naka trip? head and shoulder over the others. NICE SE lift ch SE lift. double SE he goes down onf a knee getting up. beillman SE lift to rotational.
barring Belbin and Agosto, this really IS a gold medal winning performance. the program is incredibly difficult, they do it well, good speed through out. clean feet. very close holds. There hasn't been anyone today who skated who could touch that. while lots of people did easy stuff, pretty well, NavKos did hard stuff effortlessly. The only thing is that Navka is so fiery that she will never be a matador's cape. Kostamarov tried, but he just can't outshine her, not for a second.
51.73 + 49.64 = 101.37 T = 200.64
This is just going to be tough to beat.
him: black pants black and maroon shirt with cut outs and stones. her, about the same but red skirt.
nice arabian from him. difficult entry into dangerous handless SE lift with her on shoulder to rotational lift very fast and sure. sit-camel ch sit hamill. he nearly falls in their Circle FW but she catches him. unforuntately right in front of the judges. tw rev tw. nice unison in the dancing in place. outside SE lift nice. not a lot of dance holds in their Serp seq. she has a MAJOR wedgie. tw rev tw music swells. split SE lift to around neck one foot lift. NICE cantilever, he leans back. tangled up ending.
I like the Bulgarians, but i think they needed a perfect performance to win a medal and this wasn't it.
51.34 + 46.69 -2 = 96.03 T = 189.53
he's MAD. Likely, they will place 4th
her: red flamenco dress. Him: black pants and lace on shoulders and front.
They get a ROUSING WELCOME! American or not, excellence brings out fans.
nice flamenco character. SE lift VEry nice position to rotational one arm very nice/ tw rev tw nice unison. very smooth. hand in hand. very busy serp FW not many dance holds and not difficult ones. great choreo though. sit-layback ch sit hamill. nice speed. high one foot lift to low 1 ffoot lift. SE ch ch ch to hydro. tw rev tw so so unison audience slapping with music/ VERY fast circular steps tanith trips. stays up they slow. easy dance holds. tw. split rotational lift. audience goes WILD!
This is a better DANCE, but I don't feel like it's just as difficult as N&K. Their lifts are better, I think, but they fall short in using difficult dance holds while doing difficult steps.
50.24 + 47.93 = 98.17 T = 196.06
Navka is back stage crying. I think she saw how well they skated and thought that the judges were going to give it to B&A. Then she sees they have won and she smiles.
different costumes from SA. weird red, black and gold costumes I like his. hers, as usual is hideous.
I like this program at least as I saw it at SA. cantilever SE lift. but they kept the face gloves. high SE lift. serp FW he needs someone taller, that's their problem. nice swoopy FW. odd death spiral-ish. glove faces, the Italians like them. pairs sit. one foot handstand lift. tw rev tw slow to a crawl. shoot the duck lean on each other wild. nice circle FW using some difficult holds. SE lift from OD. ch edge SE!.
This is a fantastic program and they did it very very well. Whomever does their choreography deserves props for doing something so interesting and unusual.
51.43 + 48.07 = 99.50 T = 194.28
FOURTH! OHHHHHHH! They were close too, just 1.5 pts behind GruGon. They look very disappointed.
Real Time Results.
Figure Skating SPOILERS: Free Dance G4
him: black pants, gold tunic. her: gold cloth and gold chiffon... very bright and to my mind quite attractive.
french vocal
sit-sit ch sit beillman. swoopy movements to swoopy music. sbs tw rev tw. nice dance holds he trips but stays up. serp FW. upside down beillman lift him one foot. tw rev tw nice unison. lots of arm waving but nicely done. close together in most holds. beillman se ch edge se lift. nice extension on both off them. split SE to beill cantilever. waltzy music. they waltz nicely. fast circle FW in dance hold. slowing but complex. beill rotational lift.
47.96 + 41.07 -1 88.03
Argh, I wish RTV would tell me what the deductions are for!
16 DROBIAZKO Margarita VANAGAS Povilas LTU
Him: black velvet with pink ruffle on deep v neck. her lovely pink chiffon with corset like bodice darkedning to dark link at bottom of skirt. Phantom of the Opera
pairs sit ch beillman sit. circle FW hand 2 hand mostly incredibly fast. flip into beillman low lift. nice. upside down one foot to SE lift, nice. swoopy high and low low to cantilever. tw rev tw nice unison hand 2 hand lots. tripish in serp FW. splie on ice. wild rotational lift w/change of direction.
49.80 + 45.39 = 95.19 T = 183.21
God, they look awful.
soundtrak from Prince of Egypt. tw rev tw. rotational lift ch position and fancy let down. serp FW nice and complex. she knee slide than he does then she does something else odd but impressive. cantilever from OD. music: Lullaby sit-sit spin. cantilever. wried on back lift. tw rev tw music ch "Deliver us". circle FW pretty good though. slowing. finally did the lift from yesterday right. nice ending.
A redeeming skate.
Crowd goes wild.
47.93 + 46.02 -1 = 92.95 T = 183.46
The saddest thing about this is that sans the fall in the OD and even sans the HUGE overmarking in the CD, I think they could have won a medal anyway. This was a very complex and very well performed dance. Yes, Barb does a lot more than Mauritzio. It's still good... and this is one of my favorite soundtraks.
18 DUBREUIL Marie-France LAUZON Patrice CAN
Apparently withdrew...
him blue velvet overall/tunic with sparkly belt and cream shirt. her barely there cream and gold with stones glued to her forehead. Her costume makes her look topless. it's all flesh toned sequins. and her hair is now an AWFUL shade of too red with horrible blonde highlights. YIPES.
Edgy stuff beillman shoot the duck. to rotational lift. tw rev tw sos so unison. pairs sit. fast serp FW simple holds though. T&D they ain't. awful entry to upside down SE lift. beill one foot lift. ch back one foot. circle FW mostly simple holds slowing to a crawl. hydro move. hand in the crotch rotational lift.
49.59 + 45.85 -1 = 94.44 T = 181.16
Real Time Results.
him: black pants, gold tunic. her: gold cloth and gold chiffon... very bright and to my mind quite attractive.
french vocal
sit-sit ch sit beillman. swoopy movements to swoopy music. sbs tw rev tw. nice dance holds he trips but stays up. serp FW. upside down beillman lift him one foot. tw rev tw nice unison. lots of arm waving but nicely done. close together in most holds. beillman se ch edge se lift. nice extension on both off them. split SE to beill cantilever. waltzy music. they waltz nicely. fast circle FW in dance hold. slowing but complex. beill rotational lift.
47.96 + 41.07 -1 88.03
Argh, I wish RTV would tell me what the deductions are for!
16 DROBIAZKO Margarita VANAGAS Povilas LTU
Him: black velvet with pink ruffle on deep v neck. her lovely pink chiffon with corset like bodice darkedning to dark link at bottom of skirt. Phantom of the Opera
pairs sit ch beillman sit. circle FW hand 2 hand mostly incredibly fast. flip into beillman low lift. nice. upside down one foot to SE lift, nice. swoopy high and low low to cantilever. tw rev tw nice unison hand 2 hand lots. tripish in serp FW. splie on ice. wild rotational lift w/change of direction.
49.80 + 45.39 = 95.19 T = 183.21
God, they look awful.
soundtrak from Prince of Egypt. tw rev tw. rotational lift ch position and fancy let down. serp FW nice and complex. she knee slide than he does then she does something else odd but impressive. cantilever from OD. music: Lullaby sit-sit spin. cantilever. wried on back lift. tw rev tw music ch "Deliver us". circle FW pretty good though. slowing. finally did the lift from yesterday right. nice ending.
A redeeming skate.
Crowd goes wild.
47.93 + 46.02 -1 = 92.95 T = 183.46
The saddest thing about this is that sans the fall in the OD and even sans the HUGE overmarking in the CD, I think they could have won a medal anyway. This was a very complex and very well performed dance. Yes, Barb does a lot more than Mauritzio. It's still good... and this is one of my favorite soundtraks.
18 DUBREUIL Marie-France LAUZON Patrice CAN
Apparently withdrew...
him blue velvet overall/tunic with sparkly belt and cream shirt. her barely there cream and gold with stones glued to her forehead. Her costume makes her look topless. it's all flesh toned sequins. and her hair is now an AWFUL shade of too red with horrible blonde highlights. YIPES.
Edgy stuff beillman shoot the duck. to rotational lift. tw rev tw sos so unison. pairs sit. fast serp FW simple holds though. T&D they ain't. awful entry to upside down SE lift. beill one foot lift. ch back one foot. circle FW mostly simple holds slowing to a crawl. hydro move. hand in the crotch rotational lift.
49.59 + 45.85 -1 = 94.44 T = 181.16
Real Time Results.
Figure Skating SPOILERS: Free Dance G3
Romeo and Juliet??
herL pink chiffon... she's a brunette now! Him: still delightfully blond in maroon velvet romeo costume with pink sleeves and big cross on his back
posing and dancing in place. capey thing under his leg. catach root one arm rotational lift. looks dangerous. high low FW upy down to upy downy prokofiev. slow dance hold FW mucis get wilder. f tw rev tw nice SL fW but slow. stroking. ugly beillman SE lift ch ch. lay out cantilever lift to one armed rotational lift with his hand HELD between her thighs right in her crotch, DEDUCTION PLEASE. ugly beillman-sit to hamill-nice sit. fast dance hold FW close at shoulder far apart at hip. fumbling a little. stoking. moiving death spiral interesting. back to uppy down prokofiev. hand stand on knee SE lift. and she dies on him.
This is about the best I've ever seen them skate... but I don't think I like her with brown hair. She's WAY old to be Juliet, but somehow, this works for them. In replay, they had some really poor unison in their twizzles.
45.17 + 36.47 = 81.64 T = 159.15
Nope, no deduction...
11 WING Megan LOWE Aaron CAN
him: black velvet with stones her blue velvet with looong half skirt
This isn't copiella. Ah, a tango. tw rev tw. hydro nice. a tango waltz? killian and h2h circle FW slowing. beillman rotational lift stop he turns other way, pretty nice actually, clean controlled feet and pretty fast. back to tango. f tw rev tw. UGLY beill-sit ch sit-sit. beillman upside down se ch egde se lift. lift i missed? fast h2h stuff. f2f killian. tw. killian holds. not really any tango character to speak of. split rotational lift, he has nice feet. posing and dancing in place. unison in twizzles only okay.
48.20 + 37.61 = 85.81 T = 166.40
12 FAIELLA Federica SCALI Massimo ITA
him: cornflower blue pants and sewater with darker cornflower diagonal her blue and cornflower chiffon. Sounds awful, but I like it actually
looked like a fall and a good save sit-sit ch sit martini(him) NICE. he's as flexible as can be. hand to hand but moves but nice. ugly beuillman SE ch edge SE lift. very swoopy lots of arm waving. slow swoopy FW getting slower. really slow. stroking SL FW tw out of unison rev tw out of unison. airy pipe music. interesting hydro move. mostly hand 2 hand holds HEY SHE cantilevers HIM in nice gender-bender lift! he cantilevers her in beillman with her knee supported on his skate. tw rev tw better unison. far apart in holds. lots of killian and hand 2 hand. circle FW really pushing but slowing. flat SE lift to rotational lift nice.
They are very happy and they did a good job, for them. The crowd GOES WILD Standing O!
47.87 + 40.05 = 87.92 T = 164.37
13 KERR Sinead KERR John GBR
him black with gray insets. her red skirt with gray bodice, kind of ugly... but oh, it's BraveHeart or similar music...
fast. handstand on SE ch edge SE. hydro death spiral. pairs sit very low. weird hopscotch move step dancing holds. hand 2 hand holds. bag pipes. oh help! tw. slowing slowing. lots of bouncing. and kicking. stroking. beillmann rotational lift w/scary footwork. slower music drummy. mirror FW twt rev tw. clog dancing violins. dance holds. slow circle fw. so complex hold changes though. hand 2 hand Se lift. clog dancing in place. hand 2 hand holds moving fast but not doing anything tough. wonky SE lift to wonky rotational lift.
46.00 + 39.57 = 85.57 T = 167.43
him: black and hot pink with curly whirly sequins all over her: pink top, black panty with 3/4 skirt that does not cover her whole front. God, these are ugly costumes.
is this The Feeling begins?
misk-Dimitriev spin ch something else i missed. neat slide through SE move. tw ch tw. handless crotch to crotch cantilever. almost fall is really a split? wow low move supported her head on his foot behind him! circle FW slowing but nice lots of ducking under legs and arms some nicely done. one foot upside down lift. some nice dancy moves. lots of hand2hand holds slowing badly. stoking. beillman on neck lift really ugly upside down crotch shot lift. split rotational lift nicely done.
47.75 + 38.68 = 86.43 T = 164.48
Is it just me or should about 3/4 of the "ladies" in this take a costume deduction for not having a real skirt?
Romeo and Juliet??
herL pink chiffon... she's a brunette now! Him: still delightfully blond in maroon velvet romeo costume with pink sleeves and big cross on his back
posing and dancing in place. capey thing under his leg. catach root one arm rotational lift. looks dangerous. high low FW upy down to upy downy prokofiev. slow dance hold FW mucis get wilder. f tw rev tw nice SL fW but slow. stroking. ugly beillman SE lift ch ch. lay out cantilever lift to one armed rotational lift with his hand HELD between her thighs right in her crotch, DEDUCTION PLEASE. ugly beillman-sit to hamill-nice sit. fast dance hold FW close at shoulder far apart at hip. fumbling a little. stoking. moiving death spiral interesting. back to uppy down prokofiev. hand stand on knee SE lift. and she dies on him.
This is about the best I've ever seen them skate... but I don't think I like her with brown hair. She's WAY old to be Juliet, but somehow, this works for them. In replay, they had some really poor unison in their twizzles.
45.17 + 36.47 = 81.64 T = 159.15
Nope, no deduction...
11 WING Megan LOWE Aaron CAN
him: black velvet with stones her blue velvet with looong half skirt
This isn't copiella. Ah, a tango. tw rev tw. hydro nice. a tango waltz? killian and h2h circle FW slowing. beillman rotational lift stop he turns other way, pretty nice actually, clean controlled feet and pretty fast. back to tango. f tw rev tw. UGLY beill-sit ch sit-sit. beillman upside down se ch egde se lift. lift i missed? fast h2h stuff. f2f killian. tw. killian holds. not really any tango character to speak of. split rotational lift, he has nice feet. posing and dancing in place. unison in twizzles only okay.
