A: No, but taking notes so you can report on it to lots of people who have probably also, watched it on web cast is.
Okay, so you're a rabid fan, or a wanna-be rabid fan. The question is, when you take notes, how do you make the shorthand make any sense? And how do you write the notes so that you won't have to type out "triple-toeloop" eleventy-two times? And even if you're not a rabid fan, how do you read those frickin' reports because you, unlike all the other rabid fans can't get the web cast software to work.
If you're attempting to take these kind of notes at all, we have to assume that you can tell a toeloop from a Salchow and a donut-on-a-stick from a Beillmann. If you can't you're going to spend a lot of time typing the words, "Then the skater does, you know, that thingy where you..."
Jumps usually appear with a numeral (1, 2, 3, 4) in front of them noting whether they are a single, double, triple, or quad. Jumps in combination are separated by dashes or forward slashes depending on the recorder's preference.
Use the table below to decrypt the following examples. There are several possible flaws listed at the bottom of the table as well.
Example 1: Footwork into a triple flip.
FW to 3F or steps-3F
Example 2: The skater lands a triple Lutz, turns out and tacks on a double toeloop.
Without the faults: 3Z-2T
With the faults:3Z turn out-2T
Example 3: The skater lands a triple Lutz-triple loop-double loop combo at Europeans (and the note taker is non-American).
Jump | US | EU |
toeloop | T | T |
loop | L (loop) | R (Rittenburger) |
half-loop | HL | HL |
Salchow | S | S |
flip | F | F |
lip (a faulty flip) | lip | lip |
Lutz | Z | Z or L |
Flutz (a faulty Lutz). | Flz | Flz |
Axel | A or X | A or X |
Walley | W | W |
Reverse Walley (toeless Lutz) | RW | RW |
Toe Walley | TW | TW |
Footwork | steps or FW | Skater intentionally performs steps in a sequence of jumps. |
Fault | ||
Fall | (fall) | ISU rules for falls are complex, something other than hands and feet have to touch the ground, a knee or one's arse. |
Fall Out | (FO) | Skater takes step onto is free foot, usually turning from back to forwards. |
Turns Out | (TO) | Skater may turn several times on landing leg, but does not put the free foot down. |
Touch Down | (TD) | One or both hands touch the ice. |
Two-footed | (TF) or (2FT) | Skater lands with the free foot touching the ice. The skater's leg may not be completely "unwrapped." |
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