48.20 + 37.61 = 85.81 T = 166.40
12 FAIELLA Federica SCALI Massimo ITA
him: cornflower blue pants and sewater with darker cornflower diagonal her blue and cornflower chiffon. Sounds awful, but I like it actually
looked like a fall and a good save sit-sit ch sit martini(him) NICE. he's as flexible as can be. hand to hand but moves but nice. ugly beuillman SE ch edge SE lift. very swoopy lots of arm waving. slow swoopy FW getting slower. really slow. stroking SL FW tw out of unison rev tw out of unison. airy pipe music. interesting hydro move. mostly hand 2 hand holds HEY SHE cantilevers HIM in nice gender-bender lift! he cantilevers her in beillman with her knee supported on his skate. tw rev tw better unison. far apart in holds. lots of killian and hand 2 hand. circle FW really pushing but slowing. flat SE lift to rotational lift nice.
They are very happy and they did a good job, for them. The crowd GOES WILD Standing O!
47.87 + 40.05 = 87.92 T = 164.37
13 KERR Sinead KERR John GBR
him black with gray insets. her red skirt with gray bodice, kind of ugly... but oh, it's BraveHeart or similar music...
fast. handstand on SE ch edge SE. hydro death spiral. pairs sit very low. weird hopscotch move step dancing holds. hand 2 hand holds. bag pipes. oh help! tw. slowing slowing. lots of bouncing. and kicking. stroking. beillmann rotational lift w/scary footwork. slower music drummy. mirror FW twt rev tw. clog dancing violins. dance holds. slow circle fw. so complex hold changes though. hand 2 hand Se lift. clog dancing in place. hand 2 hand holds moving fast but not doing anything tough. wonky SE lift to wonky rotational lift.
46.00 + 39.57 = 85.57 T = 167.43
him: black and hot pink with curly whirly sequins all over her: pink top, black panty with 3/4 skirt that does not cover her whole front. God, these are ugly costumes.
is this The Feeling begins?
misk-Dimitriev spin ch something else i missed. neat slide through SE move. tw ch tw. handless crotch to crotch cantilever. almost fall is really a split? wow low move supported her head on his foot behind him! circle FW slowing but nice lots of ducking under legs and arms some nicely done. one foot upside down lift. some nice dancy moves. lots of hand2hand holds slowing badly. stoking. beillman on neck lift really ugly upside down crotch shot lift. split rotational lift nicely done.
47.75 + 38.68 = 86.43 T = 164.48
Is it just me or should about 3/4 of the "ladies" in this take a costume deduction for not having a real skirt?
Figure Skating SPOILERS: Free Dance G2
Him: black with black illusion insets. his chest, shaved but not scrawny hubba hubba her: black pants AND a skirt with black top, lots of cut outs and silver sequining. Long strippy skirt which is really only kind o a skirt.
sexy opening to single string bluesy music. sit sit ch sit invert camel. sbs tw more sbs tw. almost overhead lift with her upside down and him on one foot. him knee slide turn her high and low tuns. very fast. unison breaks. awkward in dance holds. unison breaks. nice speed. nice BO SE lift (same as from from delobel last night). sbs tw, rev tw blues speeds up. still very sexy dance. lots of hand in hand skating. interesting BO SE lift with her hands on his knees holding her own body out from his. FW in dance holds simple, but effective. not close together though. too much bounce in this tea,. lots of arm waving. beillmann spiral lift nice to BO SE lift
45.26 + 31.88 =77.14 T=148.24
him: blue pants, gray vest, white shirt and cravat. her marroom velvet with too long skirt. white criss cross on bodice.
generic male ballad in french
nice I SE split lift vaguely indecent though. to rotations nice F tw en rev tw. nice speed. dance hold FW circle. slowing. fumble with the hold. hand to hand holds. another GMB vocal. "she stands on his crotch" lift, then lays down on his knee hydro lift... almost makes my dirty mind overflow the gutter nice hydro lift though. good storytelling though. sit-camel ch sit sit spin. stroking. cantilevel lift. nice. sbs tw rev tw slowing tiring. dance holds lots of SBS holds. Killian and hand in hand. slowing. shoot the duck rotational lift... nice one actually.
Simple but clean feet
43.66 + 33.99 -1 76.65
Did they take a deduction for that crotch standing lift?
him black with illusion and red. Her black and red
Modern tango
danceing in place. stroking. nice beillman SE lift to rotational lift. nice cape move al la T&D. split ch split SE lift. kinda slow. F tw, rev tw. dance holds FW killiant and cross hands killian f2f. still slow. f tw rev tw nice but slow. nice edge work. hand in hand. actually pretty beill I Se lift to split hydro lift. beill-sit ch sit-sit. drummy music/ dance holds FW slowing. slowing... slloooooowing nice rotational lift.
This was a nice tango, but where was Jaime's smile? Okay, I admit a HUGE soft spot for Ms Silverstein that has nothing to do with skating. She's a good kid and very talented. Considering this is their first year, they did pretty darn good.
44.60 + 32.27 = 76.87 T = 150.40
Jaiime does not look that happy and Igor S is telling her how well they have done and now she looks happier.
Him: black overall and HORRIBLE orange neon shirt. Her: you guess it ORANGE NEON, with illusion midrif skirt longer in back but at least HAS a skirt in front.
f tw poor rev tw poor unison. miserable character/ beill squat lift. frenetic ndace holds lots of stroking. circle FW killina hand 2hand killian, TW, hand 2 hand. drummy music. f tw rev tw poor unison. low FW through legs lots of arm waving and stroking. pushing eachother UGLY beillman lift another ugly beillman SE lift. violin music wrap around guy SE lift to ugly beillman rotational lift him: nice footwork. pairs sit nice and low. guitar music calppy kind. dance holds mostly killian and hand in hand. very slow. f TW. beillman hydro lift.
he's waving his fist like they skated good... and I guess they did... for them. But this wasn't very flemenco-ey and though they did a LOT of beillmans it really wasn't all that dancy.
44.94 + 32.96 = 77.90 T = 149.47
I would not have rated this program over Silverstein, but they ended up behind them overall, si i guess I can handle it.
9 WATANABE Nozomi KIDO Akiyuki JPN
Her: pink and yellow with long skirt. looks like yesterday. him gray tux with pink inset. another fugly costumer
playful music i could have danced all night
lift. hand to hand dance FW very far apart. slow FW stroking. he does a waltz jump. stand on crotch lift to held under back spiral lift. pose and dance. f TW ch f tw beillman hydro ch hydro lift. pairs sit ch sit-camel. posing dancing in place. f tw ch f tw. hydro spiral. hand in hand arm waving. killian FW circle FW he trips on 3 turn puts free foot down. f tw. nice progeressives. good speed but not doing ANYTHING beillman rotational list nice feet.
not many highlights cause they didn't DO much. This was a very empty program.
45.77 + 33.10 = 78.87 T = 153.41
Pretty poor protocol judging here because Watanabe and Kido should NOT have beat all the teams here much less most of them.
Him: black with black illusion insets. his chest, shaved but not scrawny hubba hubba her: black pants AND a skirt with black top, lots of cut outs and silver sequining. Long strippy skirt which is really only kind o a skirt.
sexy opening to single string bluesy music. sit sit ch sit invert camel. sbs tw more sbs tw. almost overhead lift with her upside down and him on one foot. him knee slide turn her high and low tuns. very fast. unison breaks. awkward in dance holds. unison breaks. nice speed. nice BO SE lift (same as from from delobel last night). sbs tw, rev tw blues speeds up. still very sexy dance. lots of hand in hand skating. interesting BO SE lift with her hands on his knees holding her own body out from his. FW in dance holds simple, but effective. not close together though. too much bounce in this tea,. lots of arm waving. beillmann spiral lift nice to BO SE lift
45.26 + 31.88 =77.14 T=148.24
him: blue pants, gray vest, white shirt and cravat. her marroom velvet with too long skirt. white criss cross on bodice.
generic male ballad in french
nice I SE split lift vaguely indecent though. to rotations nice F tw en rev tw. nice speed. dance hold FW circle. slowing. fumble with the hold. hand to hand holds. another GMB vocal. "she stands on his crotch" lift, then lays down on his knee hydro lift... almost makes my dirty mind overflow the gutter nice hydro lift though. good storytelling though. sit-camel ch sit sit spin. stroking. cantilevel lift. nice. sbs tw rev tw slowing tiring. dance holds lots of SBS holds. Killian and hand in hand. slowing. shoot the duck rotational lift... nice one actually.
Simple but clean feet
43.66 + 33.99 -1 76.65
Did they take a deduction for that crotch standing lift?
him black with illusion and red. Her black and red
Modern tango
danceing in place. stroking. nice beillman SE lift to rotational lift. nice cape move al la T&D. split ch split SE lift. kinda slow. F tw, rev tw. dance holds FW killiant and cross hands killian f2f. still slow. f tw rev tw nice but slow. nice edge work. hand in hand. actually pretty beill I Se lift to split hydro lift. beill-sit ch sit-sit. drummy music/ dance holds FW slowing. slowing... slloooooowing nice rotational lift.
This was a nice tango, but where was Jaime's smile? Okay, I admit a HUGE soft spot for Ms Silverstein that has nothing to do with skating. She's a good kid and very talented. Considering this is their first year, they did pretty darn good.
44.60 + 32.27 = 76.87 T = 150.40
Jaiime does not look that happy and Igor S is telling her how well they have done and now she looks happier.
Him: black overall and HORRIBLE orange neon shirt. Her: you guess it ORANGE NEON, with illusion midrif skirt longer in back but at least HAS a skirt in front.
f tw poor rev tw poor unison. miserable character/ beill squat lift. frenetic ndace holds lots of stroking. circle FW killina hand 2hand killian, TW, hand 2 hand. drummy music. f tw rev tw poor unison. low FW through legs lots of arm waving and stroking. pushing eachother UGLY beillman lift another ugly beillman SE lift. violin music wrap around guy SE lift to ugly beillman rotational lift him: nice footwork. pairs sit nice and low. guitar music calppy kind. dance holds mostly killian and hand in hand. very slow. f TW. beillman hydro lift.
he's waving his fist like they skated good... and I guess they did... for them. But this wasn't very flemenco-ey and though they did a LOT of beillmans it really wasn't all that dancy.
44.94 + 32.96 = 77.90 T = 149.47
I would not have rated this program over Silverstein, but they ended up behind them overall, si i guess I can handle it.
9 WATANABE Nozomi KIDO Akiyuki JPN
Her: pink and yellow with long skirt. looks like yesterday. him gray tux with pink inset. another fugly costumer
playful music i could have danced all night
lift. hand to hand dance FW very far apart. slow FW stroking. he does a waltz jump. stand on crotch lift to held under back spiral lift. pose and dance. f TW ch f tw beillman hydro ch hydro lift. pairs sit ch sit-camel. posing dancing in place. f tw ch f tw. hydro spiral. hand in hand arm waving. killian FW circle FW he trips on 3 turn puts free foot down. f tw. nice progeressives. good speed but not doing ANYTHING beillman rotational list nice feet.
not many highlights cause they didn't DO much. This was a very empty program.
45.77 + 33.10 = 78.87 T = 153.41
Pretty poor protocol judging here because Watanabe and Kido should NOT have beat all the teams here much less most of them.
Figure Skating SPOILERS: Free Dance G1
I missed the first team and most of the second. I was making lunch.
Golovina and Voiko UKR (?)
him: black and purple. Her, purple with skirt on one side and black chiffon on other. I like his shirt and he's a cutie too!
I didn't see much of this team but EVERYthing she did was in freaking beillman position!
FD = 64.69 128.49
Zaretski and Zaretski ISR
her maroon velvet with lots of cut outs. Men, look closely at what she doesn't show cause it ain't much! Him, black velvet and blond, very fun to look at...
sit-sit ch sit-martini. FW in varying holds, mostly hand 2 hand. slowing. not smooth, lots of pushing. beillman cantilever low lift. sbs SL FW, Tw out of unison. lots of bad Tw. nice "she holds his foot he holds hers" spiral. now arabian music goes broadway. slowing to a DEAD halt in circle FW. beillmann SE lift to rotational lift not so good. splits on ice, swing her around. no handed leg round the neck not quite gyno lift. what DOES this have to do with the music? cantilever lift. lotsa stroking SBS hydro moves.
UGLY BEILLMANIA comes to ice dance. EVERYTHING is done in the Beillman position, no matter HOW ugly. SOMEONE GET ME A SLUTSKAYA RULE! PLEASE ISU! Please!
And we get the incomparable Zhenya Platov in the K&C again! Hi Zhenya!
43.90 + 27.18 = 71 08 T = 135.80
Grebenkina and Azrojan ARM
Him: all white Lascar costume with orange socks. Her ALL blue, even tights with very brief skirt... basically NO skirt in front. and backless.
Annoyingly weird Indian music? ugly double beillman low lift. stroking. stoking poor split on shoulder lift worse beillman pairs sit ch weird sit. posing and dancing in place. stroking hand in hand while arm waving. far apart dance holds FW. not very finished at all. VERy slow. drummy music/ ugly SBS FW. more beillmans. ch of indian music. one foot wrap around neck lift to SE lift. SBS TW not bad. more slow dance hold FW. slowing to a crawl. hand in hand stoking. another beillman list rotational this time.
In replays, he has kind of nice feet.
FD = 69.88 T = 137.99
Golovina and Voiko UKR (?)
him: black and purple. Her, purple with skirt on one side and black chiffon on other. I like his shirt and he's a cutie too!
I didn't see much of this team but EVERYthing she did was in freaking beillman position!
FD = 64.69 128.49
Zaretski and Zaretski ISR
her maroon velvet with lots of cut outs. Men, look closely at what she doesn't show cause it ain't much! Him, black velvet and blond, very fun to look at...
sit-sit ch sit-martini. FW in varying holds, mostly hand 2 hand. slowing. not smooth, lots of pushing. beillman cantilever low lift. sbs SL FW, Tw out of unison. lots of bad Tw. nice "she holds his foot he holds hers" spiral. now arabian music goes broadway. slowing to a DEAD halt in circle FW. beillmann SE lift to rotational lift not so good. splits on ice, swing her around. no handed leg round the neck not quite gyno lift. what DOES this have to do with the music? cantilever lift. lotsa stroking SBS hydro moves.
UGLY BEILLMANIA comes to ice dance. EVERYTHING is done in the Beillman position, no matter HOW ugly. SOMEONE GET ME A SLUTSKAYA RULE! PLEASE ISU! Please!
And we get the incomparable Zhenya Platov in the K&C again! Hi Zhenya!
43.90 + 27.18 = 71 08 T = 135.80
Grebenkina and Azrojan ARM
Him: all white Lascar costume with orange socks. Her ALL blue, even tights with very brief skirt... basically NO skirt in front. and backless.
Annoyingly weird Indian music? ugly double beillman low lift. stroking. stoking poor split on shoulder lift worse beillman pairs sit ch weird sit. posing and dancing in place. stroking hand in hand while arm waving. far apart dance holds FW. not very finished at all. VERy slow. drummy music/ ugly SBS FW. more beillmans. ch of indian music. one foot wrap around neck lift to SE lift. SBS TW not bad. more slow dance hold FW. slowing to a crawl. hand in hand stoking. another beillman list rotational this time.
In replays, he has kind of nice feet.
FD = 69.88 T = 137.99
Sunday, February 19, 2006
Figure Skating Fame
Everyone gets their 15 minutes. This, I guess, is mine! I've been called a "trainwreck." But I've never made a top ten, until tonight! I get this email tonight that says my blog has been chosen as a top ten blog for the 2006 Winter Olympics. Who the heck are the people who chose me? I don't know! I'm just excited and honored to be chosen.

Is that awesome or what?
Is that awesome or what?
Figure Skating SPOILERS: Original Dance G4-ish
20 DUBREUIL Marie-France / LAUZON Patrice CAN 4 37.44
him: black with white thing across the front. Her white with deep illusion V with strategically placed sequins and weird skirt half flowy half not not very latiny at all
samba: SL FW very close slowing but clean slooooooowing. stoppinggggggg. rhumba: nice knee slide posing. eh character. glide lift with her VERY high, i'd deduct. camel/sit ch sit/sit wonky and slow. Samba: no character to speak of. dia FW nice edges lots of ducking under. rotation lift HORRIBLE FALL!!!!! (program ends) He just totally lost hold of her and she's leaned over and cannon stand straight. her knee I think? She HOPS off the ice.and he carries her to the K&C.
It's a VERY dangerous lift with him holding her by ONLY her knee and the main force of her hands grasped around his arm. We'll see this OVER and over. It was a cringer. I feel faintly ill.
27.47 + 28.89 -2 = 54.36 T = 91.80
21 FAIELLA Federica / SCALI Massimo ITA 10 33.20
him: black velvet with BIG yellow inset. her: yellow dress with monokini cut outs with LONG chiffon trailies in the back
cha: dia FW? far apart for together FW SL FW close decent speed BAD unison, slowing. nice character though. Rhumba: flat SE lift her: in almost attractive beill. facing sit spin ch him AWESOME catch foot awesome but slows to a stop. salsa: their footwork is kind awkward and slow from step to step (not across the ice) FALL, he kicks her leg, she goes down, takes him down too. they are having a hard time getting back into it... maybe 5-10 sec disruption. poor split in rotational lift.
21.92 + 24.33 -3 = 43.25 T = 76.45
22 NAVKA Tatiana / KOSTOMAROV Roman RUS 2 38.20
Him: black velvet with DEEEP V. nice. her: my daughters have a bathing suit like this... leopard but in blue and brown. blue bustle but no real skirt nothing much to speak of in front. This should get a BIG costume deduction.
SBS SL FW unison breaks but great speed and nice TW more unison breaks/ fantastic character. posing dancing in place rhumba: fact2face sit ch ugly beill. nice SE lift her in ugly beill, slight inside edge. speed speed speed but uneasy in the dia FW off balance a bit. salsa: he gets into this. weird her in shoot the duck rotational lift.
This was not their best program. With other of the teams before them falling, i wonder if they are a little shaken. They MUST get a costume deduction for that showgirlish non skirt. Shot of Navka crossing herself, praying and kissing something, a religious medal, perhaps
30.39 + 30.68 = 61.07 T = 99.27
23 FUSAR POLI Barbara / MARGAGLIO Maurizio ITA 1 38.78
Him: black with deep v neck NICE chest, her: BARELY there! green skirt in front, pink and longer in back. flowers all over her boobs but no top to speak of. This DEFINITELLY should get a costume deduction!
cha: cutsie opening. SL FW fast fast and nice; okay but his revTW are weak. they have character TO SPARE. Rhumba: nice cantilever lift weird sit nice, posing. salsa: dia FW slowing. good character nice entry to rotational lift. then FALL. she got away from him.
She is hiding her face, trying hard not to cry.
24.33 + 29.40 = -2 51.73 t = 90.51
24 BELBIN Tanith / AGOSTO Benjamin USA 6 37.36
Him: black velvet deep V neck Her: new red dress with illusion midrif and poofy skirt
salsa: dia FW nice speed close clean rhumba: GOOD character first pair that's had it. very smooth. lots of speed. good attack. SE lift with change of position and height. sit/layback ch nice sit/hamil. salsa: posing dancing in place. SL FW close good speed over ice. unison break, TW weaker than N&K. nice rotational lift with change of position. Their energy was incredible and character was excellent through out. best character over all.
I'd have them in first and not just because I'm American. They were fabulous.
30.54 + 29.99 = 60.53 T = 97.89 2nd place.
They should have won this section. they were head and shoulders in PCS better than anyone else. Wrong... but truthfully, not TOTALLY WRONG. They didn't skate while Russian. There is NO WAY they should be TWO points behind N&K though. NO FREAKING WAY. Belbin and Agusto had a lot of difficulty and did it very well and they skated ALL OUT. N&K were tentative. But granted, N&K had neater feet.
(correction: BelAgo were about 0.5 pts behind NavKos in the original dance. That I can WAY deal with. The extra point and a half NavKos are ahead is left over from the CD, which I can also WAY deal with. As y'all can tell, I get really excited about all this.)
Interviewing Navka who saw F-P&M fall and was horrified and obviously upset over it. Kostamarov is, BTW, orange. I am also nominating Kostamarov for the "Most Chest Shown in the OD" award. It's a nice chest, but whoa, boy, either take it ALL off or leave it ALL ON!
him: black with white thing across the front. Her white with deep illusion V with strategically placed sequins and weird skirt half flowy half not not very latiny at all
samba: SL FW very close slowing but clean slooooooowing. stoppinggggggg. rhumba: nice knee slide posing. eh character. glide lift with her VERY high, i'd deduct. camel/sit ch sit/sit wonky and slow. Samba: no character to speak of. dia FW nice edges lots of ducking under. rotation lift HORRIBLE FALL!!!!! (program ends) He just totally lost hold of her and she's leaned over and cannon stand straight. her knee I think? She HOPS off the ice.and he carries her to the K&C.
It's a VERY dangerous lift with him holding her by ONLY her knee and the main force of her hands grasped around his arm. We'll see this OVER and over. It was a cringer. I feel faintly ill.
27.47 + 28.89 -2 = 54.36 T = 91.80
21 FAIELLA Federica / SCALI Massimo ITA 10 33.20
him: black velvet with BIG yellow inset. her: yellow dress with monokini cut outs with LONG chiffon trailies in the back
cha: dia FW? far apart for together FW SL FW close decent speed BAD unison, slowing. nice character though. Rhumba: flat SE lift her: in almost attractive beill. facing sit spin ch him AWESOME catch foot awesome but slows to a stop. salsa: their footwork is kind awkward and slow from step to step (not across the ice) FALL, he kicks her leg, she goes down, takes him down too. they are having a hard time getting back into it... maybe 5-10 sec disruption. poor split in rotational lift.
21.92 + 24.33 -3 = 43.25 T = 76.45
22 NAVKA Tatiana / KOSTOMAROV Roman RUS 2 38.20
Him: black velvet with DEEEP V. nice. her: my daughters have a bathing suit like this... leopard but in blue and brown. blue bustle but no real skirt nothing much to speak of in front. This should get a BIG costume deduction.
SBS SL FW unison breaks but great speed and nice TW more unison breaks/ fantastic character. posing dancing in place rhumba: fact2face sit ch ugly beill. nice SE lift her in ugly beill, slight inside edge. speed speed speed but uneasy in the dia FW off balance a bit. salsa: he gets into this. weird her in shoot the duck rotational lift.
This was not their best program. With other of the teams before them falling, i wonder if they are a little shaken. They MUST get a costume deduction for that showgirlish non skirt. Shot of Navka crossing herself, praying and kissing something, a religious medal, perhaps
30.39 + 30.68 = 61.07 T = 99.27
23 FUSAR POLI Barbara / MARGAGLIO Maurizio ITA 1 38.78
Him: black with deep v neck NICE chest, her: BARELY there! green skirt in front, pink and longer in back. flowers all over her boobs but no top to speak of. This DEFINITELLY should get a costume deduction!
cha: cutsie opening. SL FW fast fast and nice; okay but his revTW are weak. they have character TO SPARE. Rhumba: nice cantilever lift weird sit nice, posing. salsa: dia FW slowing. good character nice entry to rotational lift. then FALL. she got away from him.
She is hiding her face, trying hard not to cry.
24.33 + 29.40 = -2 51.73 t = 90.51
24 BELBIN Tanith / AGOSTO Benjamin USA 6 37.36
Him: black velvet deep V neck Her: new red dress with illusion midrif and poofy skirt
salsa: dia FW nice speed close clean rhumba: GOOD character first pair that's had it. very smooth. lots of speed. good attack. SE lift with change of position and height. sit/layback ch nice sit/hamil. salsa: posing dancing in place. SL FW close good speed over ice. unison break, TW weaker than N&K. nice rotational lift with change of position. Their energy was incredible and character was excellent through out. best character over all.
I'd have them in first and not just because I'm American. They were fabulous.
30.54 + 29.99 = 60.53 T = 97.89 2nd place.
They should have won this section. they were head and shoulders in PCS better than anyone else. Wrong... but truthfully, not TOTALLY WRONG. They didn't skate while Russian. There is NO WAY they should be TWO points behind N&K though. NO FREAKING WAY. Belbin and Agusto had a lot of difficulty and did it very well and they skated ALL OUT. N&K were tentative. But granted, N&K had neater feet.
(correction: BelAgo were about 0.5 pts behind NavKos in the original dance. That I can WAY deal with. The extra point and a half NavKos are ahead is left over from the CD, which I can also WAY deal with. As y'all can tell, I get really excited about all this.)
Interviewing Navka who saw F-P&M fall and was horrified and obviously upset over it. Kostamarov is, BTW, orange. I am also nominating Kostamarov for the "Most Chest Shown in the OD" award. It's a nice chest, but whoa, boy, either take it ALL off or leave it ALL ON!
Figure Skating SPOILERS: Original Dance G3-ish
Drobiasko and Vanagas LIT
him: black w/deep V. Her:red and barely there
Samba: lots of posing. nice samba character but slow. SBS SL FW close together nice edges nice TW. ugly beillman spin ch hop-mistake weird low spin. Rhumba: decent character I guess hip motion is impossible on ice. her: upside down beillman not ugly, him standing on one foot lift. Cha: dia FW FALL BAD she prat falls. he falls ON her. split rotational; lift. his footwork clean, but fast.
Boy, HE sure is fun to look at, one long, cooooool drink of water.
They fucked themselves with that fall though...
28.81 + 26.98 -3 = 52.79 T = 88.02
Domnina and Shabalin RUS
him: blue pants, her: revenge of the fringies 5,6 and 7. red white and blue with glitter tattoos(on illusion but it works in person).
Rhumba: but they have tango character. nice SL FW slow, lovely unison, goes great with the music. SE lift with her high,Him: on flat. character improving. Salsa: sit spin ch UGLY beill. dia FW slow but lovely edges very smooth but not good for this dance. ugly beill rotation lift. This team gets the Salsa at least.
26.66 + 25.70 = 52.36 T = 85.73
Grushina and Goncharov UKR
him: black pants hot pink shirt with deep illusion V. Her hot pink with bar midrif one pink sleeve and LOTS of illusion, fringies on skirt
Samba: nice character. SBS SL FW. slow but clean. VERY close together. weaker rev-TW. VERY slow now. Rhumba, vluesy: eh character. nice cantilever lift good arch in her back. ugly beill spin ch sit/hamill. Salsa: dia FW very slow but clean. beill-split rotation lift, him: NICE feet.
29.22 + 30.07 = 59.29 T = 96.68
Delobel and Shadenfreud FRA
him: white shirt and pants with yellow headband with long tails--looks like a karate gi, her: yellow dress with HUGE illusion front and strategically placed sequined pasties and LONG revenge of the fringe skirt. this is better than the green monstrosity she wore at SA.
Mambo: nice samba rolls. SL FW slow and no character but clean Rhumba: NICE outer SE low lift with her in full stretch cantilevered on one knee... SPECTACULAR, unique lift (was that there at SA??). Dia FW nice but no chacracter. nice pairs sit travel mambo: better character. samba rolls not so good. split rotational; lift nice footwork. Seems like she does a lot more with her feet than he does. he is HUGE compared to her and wearing all white does NOTHIng for him, except make the string bean look fat.
28.91 + 29.43 = 58.34 T = 94.78
I am not sure this really high score is deserved... the tech certainly, but their character was poor throughout. REALLY poor.
Denkova and Staviski BUL
Him: black with BIG deep V neck w/illusion. her hot pink over pale pink
Salsa: he has GREAT character. SBS SL FW close together, nice character through, decent speed, very clean feet. Rhumba: too much Paso character from him though, Gosh, but he MAKES you watch him and is not disappointing--whooo hooo hot hot HOT! dia FW SE lift with her upside downa dn unsupported. something weird happened in the dance spin, i think he never got off the ground. Samba: dia FW? getting tired. headbangerish knee hold again in rotational lift, he had really lost steam and his feet were SCARY. Almost got away from him.
26.62 + 29.23 = 55.85 T = 93.50
I think maybe they were a teeny bit undermarked on the tech, but only a teeny bit. I would have had them in second and Delobel in 3rd, but that's all.
him: black w/deep V. Her:red and barely there
Samba: lots of posing. nice samba character but slow. SBS SL FW close together nice edges nice TW. ugly beillman spin ch hop-mistake weird low spin. Rhumba: decent character I guess hip motion is impossible on ice. her: upside down beillman not ugly, him standing on one foot lift. Cha: dia FW FALL BAD she prat falls. he falls ON her. split rotational; lift. his footwork clean, but fast.
Boy, HE sure is fun to look at, one long, cooooool drink of water.
They fucked themselves with that fall though...
28.81 + 26.98 -3 = 52.79 T = 88.02
Domnina and Shabalin RUS
him: blue pants, her: revenge of the fringies 5,6 and 7. red white and blue with glitter tattoos(on illusion but it works in person).
Rhumba: but they have tango character. nice SL FW slow, lovely unison, goes great with the music. SE lift with her high,Him: on flat. character improving. Salsa: sit spin ch UGLY beill. dia FW slow but lovely edges very smooth but not good for this dance. ugly beill rotation lift. This team gets the Salsa at least.
26.66 + 25.70 = 52.36 T = 85.73
Grushina and Goncharov UKR
him: black pants hot pink shirt with deep illusion V. Her hot pink with bar midrif one pink sleeve and LOTS of illusion, fringies on skirt
Samba: nice character. SBS SL FW. slow but clean. VERY close together. weaker rev-TW. VERY slow now. Rhumba, vluesy: eh character. nice cantilever lift good arch in her back. ugly beill spin ch sit/hamill. Salsa: dia FW very slow but clean. beill-split rotation lift, him: NICE feet.
29.22 + 30.07 = 59.29 T = 96.68
Delobel and Shadenfreud FRA
him: white shirt and pants with yellow headband with long tails--looks like a karate gi, her: yellow dress with HUGE illusion front and strategically placed sequined pasties and LONG revenge of the fringe skirt. this is better than the green monstrosity she wore at SA.
Mambo: nice samba rolls. SL FW slow and no character but clean Rhumba: NICE outer SE low lift with her in full stretch cantilevered on one knee... SPECTACULAR, unique lift (was that there at SA??). Dia FW nice but no chacracter. nice pairs sit travel mambo: better character. samba rolls not so good. split rotational; lift nice footwork. Seems like she does a lot more with her feet than he does. he is HUGE compared to her and wearing all white does NOTHIng for him, except make the string bean look fat.
28.91 + 29.43 = 58.34 T = 94.78
I am not sure this really high score is deserved... the tech certainly, but their character was poor throughout. REALLY poor.
Denkova and Staviski BUL
Him: black with BIG deep V neck w/illusion. her hot pink over pale pink
Salsa: he has GREAT character. SBS SL FW close together, nice character through, decent speed, very clean feet. Rhumba: too much Paso character from him though, Gosh, but he MAKES you watch him and is not disappointing--whooo hooo hot hot HOT! dia FW SE lift with her upside downa dn unsupported. something weird happened in the dance spin, i think he never got off the ground. Samba: dia FW? getting tired. headbangerish knee hold again in rotational lift, he had really lost steam and his feet were SCARY. Almost got away from him.
26.62 + 29.23 = 55.85 T = 93.50
I think maybe they were a teeny bit undermarked on the tech, but only a teeny bit. I would have had them in second and Delobel in 3rd, but that's all.
Figure Skating SPOILERS: Original Dance G2-ish
Wing and Lowe CAN
him: black; her red dress, with deep V neck and V skirt
Samba: kinda slow and far apart, but she has okay character. Rhumba: stnad pose. Tango movements. bad bad. pretty SE lift with her in a half split (with UGLY beillman foot)against his chest. Not very good character. UGLY beill-don't spin, nice facing sit. Mambo(?): SLOW SL FW, nice unison, very nice unison, very clean feet, Liberty twizzles. rotational lift, lots of ice spray, not too secure feet. This pair doesn't really GET latins. Their character was pretty poor.
26.52 + 22.65 = 49.17 t = 80.59
Khokhlova and Nivitsky RUS
him black her neon peach with lots of illusion
Rhumba: ugly beill spin ugly low spin. nice character though. this pair do not point tows. diagonal FW slowing. he has much nicer twizzles than she does. she had character to the nines. He does near full split! cantilever with one foot pulled to her head. Samba: not good hip motion lots of arm waving decent SBS SL FW messy turns though and pretty far apart. arms over head twizzles. rotational lift held by her KNEE, very exciting, but looks vaguely headbanger-ish . HE's nicely flexible.
25.24 + 21.91 = 47.15 T = 78.05
Hoffman and Elek HUN
him black with BIG 70s collar and gold sequins. her neon pink "revenge of the fringe"
Cha: actual CHa character! SBS SL FW close together but slow, him fall out of reverse twizzle. slow entry rotational lift w/her in UGLY beillman position. Rhumba: nice pari sit slow but LOW. stroking SE cantilevel with her in his lap in ugly beill position. her split. Mambo: no character to speak of but they try hand in hand diagonal FW. This pair is messy, not finesse to speak of, but they have a certain something... they don't get latins, but they try.
23.74 + 20.30 = 44.04 T = 71.57
Kerr and Kerr GBR
her in light blue with illusion back and sides very pretty close up, him: black with WAY open shaved chest (EWWWWW) but a nice chest it is.
Mambo: SBS SL FW nice speed bad unison nice highlight poor turns, ice spray. rhumba, bluesy: canitlever lift w/position change. sorta D FW slow. him knee spin, nice highlight. weird pairs sit. ch weird hamill camel/sit. Samba: poor samba rolls. eh character. her poor body position in rotation lift, slow and him not too secure looking, lotta ice spray.
26.03 + 24.25 = 50.28 T = 81.86
Their feet are so spray-ey, I am not sure I'd have them above Wing and Lowe.
Grebenkina and Azrojan ARM
him black with illusion ARMPITS!; her neon pink... very pretty blonde girl in a very exotic way, more revenge of the fringies.
Samba: SLOW SL FW but very close together nice character from waist up. Rhumba, her very flexible. beill nice, Se lift, him on flat. D together FW slow, but decent feet. decent character again from waist up. off music Samba again weird pairs sit ch weird pair sit. split rotational lift, him VERY clean feet. They have nice knees, but I am unsure about how clean their feet are overall.
24.59 + 19.24 = 43.83 T = 68.11
Watanabe and Kido JAP
him: white pants and pink chiffon shirt over yellow shirt deep V neck. her: pink chiffon dress with yellow underskirt and flowers. AWFUL. AWFUl AWFUL.
Cha: no character to speak of they could be skating a foxtrot. SBS SLFW very slow very far apart. Rehumba: knee sklides are in style. NICE cantilever lift good arch in her back, pretty. nice fast pais sit ch weird came;/sit. Mambo: cutsie music. Dia together FW, eh. hydro lift her: nice position, him: not really on much of an edge.
25.67 + 20.92 = 46.59 T = 74.54
Chait and Swarovksy (yes, that's a JOKE) ISR
her: white dress with BIG boa skirt! her arse looks HUGE. Him: black pants white shirt. both with deep V of ashes of roses pink.
Cha: NICE character nice speed. she is TOO skinny. slow SL FW not great unison, his edges are much deeper than hers in the SL FW.. Rhuma: sounds more like a waltz! and they skate it like a foxtrot. his knees are stiff. pairs sit. ugly beill cantilever low lift. Dia FW. nothing Rhumba-y about this AT ALL. distracted by her chicken legs and that HUGE skirt. Samba: posing/ arm waving. another ugly beill but fast rotational lift, him: nice feet. They hop their 3 turns. Costume deduction?
Oh... nice shot of Platov in the K&C. God, that man only gets sexier. DROOL.
28.17+ 27.48 = 55.65 T = 86.72
him: black; her red dress, with deep V neck and V skirt
Samba: kinda slow and far apart, but she has okay character. Rhumba: stnad pose. Tango movements. bad bad. pretty SE lift with her in a half split (with UGLY beillman foot)against his chest. Not very good character. UGLY beill-don't spin, nice facing sit. Mambo(?): SLOW SL FW, nice unison, very nice unison, very clean feet, Liberty twizzles. rotational lift, lots of ice spray, not too secure feet. This pair doesn't really GET latins. Their character was pretty poor.
26.52 + 22.65 = 49.17 t = 80.59
Khokhlova and Nivitsky RUS
him black her neon peach with lots of illusion
Rhumba: ugly beill spin ugly low spin. nice character though. this pair do not point tows. diagonal FW slowing. he has much nicer twizzles than she does. she had character to the nines. He does near full split! cantilever with one foot pulled to her head. Samba: not good hip motion lots of arm waving decent SBS SL FW messy turns though and pretty far apart. arms over head twizzles. rotational lift held by her KNEE, very exciting, but looks vaguely headbanger-ish . HE's nicely flexible.
25.24 + 21.91 = 47.15 T = 78.05
Hoffman and Elek HUN
him black with BIG 70s collar and gold sequins. her neon pink "revenge of the fringe"
Cha: actual CHa character! SBS SL FW close together but slow, him fall out of reverse twizzle. slow entry rotational lift w/her in UGLY beillman position. Rhumba: nice pari sit slow but LOW. stroking SE cantilevel with her in his lap in ugly beill position. her split. Mambo: no character to speak of but they try hand in hand diagonal FW. This pair is messy, not finesse to speak of, but they have a certain something... they don't get latins, but they try.
23.74 + 20.30 = 44.04 T = 71.57
Kerr and Kerr GBR
her in light blue with illusion back and sides very pretty close up, him: black with WAY open shaved chest (EWWWWW) but a nice chest it is.
Mambo: SBS SL FW nice speed bad unison nice highlight poor turns, ice spray. rhumba, bluesy: canitlever lift w/position change. sorta D FW slow. him knee spin, nice highlight. weird pairs sit. ch weird hamill camel/sit. Samba: poor samba rolls. eh character. her poor body position in rotation lift, slow and him not too secure looking, lotta ice spray.
26.03 + 24.25 = 50.28 T = 81.86
Their feet are so spray-ey, I am not sure I'd have them above Wing and Lowe.
Grebenkina and Azrojan ARM
him black with illusion ARMPITS!; her neon pink... very pretty blonde girl in a very exotic way, more revenge of the fringies.
Samba: SLOW SL FW but very close together nice character from waist up. Rhumba, her very flexible. beill nice, Se lift, him on flat. D together FW slow, but decent feet. decent character again from waist up. off music Samba again weird pairs sit ch weird pair sit. split rotational lift, him VERY clean feet. They have nice knees, but I am unsure about how clean their feet are overall.
24.59 + 19.24 = 43.83 T = 68.11
Watanabe and Kido JAP
him: white pants and pink chiffon shirt over yellow shirt deep V neck. her: pink chiffon dress with yellow underskirt and flowers. AWFUL. AWFUl AWFUL.
Cha: no character to speak of they could be skating a foxtrot. SBS SLFW very slow very far apart. Rehumba: knee sklides are in style. NICE cantilever lift good arch in her back, pretty. nice fast pais sit ch weird came;/sit. Mambo: cutsie music. Dia together FW, eh. hydro lift her: nice position, him: not really on much of an edge.
25.67 + 20.92 = 46.59 T = 74.54
Chait and Swarovksy (yes, that's a JOKE) ISR
her: white dress with BIG boa skirt! her arse looks HUGE. Him: black pants white shirt. both with deep V of ashes of roses pink.
Cha: NICE character nice speed. she is TOO skinny. slow SL FW not great unison, his edges are much deeper than hers in the SL FW.. Rhuma: sounds more like a waltz! and they skate it like a foxtrot. his knees are stiff. pairs sit. ugly beill cantilever low lift. Dia FW. nothing Rhumba-y about this AT ALL. distracted by her chicken legs and that HUGE skirt. Samba: posing/ arm waving. another ugly beill but fast rotational lift, him: nice feet. They hop their 3 turns. Costume deduction?
Oh... nice shot of Platov in the K&C. God, that man only gets sexier. DROOL.
28.17+ 27.48 = 55.65 T = 86.72
Friday, February 17, 2006
Figure Skating: The Ravenburger Waltz
The Ravenburger Waltz
I. The opening section: it is a series of swings ... the lady and the Gentlemen face each other is waltz position and do a series of turns with big swooping free-leg swings.
Easy but hard to do in perfect unison ... the turns are simple three turns ... you want to see if the Lady's extenion reaches toward the man's free leg as they swing ....
The section ends with a twizzle. ... NOTE how closely she is spinning near the man, and easily the spin ends and goes into the following partner position.
II. From the twizzle there is another big swing that goes from the barrier out into the middle of the ice ... from this point the couple rotate around each other doing inner mohawks ... they are rotating clockwise from the mid line (runs lengthwise down the rink) back toward the barrier. NOTE: the turns they are doing (mohawks) should appear distinct ... i.e. the less like a big blur of feet and changing body positions the better.
III. this is the hardest section to follow cuz a lot happens quickly ... after the swoopy mohawks referenced-above ... they get back to the barrier and the Lady does a twizzle they they move around and the lady steps out in front of the man and does a really nifty series: she does an inner three turn from front to back which is rotating clockwise, then the man helps her check/stop that clockwise roation, and step into a backwards twizzle that rotates counter-clockwise ... NOTE: The most important thing about this section which is complicated ... is that it appear very very waltzy ... the steps are not particularly waltzy, they are fast, with a twizzle at the beginning and at the end ... and lots of steps in between including that cool inner three turn ... if it looks waltzy then they have accomplished something.
IV. Coming out of the twizzle , which is done close to the boards, the couple heads back from the barrier out into the center of the ice, and the lady does a rocking-like turn where she first rocks one way and then when she turns the couple rocks the other way ... it's a rocker turn she is doing. NOTE: the depth of this turn is critical as it the straight leg extention the lady can maintain as the turn happens. The more the sequences heads out into the middle of the ice and then rocks back toward the barrier the better.
After that there's a little hopping-y step and the dance pattern repeats with those big sweepy long-legged turns.
Kindly provided by the inestimable Ben Currie.
I. The opening section: it is a series of swings ... the lady and the Gentlemen face each other is waltz position and do a series of turns with big swooping free-leg swings.
Easy but hard to do in perfect unison ... the turns are simple three turns ... you want to see if the Lady's extenion reaches toward the man's free leg as they swing ....
The section ends with a twizzle. ... NOTE how closely she is spinning near the man, and easily the spin ends and goes into the following partner position.
II. From the twizzle there is another big swing that goes from the barrier out into the middle of the ice ... from this point the couple rotate around each other doing inner mohawks ... they are rotating clockwise from the mid line (runs lengthwise down the rink) back toward the barrier. NOTE: the turns they are doing (mohawks) should appear distinct ... i.e. the less like a big blur of feet and changing body positions the better.
III. this is the hardest section to follow cuz a lot happens quickly ... after the swoopy mohawks referenced-above ... they get back to the barrier and the Lady does a twizzle they they move around and the lady steps out in front of the man and does a really nifty series: she does an inner three turn from front to back which is rotating clockwise, then the man helps her check/stop that clockwise roation, and step into a backwards twizzle that rotates counter-clockwise ... NOTE: The most important thing about this section which is complicated ... is that it appear very very waltzy ... the steps are not particularly waltzy, they are fast, with a twizzle at the beginning and at the end ... and lots of steps in between including that cool inner three turn ... if it looks waltzy then they have accomplished something.
IV. Coming out of the twizzle , which is done close to the boards, the couple heads back from the barrier out into the center of the ice, and the lady does a rocking-like turn where she first rocks one way and then when she turns the couple rocks the other way ... it's a rocker turn she is doing. NOTE: the depth of this turn is critical as it the straight leg extention the lady can maintain as the turn happens. The more the sequences heads out into the middle of the ice and then rocks back toward the barrier the better.
After that there's a little hopping-y step and the dance pattern repeats with those big sweepy long-legged turns.
Kindly provided by the inestimable Ben Currie.
Figure Skating SPOILERS: Ice Dance Compulsories (wrap up)
Here are the final standings after the compulsory.
This was an incomprehensible competition... but remember, there are FOUR TENTHS of a point between 3rd and 7th. And only 2 points between first and EIGHTH!
Chait's fall in the 3rd corner was shocking... especially since she wasn't DOING anything. IIRC, it was on the cross behind! Anyway, they are out.
Dubriel was VERY over marked. VERY VERY VERY overmarked. I had them down around 12th, but granted, Fiella and Scali and the Kerrs were also overmarked.
IMO, Denkova was head and shoulders above the others. I had no problem with Navka being up there with them thought they were not as good. Fusar Poli and Margalio belong in about 10th. Dubriel was, as I've said, way over marked. I didn't see Grushina or Drobiasko. I'm fine with Belbin and Delobel being about tied. Delobel and Schadenfreud were a good bit better than I expected considering how poorly they did this dance at Skate America.
But I have to wonder, Drobiasko BEAT Navka at Euros. They are FREAKING BURIED here! Did they fall? Did they get out-politiced? Are the judges CHEATING AGAIN?
Okay, it's not just that. It's the Italians. There is NO WAY they should be in first. There is SIMPLY NO WAY. This wasn't even THEIR best waltz!
The fix is in. It's just in.
I guess I'll have to look at the protocols.
This was an incomprehensible competition... but remember, there are FOUR TENTHS of a point between 3rd and 7th. And only 2 points between first and EIGHTH!
Chait's fall in the 3rd corner was shocking... especially since she wasn't DOING anything. IIRC, it was on the cross behind! Anyway, they are out.
Dubriel was VERY over marked. VERY VERY VERY overmarked. I had them down around 12th, but granted, Fiella and Scali and the Kerrs were also overmarked.
IMO, Denkova was head and shoulders above the others. I had no problem with Navka being up there with them thought they were not as good. Fusar Poli and Margalio belong in about 10th. Dubriel was, as I've said, way over marked. I didn't see Grushina or Drobiasko. I'm fine with Belbin and Delobel being about tied. Delobel and Schadenfreud were a good bit better than I expected considering how poorly they did this dance at Skate America.
But I have to wonder, Drobiasko BEAT Navka at Euros. They are FREAKING BURIED here! Did they fall? Did they get out-politiced? Are the judges CHEATING AGAIN?
Okay, it's not just that. It's the Italians. There is NO WAY they should be in first. There is SIMPLY NO WAY. This wasn't even THEIR best waltz!
The fix is in. It's just in.
I guess I'll have to look at the protocols.
Figure Skating SPOILER: Ice Dance Compulsories
ALL men in black tails.
20 CAN DUBREUIL Marie-France LAUZON Patrice
a very elegant ice blue chiffon with a long skirt and shoulder scarf.. but weird flesh toned bodice
nice dance-y feel. so-so unison. too far apart. him nice clean chasses. good speed, unrushed. out at the boards. edges could have been better and some lobes seemed kind of flat to me. decent character.
18.72 + 18.72 = 37.44
Above BOTH GruGon AND Belbin and Agusto!!! WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG. They were NOT THAT GOOD. No way. Way overmarked. WAY WAY WAY.
A LOVELY and very elegant rose pink chiffon dress for her
better than expected. nice speed. good coverage. a bit of ice spray. nice unison, good dance-y feel. his steps are crisp and precise. Nice waltz character.
I didn't see the couples in 6 and 7, but I would have them below BelAgosto and above Fiella and Scali.
17.82 + 18.62 36.44
The judges had them RIGHT where I did!
jewel blue with boa around the skirt. very ballroom!
she FELL! On a cross behind I think. Not even something difficult. And a second before she fell, Ben Currie called my cell phone and I couldn't type.
31.07 in 13th
white dress long skirt for her
Didn't get notes. Sorry.
An AWFUL barely there turquoise netting and wrappy ribbons number that does not look waltzy AT ALL.
Lots of ice spray. bouncey rather than rise and fall. rushed rather than fast. they way sucked. she HOPS her turns. for ice dnacers, they have pretyt poor edges.
15.16 + 13.43 = 28.59
Not bad scores for a pretty bad couple.
RTV has a BAd habit of putting their banner OVER the dancer's FEET!!
20 CAN DUBREUIL Marie-France LAUZON Patrice
a very elegant ice blue chiffon with a long skirt and shoulder scarf.. but weird flesh toned bodice
nice dance-y feel. so-so unison. too far apart. him nice clean chasses. good speed, unrushed. out at the boards. edges could have been better and some lobes seemed kind of flat to me. decent character.
18.72 + 18.72 = 37.44
Above BOTH GruGon AND Belbin and Agusto!!! WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG. They were NOT THAT GOOD. No way. Way overmarked. WAY WAY WAY.
A LOVELY and very elegant rose pink chiffon dress for her
better than expected. nice speed. good coverage. a bit of ice spray. nice unison, good dance-y feel. his steps are crisp and precise. Nice waltz character.
I didn't see the couples in 6 and 7, but I would have them below BelAgosto and above Fiella and Scali.
17.82 + 18.62 36.44
The judges had them RIGHT where I did!
jewel blue with boa around the skirt. very ballroom!
she FELL! On a cross behind I think. Not even something difficult. And a second before she fell, Ben Currie called my cell phone and I couldn't type.
31.07 in 13th
white dress long skirt for her
Didn't get notes. Sorry.
An AWFUL barely there turquoise netting and wrappy ribbons number that does not look waltzy AT ALL.
Lots of ice spray. bouncey rather than rise and fall. rushed rather than fast. they way sucked. she HOPS her turns. for ice dnacers, they have pretyt poor edges.
15.16 + 13.43 = 28.59
Not bad scores for a pretty bad couple.
RTV has a BAd habit of putting their banner OVER the dancer's FEET!!
Figure Skating SPOILER: Ice Dance Compulsories
her, VERY nice rose and pink dress with illusion midrif. him, black overall white shirt, no tails!
messy twizzle had to put her foot down in the middle. His chasses suck, very sloppy and turns are messy. poor unison. mohawks labored. small patterns. scratchy edges. lots of ice spray. Decent speed, but not pushing to the boards. They were rushed rather than fast.
But OH, he's fun to look at!
13.0 + 10.88 = 23.88
I'm with the judges on this one. But boy, oh boy, that guy is movie-star handsome..
her UGLY olive dress with pink flowers. Him PURPLE velvet with olive sleeves and capey chiffon wingy thingy. OH GOD HELP THEM!
her mohgawks leany but very clean. nice sizzle in the ice though. good unison nice speed pushed to the boards. him VERY clean feet. NICE waltz character. Good speed. GOSH, this couple has nice feet! Lots of command.
18.60 (ye ha!) + 19.05 = 37.65 WHOO HOOO! Into SECOND!
I don't know a lot about ice dance, but before the scores came up, I felt like they should be above BelAgu and damn, the judges agreed! This was right. They were very very good. They are, however in a dead heat with 3 and 4th place... eith only 0.3 separating them.
17 CAN WING Megan LOWE Aaron
gold, long dress. black pants white shirt for him
I don't like what she does with her upper body. She leans in weird ways. He has nice chasses though , very even and crisp. good speed to the boards. nice twizzle her. mohawks could be better good clean steps. OK character, nothing to write home about but not bad. her edges are not secure though. Unison okay.
16.27 + 15.15 = 31.42
This is a realistic placement considering their strengths and weaknesses, I think.
18 GBR KERR Sinead KERR John
him black tails white tie; her white dress long in back. pretty and understated.
her messy twizzle. poor unison. look rushed. small pattern, pushing very hard to get to the boards but not making it. couple lacks power. probably poor stroking technique. They are mostly on the ice rather than in it. As the dance goes on, he gets considerably less crisp. She never was particularly crisp. she HOPS her turns. and they never get very close together.
but another boy who's pretty enough to eat.
16.01 + 15.57 = 31.58
I would put their tech more around 14.5 or 15 than in the low 16s.
OH MY GOD! the costumes are so bad, I gagged when I looked up. Her hot pink with chiffon skirt long and cut outs. HIM black overall with HOT PINK shirt and flowery belt! HOW could they do that to Mauritzio!! EWWWW deep V and a shaved chest.... not a good look for Mauritzio.
nice and close together. good waltz character. decent tizzles. nice dance-y, smooth mohawks. good chasses from him good unison. nice push. good speed to the boards. many of his turns are kind of hoppy. VERY little ice spray though.
Not as good as some, better thanothers. not as good as they were in their prime
19.10 + 19.66 = 38.78
OH MY GOD! WHAT A TRAVESTY! This is just WRONG. They weren't that good. They really weren't!!!!!! NO NONONONONONONONONO!!!
her, VERY nice rose and pink dress with illusion midrif. him, black overall white shirt, no tails!
messy twizzle had to put her foot down in the middle. His chasses suck, very sloppy and turns are messy. poor unison. mohawks labored. small patterns. scratchy edges. lots of ice spray. Decent speed, but not pushing to the boards. They were rushed rather than fast.
But OH, he's fun to look at!
13.0 + 10.88 = 23.88
I'm with the judges on this one. But boy, oh boy, that guy is movie-star handsome.
her UGLY olive dress with pink flowers. Him PURPLE velvet with olive sleeves and capey chiffon wingy thingy. OH GOD HELP THEM!
her mohgawks leany but very clean. nice sizzle in the ice though. good unison nice speed pushed to the boards. him VERY clean feet. NICE waltz character. Good speed. GOSH, this couple has nice feet! Lots of command.
18.60 (ye ha!) + 19.05 = 37.65 WHOO HOOO! Into SECOND!
I don't know a lot about ice dance, but before the scores came up, I felt like they should be above BelAgu and damn, the judges agreed! This was right. They were very very good. They are, however in a dead heat with 3 and 4th place... eith only 0.3 separating them.
17 CAN WING Megan LOWE Aaron
gold, long dress. black pants white shirt for him
I don't like what she does with her upper body. She leans in weird ways. He has nice chasses though , very even and crisp. good speed to the boards. nice twizzle her. mohawks could be better good clean steps. OK character, nothing to write home about but not bad. her edges are not secure though. Unison okay.
16.27 + 15.15 = 31.42
This is a realistic placement considering their strengths and weaknesses, I think.
18 GBR KERR Sinead KERR John
him black tails white tie; her white dress long in back. pretty and understated.
her messy twizzle. poor unison. look rushed. small pattern, pushing very hard to get to the boards but not making it. couple lacks power. probably poor stroking technique. They are mostly on the ice rather than in it. As the dance goes on, he gets considerably less crisp. She never was particularly crisp. she HOPS her turns. and they never get very close together.
but another boy who's pretty enough to eat.
16.01 + 15.57 = 31.58
I would put their tech more around 14.5 or 15 than in the low 16s.
OH MY GOD! the costumes are so bad, I gagged when I looked up. Her hot pink with chiffon skirt long and cut outs. HIM black overall with HOT PINK shirt and flowery belt! HOW could they do that to Mauritzio!! EWWWW deep V and a shaved chest.... not a good look for Mauritzio.
nice and close together. good waltz character. decent tizzles. nice dance-y, smooth mohawks. good chasses from him good unison. nice push. good speed to the boards. many of his turns are kind of hoppy. VERY little ice spray though.
Not as good as some, better thanothers. not as good as they were in their prime
19.10 + 19.66 = 38.78
OH MY GOD! WHAT A TRAVESTY! This is just WRONG. They weren't that good. They really weren't!!!!!! NO NONONONONONONONONO!!!
Figure Skating SPOILERS: Ice Dance Compulsories Group 3
Faiella and Scali ITA
him tail coat, her red knee length dress
Nice first half round. Decent speed. But not neat. Getting tired after the first round. unison in the swings is breaking up. mohawks in center are far apart. his chasses in the 3rd corner are sloppy and not well matched. Her feet are cleaner (less ice spray) than his. In fact, he is just generally less finished, Pretty sad since the man has MUCH simpler steps.
Pretty girl though and as DH would say, she's got a nice rack. It is NICE to see an ice dancer who is not emaciated, but still manages to look good.
16.85 + 16.335 = 33.20
Domnina Shabalin must have really skated BADLY to be in a dead heat with Fiella and Scali. I've seen his RWaltz and he's GOOD.
Navka and Kostamarov RUS
him: black tail coat, her white dress, deep V skirt, but not long and DEEP V filled with illusion bodice
INCREDIBLE SPEED, but very easy. Very neat, easy twizzles for her. VERY nice. His feet are sure and very clean. Chasses are so low you can barely see them, but each is the same height. She had an almost stompy quality, her steps were so clean, but it marred the character of the dance. They were not as "waltzy" as I might have liked. They stayed nice and close throughout, good, easy holds.
18.52 + 19.68 = 38.20
Belbin and Agusto USA
him black tail coat, her whote lace and illusion dress with long waltzy skirt. very nice but weddingy
good chasses but much further apart in their holds. nicer unison than N&K but losing speed (then gaining again). deeper in the ice has that sizzle of a good deep edge that N&K completely lacked. N&K were on top of the ice, B&A are IN the ice. They had NO waltz character to speak of. On the other hand, while Kost was almost neglignent with his steps, each step of Ben's are crisp and nicely done... precise. There was a bit more ice spray though...
Hard to compare. Both couples had great points. Advantage to N&K I think
18.29 + 19.07 = 37.36
I think I agree with this. But in third by THREE ONEHUNDRETHS OF A POINT below G&G. THIS IS SO WRONG THE SYSTEM IS NOT THIS ACCURATE! You cannot call 0.03 ANYTHING other than a freaking TIE!!!
Khokhola and Novisky RUS
hot pink long dress
they are not pushing to the boards, so the pattern is smaller, but they are very fast. not great unison a bit to swingy on the swings. labored mohawks in center. her twizzles could be better. his steps are not very clean. They have that sizzle in their edges though. pretty centilever lift at the end.
16.18 + 14.72 = 30.90
Zaretski and Zaretski ISR
her black dress with chiffon skirt long open back
on the ice not in it. but NICE waltz character. I like him especially. Nice defined steps. good rise and fall. her steps were a bit tentative. they lacked command, I think. UNison only so-so. she HOPS her mohawks! How DARE they compare this guy to Platov!
12.92 + 10.59 = 23.51
him tail coat, her red knee length dress
Nice first half round. Decent speed. But not neat. Getting tired after the first round. unison in the swings is breaking up. mohawks in center are far apart. his chasses in the 3rd corner are sloppy and not well matched. Her feet are cleaner (less ice spray) than his. In fact, he is just generally less finished, Pretty sad since the man has MUCH simpler steps.
Pretty girl though and as DH would say, she's got a nice rack. It is NICE to see an ice dancer who is not emaciated, but still manages to look good.
16.85 + 16.335 = 33.20
Domnina Shabalin must have really skated BADLY to be in a dead heat with Fiella and Scali. I've seen his RWaltz and he's GOOD.
Navka and Kostamarov RUS
him: black tail coat, her white dress, deep V skirt, but not long and DEEP V filled with illusion bodice
INCREDIBLE SPEED, but very easy. Very neat, easy twizzles for her. VERY nice. His feet are sure and very clean. Chasses are so low you can barely see them, but each is the same height. She had an almost stompy quality, her steps were so clean, but it marred the character of the dance. They were not as "waltzy" as I might have liked. They stayed nice and close throughout, good, easy holds.
18.52 + 19.68 = 38.20
Belbin and Agusto USA
him black tail coat, her whote lace and illusion dress with long waltzy skirt. very nice but weddingy
good chasses but much further apart in their holds. nicer unison than N&K but losing speed (then gaining again). deeper in the ice has that sizzle of a good deep edge that N&K completely lacked. N&K were on top of the ice, B&A are IN the ice. They had NO waltz character to speak of. On the other hand, while Kost was almost neglignent with his steps, each step of Ben's are crisp and nicely done... precise. There was a bit more ice spray though...
Hard to compare. Both couples had great points. Advantage to N&K I think
18.29 + 19.07 = 37.36
I think I agree with this. But in third by THREE ONEHUNDRETHS OF A POINT below G&G. THIS IS SO WRONG THE SYSTEM IS NOT THIS ACCURATE! You cannot call 0.03 ANYTHING other than a freaking TIE!!!
Khokhola and Novisky RUS
hot pink long dress
they are not pushing to the boards, so the pattern is smaller, but they are very fast. not great unison a bit to swingy on the swings. labored mohawks in center. her twizzles could be better. his steps are not very clean. They have that sizzle in their edges though. pretty centilever lift at the end.
16.18 + 14.72 = 30.90
Zaretski and Zaretski ISR
her black dress with chiffon skirt long open back
on the ice not in it. but NICE waltz character. I like him especially. Nice defined steps. good rise and fall. her steps were a bit tentative. they lacked command, I think. UNison only so-so. she HOPS her mohawks! How DARE they compare this guy to Platov!
12.92 + 10.59 = 23.51
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Figure Skating SPOILER: Turino Men's Long
DO NOT read this if you dislike strong language. The darned web feed pretty much chacked Johnny because it froze during his WHOLE program and I was not exactly polite in my response. I completely missed Buttle because I reloaded from scratch. After that it was not so bad.
Euvgeny Plushenko
Who care what he's wearing the CROWD GOES WILD...
Black velvet and sequins with a red "tie" around his neck. He is not really warming up to speak of, just skating around.
nice wedding ring
Gypsy music.
4T (2 footed) 3T-2L. FUCKING WEB FEED! stalking 3A 2T. not even attempting to present 3something. now he emotes... nicely too. 3A nice. 3Z nice. music that suits him. 3Z-2T. music that really suits him camel squat upright ch squat inside upright. back fly camel half donut. posing waving arms, frenetic circle FW that HAs some4thing to do with the music./ kind of energyless, L2 MAX for anyone else but plushy will get a 4. 2F!!?? 3S. SL FW frenetic but fits music. but SLOWing. really tied. bad DD squat inside. camel squat inside upright traveling bad ch sit inside upright
For Plushy HE SUCKED. HE MAJORLY SUCKED. This performance was freaking PHONED IN. How pathetic. How awful because hes going to get stellar scores that set records!
Stephane Lambiel SWE
Zebra on bad Acid trip
violiny music, Vivaldi??
nice FW. stalking. 2A. FW stalking. 4T-3T-2L 3L wonky landing. 3A YE HA! circle FW nice camel sit inside NICE crossfoot sit to upright cross foot ch jackknife, new position! Whoa! slow section posing. FROZEN FROZEN 4T fall out 3F-3T. FROZE . 3Z HARD FALL. 3S??? 3T. camel, sit, cross upright death drop nice inside. NICe SL FW fantastic.... this boy is ON!!! but tiring. came; sit twist ch sit twist upright headless scratch!!!
He had energy, but was less than clean.
76.89 + 76.28 -1 = 152.17
Johnny Weir USA
carebear on acid??? but obviously not a bad trip...
3A-3T NICE. 2A. 3S. FROZEN FROZEN FROZEN FROZEN FROZEN FROZEN FROZEN FUCK ME I PAID FOR THIS! 3A a bit wide leg. nice FW. circle FW FROZEN FROZEN FROZEN missed the fucking JUMP. FROZEN FROZEN FROZEN. 3AZ nice. FROZEN FROZEN FROZEN FROZEN FROMNZEN tired looks tied 3F? FROZEN camel sit inside catch . death drop?? sit cannon inside pancake. SL FW nice. camel sit cannon ch sit inside half beill catachfoot scratch.
DID he do a quad?? I don't think so. IS this a medal winning performance? I'm not so sure. I guess we'll find out in a bit. IMO, and it was hard to see because FARGING RTV FUCKING SUCKS (GOD DAMN I PAID FOR THIS SHIT!). I'm not so sure he skated better than Lambiel, cleaner or not. He played it safe... I'm not sure I like that. Lambiel went all out... and landed TWO quads and 3A. Gotta give him props for that.
61.27 + 75.36
= 136.63 FREAKING FIFTH in the long... had to look it up.
Jeff Buttle
Okay, I tried reloading and missed ALL of Jeff Buttle Buttle fell on something, his 4T? 3A hand down ?T. 3A.
76.8 78.5 -1 154.30 (personal best).
Brian joubert
stalking stalking 4T hand down. celtic music. 4T BAD turn out under rotated 2T. stalking 3A 2T. 3Z. lots of stalking. 3L hand down. squat inside cannon. toey toey steps. SIMPLE footwork circular. and slow. emoting emoting emoting. nice arse on this boy though. 3A bad fall. SE 3S weird landing. 3F-2T. camel sit squat inside ch squat outside. behind music. death drop sad. SL FW eh FW. toey toey steps. squat pancake ch squat outside twisty.
Brian is near tears.
62.54 + 73.58 -1 = 135.12
(placing BELOW SAVOIE in the LONG!)
Diasuke Takahashi JPN
blue velevet and lavendar chiffon
4T fall. 3A turn out. steos 3A-3T death drop outside. layback nice. he is skating wonderfully though. beautiful. Why couldn't Johnny skate like this? good speed. 3A 3T. 3L 2foot? great speed. 3Z very smooth. very fast FW circle... a little trip? 3F nice. 3S. nice. came; layover sitsquat headless. SL FW nice. skating the lights out is this boy. came;. sit cannon outside ch inside headless (i missed about 2 positions in that spin).
58.82 + 73.30 -1 = 131.12
Idiots! Morons.
What a crock of shit.
Euvgeny Plushenko
Who care what he's wearing the CROWD GOES WILD...
Black velvet and sequins with a red "tie" around his neck. He is not really warming up to speak of, just skating around.
nice wedding ring
Gypsy music.
4T (2 footed) 3T-2L. FUCKING WEB FEED! stalking 3A 2T. not even attempting to present 3something. now he emotes... nicely too. 3A nice. 3Z nice. music that suits him. 3Z-2T. music that really suits him camel squat upright ch squat inside upright. back fly camel half donut. posing waving arms, frenetic circle FW that HAs some4thing to do with the music./ kind of energyless, L2 MAX for anyone else but plushy will get a 4. 2F!!?? 3S. SL FW frenetic but fits music. but SLOWing. really tied. bad DD squat inside. camel squat inside upright traveling bad ch sit inside upright
For Plushy HE SUCKED. HE MAJORLY SUCKED. This performance was freaking PHONED IN. How pathetic. How awful because hes going to get stellar scores that set records!
Stephane Lambiel SWE
Zebra on bad Acid trip
violiny music, Vivaldi??
nice FW. stalking. 2A. FW stalking. 4T-3T-2L 3L wonky landing. 3A YE HA! circle FW nice camel sit inside NICE crossfoot sit to upright cross foot ch jackknife, new position! Whoa! slow section posing. FROZEN FROZEN 4T fall out 3F-3T. FROZE . 3Z HARD FALL. 3S??? 3T. camel, sit, cross upright death drop nice inside. NICe SL FW fantastic.... this boy is ON!!! but tiring. came; sit twist ch sit twist upright headless scratch!!!
He had energy, but was less than clean.
76.89 + 76.28 -1 = 152.17
Johnny Weir USA
carebear on acid??? but obviously not a bad trip...
3A-3T NICE. 2A. 3S. FROZEN FROZEN FROZEN FROZEN FROZEN FROZEN FROZEN FUCK ME I PAID FOR THIS! 3A a bit wide leg. nice FW. circle FW FROZEN FROZEN FROZEN missed the fucking JUMP. FROZEN FROZEN FROZEN. 3AZ nice. FROZEN FROZEN FROZEN FROZEN FROMNZEN tired looks tied 3F? FROZEN camel sit inside catch . death drop?? sit cannon inside pancake. SL FW nice. camel sit cannon ch sit inside half beill catachfoot scratch.
DID he do a quad?? I don't think so. IS this a medal winning performance? I'm not so sure. I guess we'll find out in a bit. IMO, and it was hard to see because FARGING RTV FUCKING SUCKS (GOD DAMN I PAID FOR THIS SHIT!). I'm not so sure he skated better than Lambiel, cleaner or not. He played it safe... I'm not sure I like that. Lambiel went all out... and landed TWO quads and 3A. Gotta give him props for that.
61.27 + 75.36
= 136.63 FREAKING FIFTH in the long... had to look it up.
Jeff Buttle
Okay, I tried reloading and missed ALL of Jeff Buttle Buttle fell on something, his 4T? 3A hand down ?T. 3A.
76.8 78.5 -1 154.30 (personal best).
Brian joubert
stalking stalking 4T hand down. celtic music. 4T BAD turn out under rotated 2T. stalking 3A 2T. 3Z. lots of stalking. 3L hand down. squat inside cannon. toey toey steps. SIMPLE footwork circular. and slow. emoting emoting emoting. nice arse on this boy though. 3A bad fall. SE 3S weird landing. 3F-2T. camel sit squat inside ch squat outside. behind music. death drop sad. SL FW eh FW. toey toey steps. squat pancake ch squat outside twisty.
Brian is near tears.
62.54 + 73.58 -1 = 135.12
(placing BELOW SAVOIE in the LONG!)
Diasuke Takahashi JPN
blue velevet and lavendar chiffon
4T fall. 3A turn out. steos 3A-3T death drop outside. layback nice. he is skating wonderfully though. beautiful. Why couldn't Johnny skate like this? good speed. 3A 3T. 3L 2foot? great speed. 3Z very smooth. very fast FW circle... a little trip? 3F nice. 3S. nice. came; layover sitsquat headless. SL FW nice. skating the lights out is this boy. came;. sit cannon outside ch inside headless (i missed about 2 positions in that spin).
58.82 + 73.30 -1 = 131.12
Idiots! Morons.
What a crock of shit.
Figure Skating SPOILER: Turino Men's Long
The connection is bad, so I know I missed stuff.
Evan Lysacek USA
BLACK costume from nat's. I like this one.
stalk stalk stalk 3Z-T nice. stalk stalk stalk, 3A nice. stalk stalk stalk 3L stalk stalk 3S axel flying sit ch sit inside death drop nice inside pancake upright. emote emote emote wave arms some day he might as good as Matt at this. stalk stalk stalk 3A (2footed?).back spiral to 3F(2foot?)2T. circle FW. arm waving. walley 3Z? (web cast froze for a sec) 2A-2T(?). more arm waving. camel sit cannon ch sit cannon upright inside? SL FW big arm waving lots of energy, really selling it. camel outside, sit cannon ch camel sit cannon inside upright scratch arm waving.
He must have landed a 4T that I missed. The connection is VERY bad. And as such this is quite innacurrate.
Evan wears a red ribbon and a wedding ring on his right hand... hummmm...
78.24 + 74.34 = 152.58
Matt Savoie
Brown clothes
Tghe Mission
3Z?? nice speed. SE to 3A-3T. 3F-2T. front loaded, but not stalking. FW gentle NICE. split jump 3S. camel outside sit cannon layback. ch sit inside twist (opposite direction?) hydro to 3A. SL FW lots of arm waving but it works with the music. DD sit inside twist. back spiral 3F. 2Z? camel sit cannon twist ch pancake catchfoot. 3T.
65.80 + 71.72 = 137.32
That is SO WRONG. Matt getting lower program components than Evan? Are the judges BLIND or simply stupid?
Gheorghe Chipher
neon green ruffles and black pants... and black lace. This is a candidate for When Bad Costumes Happen to Good Skaters
gypsy music
stalking stalking 3A 2 foot step out 2T stalk stalk stalk 3A step out 2 foot. FW 3Z-2T. upright ch upright. this is my foot FW work. 2F pop. circle FW (was adjusting the buffer--to no avail and missed part of his program) 3S? spiral steps 3F? steps 2A wonky landing camel squat twist upright. gypsy dancing in place. SL FW very gypsy very slow too. Death drop twist squat spin. Oh wait, I'm surprised I lived to FINISH! Am I done?
54.23 + 64.30 = 118.53
Emmanuel Sandhu
blue pants and black velvet top with turquoise and blue designs. The last guy makes this costume look manly and tasteful. TWO earring sin right ear.
waving arms posing. 2 foot skating. drummy music. stalking 4T 2 footed. fall, will probably be downgraded. nice speed. 3A 2 foot fall on arse. NICE death drop inside twist upright. nice FW to music. steps to 1Z popped. Mr Hyde enters the building. more nice FW. 3S! Mr Hyde LEAVES! SE stalk 1A... Mr Hyde comes back for encore. spiral. nice 3L. And leaves again!! 2A 3T nice. NICE catch foot inside, jackknife upright. getting tired. 3F 2T fall out. excellent camel hamill inside. nice FW SL. camel outside sit jack ch camel sit twist catch foot upright inside.
You gotta give Manny some props though. He didn't give up. Hyde kept showing up and Manny kept tossing him out the door.
52.27 + 70.22 -2 = 120.49
Min Zhang CHN
costume looks like alexander
heroic music
stalking stalking stalking 4T fall forward, hands down turn out fully rotated. stalking 4S! 3Z-3T! death drop inside twist. slow part time to pose and wave arms. is actually kinda lyrical here. 3L wonky landing. steps 3Z turn out. camel sit upright ch sit upright travel-y and out of control. SL FW slow gaining speed pretty nice, level 3ish. 3F-2T. ikes I missed a jump. 2A. sit inside upright. circle FW. squat twist ch sit upright.
Simple spins but nice FW.And that 4S was fantastic.
And the woman sitting next to him in the K&C looks like the lady I met at 2003 Worlds!
67.39 + = 128.88
Shawn Sawyer CAN
black or naby velvet. quite nice with stones.
rachmaninov sounding piano.
stalking nice speed. 3F-3T. stalking, 3A fall out. step 2Flz. nice ina bauer. freaking web feed! sit twist hop ch ikes-his-foot-way-up-there-spin! trip on FW. incredible spiral! 2A. he needs to hold those spirals longer. he got one that would make Sasha jealous AND on a DEEP edge. circular FW maybe L2. walley split 2L turns 2T. 2S-2T-2L. camel inside layover!! half beillman. slide spiral extended WAY. SE SE 2F. eh DD twist inside upright. SL FW L3ish. 2A camel, inside layover sit twist arabian camel sit oh-MY-GOD
55.13 + 68.50 = 123.63
Evan Lysacek USA
BLACK costume from nat's. I like this one.
stalk stalk stalk 3Z-T nice. stalk stalk stalk, 3A nice. stalk stalk stalk 3L stalk stalk 3S axel flying sit ch sit inside death drop nice inside pancake upright. emote emote emote wave arms some day he might as good as Matt at this. stalk stalk stalk 3A (2footed?).back spiral to 3F(2foot?)2T. circle FW. arm waving. walley 3Z? (web cast froze for a sec) 2A-2T(?). more arm waving. camel sit cannon ch sit cannon upright inside? SL FW big arm waving lots of energy, really selling it. camel outside, sit cannon ch camel sit cannon inside upright scratch arm waving.
He must have landed a 4T that I missed. The connection is VERY bad. And as such this is quite innacurrate.
Evan wears a red ribbon and a wedding ring on his right hand... hummmm...
78.24 + 74.34 = 152.58
Matt Savoie
Brown clothes
Tghe Mission
3Z?? nice speed. SE to 3A-3T. 3F-2T. front loaded, but not stalking. FW gentle NICE. split jump 3S. camel outside sit cannon layback. ch sit inside twist (opposite direction?) hydro to 3A. SL FW lots of arm waving but it works with the music. DD sit inside twist. back spiral 3F. 2Z? camel sit cannon twist ch pancake catchfoot. 3T.
65.80 + 71.72 = 137.32
That is SO WRONG. Matt getting lower program components than Evan? Are the judges BLIND or simply stupid?
Gheorghe Chipher
neon green ruffles and black pants... and black lace. This is a candidate for When Bad Costumes Happen to Good Skaters
gypsy music
stalking stalking 3A 2 foot step out 2T stalk stalk stalk 3A step out 2 foot. FW 3Z-2T. upright ch upright. this is my foot FW work. 2F pop. circle FW (was adjusting the buffer--to no avail and missed part of his program) 3S? spiral steps 3F? steps 2A wonky landing camel squat twist upright. gypsy dancing in place. SL FW very gypsy very slow too. Death drop twist squat spin. Oh wait, I'm surprised I lived to FINISH! Am I done?
54.23 + 64.30 = 118.53
Emmanuel Sandhu
blue pants and black velvet top with turquoise and blue designs. The last guy makes this costume look manly and tasteful. TWO earring sin right ear.
waving arms posing. 2 foot skating. drummy music. stalking 4T 2 footed. fall, will probably be downgraded. nice speed. 3A 2 foot fall on arse. NICE death drop inside twist upright. nice FW to music. steps to 1Z popped. Mr Hyde enters the building. more nice FW. 3S! Mr Hyde LEAVES! SE stalk 1A... Mr Hyde comes back for encore. spiral. nice 3L. And leaves again!! 2A 3T nice. NICE catch foot inside, jackknife upright. getting tired. 3F 2T fall out. excellent camel hamill inside. nice FW SL. camel outside sit jack ch camel sit twist catch foot upright inside.
You gotta give Manny some props though. He didn't give up. Hyde kept showing up and Manny kept tossing him out the door.
52.27 + 70.22 -2 = 120.49
Min Zhang CHN
costume looks like alexander
heroic music
stalking stalking stalking 4T fall forward, hands down turn out fully rotated. stalking 4S! 3Z-3T! death drop inside twist. slow part time to pose and wave arms. is actually kinda lyrical here. 3L wonky landing. steps 3Z turn out. camel sit upright ch sit upright travel-y and out of control. SL FW slow gaining speed pretty nice, level 3ish. 3F-2T. ikes I missed a jump. 2A. sit inside upright. circle FW. squat twist ch sit upright.
Simple spins but nice FW.And that 4S was fantastic.
And the woman sitting next to him in the K&C looks like the lady I met at 2003 Worlds!
67.39 + = 128.88
Shawn Sawyer CAN
black or naby velvet. quite nice with stones.
rachmaninov sounding piano.
stalking nice speed. 3F-3T. stalking, 3A fall out. step 2Flz. nice ina bauer. freaking web feed! sit twist hop ch ikes-his-foot-way-up-there-spin! trip on FW. incredible spiral! 2A. he needs to hold those spirals longer. he got one that would make Sasha jealous AND on a DEEP edge. circular FW maybe L2. walley split 2L turns 2T. 2S-2T-2L. camel inside layover!! half beillman. slide spiral extended WAY. SE SE 2F. eh DD twist inside upright. SL FW L3ish. 2A camel, inside layover sit twist arabian camel sit oh-MY-GOD
55.13 + 68.50 = 123.63
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Figure Skating SPOILER: Turino Men's short
Karal Zelenka ITA... BOY, is he fun to look at, but **I** look more Italian than he does (I'm half italian
blue knightly shirt with light blue sleeves and insets
romeo and Juliet Prokofiev
3A badly under-rotated, bad fall. nice speed though. 3F-3T. steps 3Z. circle FW. ICKY death drop. sit inside. SL FW slow but nice. sit cannon nice ch sit nice and fast inside twist. camel sit cannon catch ch sit inside twist. Boy has nice spins and nice positions in his spins. spins fast.
27.96 + 26.50 -1 = 53.46, 21st place
Evan Lysacek USA (Go Evan!!)
matador costume
skating with command. 3A badly tilted fall, badly under rotated maybe downgrade. 3Z 3T, nice. nice DD cannon inside pancake. needs more bend in his knees in circle FW. Nice character though. he's selling it. steps to 2F OH!. sit cannon inside ch sit cannon pancake. SL FW selling it! needs more knee bend in the low steps. camel sit cannon ch camel sit cannon inside upright scratch. Despite his mistakes, Evan never stopped skating with attack.
33.80 + 34.75 -1 = 67.55
Ilia Klimkin RUS
Viola/violin persian kind of music
blue costume with lame and illusion and BOOT COVERS... very girly. His pants fit badly and I kind of wonder if he's misplaced his dance belt.
3A nice. 3T (4T attempt). 3F 2T. flying camel inside. circle FW, quick and he sells it okay. sit inside ch squat. serp FW he does not look in control, but i can't tell if he means it to look this way or not. camel squat catch foot upright ch camel squat upright scratch very slow
Never seen Klimkin up close, but my goodness, he has the MOSt unusual eyes... almost gold with brown rings on the outer edge. Striking.
29.90 + 31.71 = 61.61 17th.... a bit undermarked IMO.
Gregor Urbas Slovenia
white shirt, black pants with marine's stripe
generic piano music gershwin?
LOOOONG stalk 3Z 2T. 3A 2 footed. NICE death drop good sit. steps 3L nice. squat ch squat. nice, fast, well sold circle FW. lots of arm waving. SL FW quick, edgy, nice twizzles. camel outside squat layback, ch squat headless scratch
This boy is rail thin... just how I like em...oh dear... at first, I thought he looked like Shawn Cassidy (remember him?) but now, oh my goodness... I know who he looks like!! A handsomer version of my husband! No wonder I think Urbas is so much fun to look at.
20.28 + 26.20 = 46.48, 27th place... a bit undermarked, I thought...
Zoltan Toth Hungary
black velvet with red scarf and gold decorations.
music Pink Floyd would like if they'd been started by the Bee Gees.
3F 3T nice. steps 3Z. axel sit spin pancake (ch sit?). circle FW. he does not sell this well. 2A. SL FW nice and quick but not sold, medium clean. sit pancake inside ch squat outside. slow camel sit cannon inside upright layback ch pancake.
Vote Zoltan's coach for the Worst Hair of these Games. They should Plushy on the jumbotron and everyone cheers.
29.67 + 25.40 = 55.07
Emmanuel Sandhu CAN
black pants, blood red shirt, earring, beard. I like the plunging neckline sand idiot illusion
tango shit
4T 3T not 2 footed but a tiny bit under rotated. 2A popped. NICE death drop cannon inside ch squat twist.3Z hands down, turned out, almost falls dead stop. NICE FW though camel layover, ch camel harding sp. SL FW tango with invisible partner he really sells this. camel layover sit jack knife ch camel squat catch foot upright.
Not exactly Emmanuel Jeckyll but at least far from Manny Hyde.
33.05 + 37.75 -1 = 69.75 7th place.
blue knightly shirt with light blue sleeves and insets
romeo and Juliet Prokofiev
3A badly under-rotated, bad fall. nice speed though. 3F-3T. steps 3Z. circle FW. ICKY death drop. sit inside. SL FW slow but nice. sit cannon nice ch sit nice and fast inside twist. camel sit cannon catch ch sit inside twist. Boy has nice spins and nice positions in his spins. spins fast.
27.96 + 26.50 -1 = 53.46, 21st place
Evan Lysacek USA (Go Evan!!)
matador costume
skating with command. 3A badly tilted fall, badly under rotated maybe downgrade. 3Z 3T, nice. nice DD cannon inside pancake. needs more bend in his knees in circle FW. Nice character though. he's selling it. steps to 2F OH!. sit cannon inside ch sit cannon pancake. SL FW selling it! needs more knee bend in the low steps. camel sit cannon ch camel sit cannon inside upright scratch. Despite his mistakes, Evan never stopped skating with attack.
33.80 + 34.75 -1 = 67.55
Ilia Klimkin RUS
Viola/violin persian kind of music
blue costume with lame and illusion and BOOT COVERS... very girly. His pants fit badly and I kind of wonder if he's misplaced his dance belt.
3A nice. 3T (4T attempt). 3F 2T. flying camel inside. circle FW, quick and he sells it okay. sit inside ch squat. serp FW he does not look in control, but i can't tell if he means it to look this way or not. camel squat catch foot upright ch camel squat upright scratch very slow
Never seen Klimkin up close, but my goodness, he has the MOSt unusual eyes... almost gold with brown rings on the outer edge. Striking.
29.90 + 31.71 = 61.61 17th.... a bit undermarked IMO.
Gregor Urbas Slovenia
white shirt, black pants with marine's stripe
generic piano music gershwin?
LOOOONG stalk 3Z 2T. 3A 2 footed. NICE death drop good sit. steps 3L nice. squat ch squat. nice, fast, well sold circle FW. lots of arm waving. SL FW quick, edgy, nice twizzles. camel outside squat layback, ch squat headless scratch
This boy is rail thin... just how I like em...oh dear... at first, I thought he looked like Shawn Cassidy (remember him?) but now, oh my goodness... I know who he looks like!! A handsomer version of my husband! No wonder I think Urbas is so much fun to look at.
20.28 + 26.20 = 46.48, 27th place... a bit undermarked, I thought...
Zoltan Toth Hungary
black velvet with red scarf and gold decorations.
music Pink Floyd would like if they'd been started by the Bee Gees.
3F 3T nice. steps 3Z. axel sit spin pancake (ch sit?). circle FW. he does not sell this well. 2A. SL FW nice and quick but not sold, medium clean. sit pancake inside ch squat outside. slow camel sit cannon inside upright layback ch pancake.
Vote Zoltan's coach for the Worst Hair of these Games. They should Plushy on the jumbotron and everyone cheers.
29.67 + 25.40 = 55.07
Emmanuel Sandhu CAN
black pants, blood red shirt, earring, beard. I like the plunging neckline sand idiot illusion
tango shit
4T 3T not 2 footed but a tiny bit under rotated. 2A popped. NICE death drop cannon inside ch squat twist.3Z hands down, turned out, almost falls dead stop. NICE FW though camel layover, ch camel harding sp. SL FW tango with invisible partner he really sells this. camel layover sit jack knife ch camel squat catch foot upright.
Not exactly Emmanuel Jeckyll but at least far from Manny Hyde.
33.05 + 37.75 -1 = 69.75 7th place.
Figure Skating SPOILER: Turino Men's short
The GLORIOUS Anton Sihkuralidze commenting... wish I spoke Russian.
Frederick Dambier, FRA
black velvet pants, black and white and black illusion top
very familiar movie music with vocals. Carmina Burana-ish
3F-2T.SE 3A fall out, fall. camel sit inside ch camel sit upright inside upright.nice SL FW. eh Death drop. slow music. steps to 3Z maybe 2f foot landing. simple circle FW with lots of arm waving and toey toey dancing. sit inside ch sit.
Stephane Lambiel
red and black tunic black pants
heroic music... more hard than I expected from Lambiel...
2A hit his foot on the way up. 4T (2 footed?) 3T. sit inside twist ch sit cannonball. steps to 3Z. nice. circle FW fast, nice and upy downy. nice DD inside twist. SL FW nice and fast, very expressive. camel sit twist pancake, ch sit twist upright headless.
Stefan Lindemann
black with yellow and blue sequins
Music only George Harrison could love.
3F 3T nice. 1A popped. camel outside sit cannon catch up, ch sit twist upright. drummy music circle FW kinda clumsy but SOLD like it's not. rock and rolly music. steps 3Z fall out hands down slightly under-rotated, downgrade?. sit inside twist ch sit cannon. SL FW well sold, but he looks tired L2? NICE HUGE death drop sit inside twist. In the K&C he shrugs and looks like he's going to cry.
29.94 + 32.58 = 60.52
He was held up considering that Li scored around the same and landed a quad.
Vahktang MURVANIDZE Georgia
black with red armor
3A badly tilted bad fall. 3T turns 2T. steps to 3Z wonky landing, flying came; catch foot camel. SL FW tripped, vert fast though, STOP, then slow. camel ch camel inside upright. camel attitude spin, sit ch camel, half beillmann, upright. waves arms around. slow awkward circle FW.
This guy looks, for all the world like Commander Data.
24.32 + 26.36 - 1 = 49.68
Anton Kovaleski UKR
black velvet with stones, red gloves Thin as a rail, nicely blond.
tango music.
3A, 2-footed badly. poor stroking technique. 3F-3T nice. flying sit, arms behind, upright. steps wait wait wait 3Z. very dancy circle FW, NICE. sit inside ch sit cannon pancake. SL FW slower gaining speed, VERY clean turns. camel sit inside catch ch sit cannon layback. I like this guy. One wonders how old he is.... if up and coming, might go somewhere someday...
33.95 + 29.46 = 63.41 (personal best) currently 12th...
fading gray short, black pants
hop sit spin ch edge twist. 3A YES! 3F 3T. YES! nice circle FW, very evocative for Matt. SE steps 3Z(2Z??) step out. OHHHHHH!!! sit cannon inside twist ch sit cannon pancake upright. Good speed throughout. SL FW NICE FW came; sit cannon twist, ch sit pancake catch foot inside upright. Except for that damned Lutz which he NEVER misses, he skated beautifully.
35.22 + 33.93 = 69.15 SIXTH PLACE!!!
Brian Joubert FRA
White front tux, fades to black in back. black pants
James Bond
4T hand down 2T. jump stalking. 3A nice. NICE DD sit inside pancake. steps 3F circle FW. he sells it but it's kinda simple. camel sit inside cannon catch foot ch sit pancake upright. simple SL FW but he sells it. sit inside cannon ch sit inside twist. Dynamic as always but his program was kind of empty.
40.59 + 37.18 = 77.77 4th place
Han Jong In, N Korea
black pants red and black shirt with wing
music more suited to a juvenile girl.
2T (planned quad) 2T. ouch. 3A. labored stoking. camel layover sit inside ch camel sit cannon layback... poor spinner. NO musicality. 2Z popped. sit inside ch sit cannon. nice circle FW does not sell it at all though he has good speed. he moves like he is stuck in peanut butter. the opposite of Joubert. SL FW. boring. good FW but unsoild. nice DD sit inside good ending. Thank GOD this is over. if you were pining that Timmy Goebel was not here... he was, just from N Korea.
THEY CHACKED JOHNNY WEIR (80 pts in second!!!) FOR THIS!!!
19.50 + 22.61 = 42.11 24th place (last)
I think this is all we get...
1) Plushy
2) Ms Weir
3) Lambiel
4) Joubert
5) Takahashi
6) Buttle
7) My boy Matt Savoie!!!!!!!!
Whooo hooo! GO MATT!!!!
Frederick Dambier, FRA
black velvet pants, black and white and black illusion top
very familiar movie music with vocals. Carmina Burana-ish
3F-2T.SE 3A fall out, fall. camel sit inside ch camel sit upright inside upright.nice SL FW. eh Death drop. slow music. steps to 3Z maybe 2f foot landing. simple circle FW with lots of arm waving and toey toey dancing. sit inside ch sit.
Stephane Lambiel
red and black tunic black pants
heroic music... more hard than I expected from Lambiel...
2A hit his foot on the way up. 4T (2 footed?) 3T. sit inside twist ch sit cannonball. steps to 3Z. nice. circle FW fast, nice and upy downy. nice DD inside twist. SL FW nice and fast, very expressive. camel sit twist pancake, ch sit twist upright headless.
Stefan Lindemann
black with yellow and blue sequins
Music only George Harrison could love.
3F 3T nice. 1A popped. camel outside sit cannon catch up, ch sit twist upright. drummy music circle FW kinda clumsy but SOLD like it's not. rock and rolly music. steps 3Z fall out hands down slightly under-rotated, downgrade?. sit inside twist ch sit cannon. SL FW well sold, but he looks tired L2? NICE HUGE death drop sit inside twist. In the K&C he shrugs and looks like he's going to cry.
29.94 + 32.58 = 60.52
He was held up considering that Li scored around the same and landed a quad.
Vahktang MURVANIDZE Georgia
black with red armor
3A badly tilted bad fall. 3T turns 2T. steps to 3Z wonky landing, flying came; catch foot camel. SL FW tripped, vert fast though, STOP, then slow. camel ch camel inside upright. camel attitude spin, sit ch camel, half beillmann, upright. waves arms around. slow awkward circle FW.
This guy looks, for all the world like Commander Data.
24.32 + 26.36 - 1 = 49.68
Anton Kovaleski UKR
black velvet with stones, red gloves Thin as a rail, nicely blond.
tango music.
3A, 2-footed badly. poor stroking technique. 3F-3T nice. flying sit, arms behind, upright. steps wait wait wait 3Z. very dancy circle FW, NICE. sit inside ch sit cannon pancake. SL FW slower gaining speed, VERY clean turns. camel sit inside catch ch sit cannon layback. I like this guy. One wonders how old he is.... if up and coming, might go somewhere someday...
33.95 + 29.46 = 63.41 (personal best) currently 12th...
fading gray short, black pants
hop sit spin ch edge twist. 3A YES! 3F 3T. YES! nice circle FW, very evocative for Matt. SE steps 3Z(2Z??) step out. OHHHHHH!!! sit cannon inside twist ch sit cannon pancake upright. Good speed throughout. SL FW NICE FW came; sit cannon twist, ch sit pancake catch foot inside upright. Except for that damned Lutz which he NEVER misses, he skated beautifully.
35.22 + 33.93 = 69.15 SIXTH PLACE!!!
Brian Joubert FRA
White front tux, fades to black in back. black pants
James Bond
4T hand down 2T. jump stalking. 3A nice. NICE DD sit inside pancake. steps 3F circle FW. he sells it but it's kinda simple. camel sit inside cannon catch foot ch sit pancake upright. simple SL FW but he sells it. sit inside cannon ch sit inside twist. Dynamic as always but his program was kind of empty.
40.59 + 37.18 = 77.77 4th place
Han Jong In, N Korea
black pants red and black shirt with wing
music more suited to a juvenile girl.
2T (planned quad) 2T. ouch. 3A. labored stoking. camel layover sit inside ch camel sit cannon layback... poor spinner. NO musicality. 2Z popped. sit inside ch sit cannon. nice circle FW does not sell it at all though he has good speed. he moves like he is stuck in peanut butter. the opposite of Joubert. SL FW. boring. good FW but unsoild. nice DD sit inside good ending. Thank GOD this is over. if you were pining that Timmy Goebel was not here... he was, just from N Korea.
THEY CHACKED JOHNNY WEIR (80 pts in second!!!) FOR THIS!!!
19.50 + 22.61 = 42.11 24th place (last)
I think this is all we get...
1) Plushy
2) Ms Weir
3) Lambiel
4) Joubert
5) Takahashi
6) Buttle
7) My boy Matt Savoie!!!!!!!!
Whooo hooo! GO MATT!!!!
Figure Skating SPOILER: Turino Men's short
I'm watching the men's short on Russian webcast. Here's the first group sans Plushenko and Takahashi. I missed them picking up my kids from school
Zhang Min. China
Fuschia shirt, black pants with white sequined stripes,suspenders, with deep inset of illusion fabric
big band music
4T-3T close to the boards, but clean. nice speed. 3A. pitiful death drop bad travel inside. steps to 3Z, back sit inside ch sit. slow footwork, sloppy. but he does seem to get the music. camel sit layback ch sit inside crossfoot.
36.29 + 31.10 = 67.39 currently in 2nd
Here's Li. GOOOOOO Li!
Chingian Li, China
medium blue pants, turquoise shirt with wispy chiffon
familiar music, Gershwin?
4T fall (I think fully rotated). NICE speed. 3A fall out (fully rotated). flying camel layover inside upright. SL FW nice speed, clean not much expression though. 3L nice. camel sit ch sit catch foot. very fast and frenetic circle steps. back sit ch forward sit, good positions, traveled.
30.55 + 30.68 -1 = 60.23
Jeffery Buttle, Canada
black sweater and pants with understated neon colored shapes, white collar and cuffs
weird jazz with trumpets
3F 3T, nice. great speed. 3A fully rotated, fall, looks like he hit his free foot on the ice before he went up. NICE DD inside ch pancake. great expression in circle FW, NICE, but maybe looks simple. sit inside ch sit pancake sit. 3Z hand down. SL FW NICE. (middle child had splinter) camel layover upright cit ch sit twisty sit upright scratch. mugs for judges. He said "sorry" to the camera
37.01 + 37.28 -1 = 73.29
WAY HELD UP. How did his TECH score get higher than Min Zhang?!!
Ivan Dinev, Russia
black tux with white trim and W Y Z in sequins ("whiz?" thins I)
gentle piano music
3Z-2T careful. 3A nice. decent DD inside. drummy music. circle FW. he could sell this better. steps 3F two footed. camel sit inside upright ch sit outside edge spin. SL FW L2? sit inside ch sit inside. tap dancy steps and finish. He's cute and has nice flair, but the's sloppy and needs lessons from Buttle on how to sell this program. Hummm with Angela Nicodinov in the K&C.
34.29 + 29.35 = 63.64
Zhang Min. China
Fuschia shirt, black pants with white sequined stripes,suspenders, with deep inset of illusion fabric
big band music
4T-3T close to the boards, but clean. nice speed. 3A. pitiful death drop bad travel inside. steps to 3Z, back sit inside ch sit. slow footwork, sloppy. but he does seem to get the music. camel sit layback ch sit inside crossfoot.
36.29 + 31.10 = 67.39 currently in 2nd
Here's Li. GOOOOOO Li!
Chingian Li, China
medium blue pants, turquoise shirt with wispy chiffon
familiar music, Gershwin?
4T fall (I think fully rotated). NICE speed. 3A fall out (fully rotated). flying camel layover inside upright. SL FW nice speed, clean not much expression though. 3L nice. camel sit ch sit catch foot. very fast and frenetic circle steps. back sit ch forward sit, good positions, traveled.
30.55 + 30.68 -1 = 60.23
Jeffery Buttle, Canada
black sweater and pants with understated neon colored shapes, white collar and cuffs
weird jazz with trumpets
3F 3T, nice. great speed. 3A fully rotated, fall, looks like he hit his free foot on the ice before he went up. NICE DD inside ch pancake. great expression in circle FW, NICE, but maybe looks simple. sit inside ch sit pancake sit. 3Z hand down. SL FW NICE. (middle child had splinter) camel layover upright cit ch sit twisty sit upright scratch. mugs for judges. He said "sorry" to the camera
37.01 + 37.28 -1 = 73.29
WAY HELD UP. How did his TECH score get higher than Min Zhang?!!
Ivan Dinev, Russia
black tux with white trim and W Y Z in sequins ("whiz?" thins I)
gentle piano music
3Z-2T careful. 3A nice. decent DD inside. drummy music. circle FW. he could sell this better. steps 3F two footed. camel sit inside upright ch sit outside edge spin. SL FW L2? sit inside ch sit inside. tap dancy steps and finish. He's cute and has nice flair, but the's sloppy and needs lessons from Buttle on how to sell this program. Hummm with Angela Nicodinov in the K&C.
34.29 + 29.35 = 63.64
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Thoroughly Pointless and Not Figure Skating Related...
Do you like to take pointless tests? You know, like "Which LOTR character are you?" (Galadriel). Or "Would you have been a Nazi or an ex-pat?" (would run like hell). Yeah, yeah, they are pointless and silly, but I have a curious weakness for pointless fluff. That's probably why I watch those fluffumentaries on VH1.
So, here's my latest... "Who's your Celebrity Style Twin?" I have to say that I don't wear bikini's and never did. I have a very puckered, very ugly 4" appendix scar. Nearly died of it back when. I have too much dignity to wear bikini's. Yeah, that's it! It has nothing to do with being a middle aged frump.

More hippie chic than hippie chick.
Who's Your Celebrity Style Twin?
I'm actually kind of amused. I've liked Dunst since the she was the original Buffy the Vampire Slayer with that guy from 90210. Gosh, aren't there any old—I mean, mature—stars to be like?
So, here's my latest... "Who's your Celebrity Style Twin?" I have to say that I don't wear bikini's and never did. I have a very puckered, very ugly 4" appendix scar. Nearly died of it back when. I have too much dignity to wear bikini's. Yeah, that's it! It has nothing to do with being a middle aged frump.
Your Celebrity Style Twin is Kirsten Dunst
More hippie chic than hippie chick.
Who's Your Celebrity Style Twin?
I'm actually kind of amused. I've liked Dunst since the she was the original Buffy the Vampire Slayer with that guy from 90210. Gosh, aren't there any old—I mean, mature—stars to be like?
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