Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Figure Skating SPOILERS: Ladies Short G4

The crowd is chanting something
A blue velvet and blue illusion unitard with starburst sequining. Attractive.
sound of talking: ominous music. FW stalking. 3Z (HUGE)-2T. nice speed. steps nice 3F. 3turn into 2A. nice flying came; layover inside nice donut upright. beill ch edge spiral wobbly. back beill spiral side spiral to back spiral nice sideways foot to head to beillman. SL FW very fast and difficult a bit sloppy. camel outside sit layback foot to head beillmann ch donut beillman upright inside.

She did a VERY nice job.
36.21 + 30.49 = 66.70 1st place

As if there was any question where she would be. She laid it down too.

Black with cut out back and large swirls of silver sequins. John Z is a LUCKY MAN.
piano billy joelish jazzy.
2F-2T. 1A popped. 1/2 split flip-3T. (I missed something here) camel beill layback ch sit inside sasha catchfoot. good speed. side spiral, beill spiral nice ch edge, back beill. death drop sit inside. SL FW slow gaining speed, or trying to. layback foot to head

the jumps were not there for Slyvia today and really, she didn't sell this program all that well. There have been some excellent performances today by some very unexpected people... this just wasn't one of them.
19.87 + 22.60 = 42.47 now in 18th.

I feel bad for her, but this was dead on.

red skirt. lots of illusion on tow with red curlicues and white stones. Interesting costume, but a little too bare for my taste.
gentle, generic music.
nice 2A. 3Z 2 footed 1T close to the boards. steps 2F popped. fly camel inside ugly donut entrance. playful music SL FW twizzles. nice clean feet, but slow side spiral no toe point ugly! spiral ch edge wobbly but nice position. back beill ugly and wobbly. camel outside sit layback beill ch squat low-catchfoot upright. sideway lean layback very laid back but ugly.
19.06 + 19.38 = 38.44 20th place.

maroon and red with high white collar and going down the front. Almost pretty
fast! 3Z2T did she 2 foot that? 3Lip was that SUPPOSED to be a Lutz because it WAS. NICE flying camel inverted! inside layover donut NICE!!! side catch ch edge a la Alissa C. then unsupported and bobbled a tiny bit back beill spiral. lovely 2A. sasha slide spiral. layback sideways beill. SL FW nice speed swirly good to the music. camel inside donut sit ch camel sit sideways beill

Shiz is giving Irina a run for her money!! Replay shows she did NOT 2foot her 3Z. This was not as "artistic" as we've seen Shiz do though.

Go Shiz!!!
35.93 + 30.09 = 66.02 personal best, in 2nd place.
Coach kisses her at the 35.93!

Black with black illusiona nd a big cross on the front. Very pretty girl.
slow eerie music sounds like water glasses
3Z fall... landed but just hopped off the landing and went down it was weird because the jump was there. i like how she moves though nice spped. NICE 3F. flying came; inside NICE donut upright. 1A. NICE sideways ugly layback. circle FGW slowish but good to the music. small circle. slower.... back beillman ch edge loses beill and goes to half beill. UGLY forward beill spiral turn back beill camel outside sit laynback ch sit inside catch crossfoot

She has nice fast spins and there is a graceful quality about her. She has long lines without being coltish. I've never seen her before, so I assume that she's new. If she can pull the jumps together, she might be a contender nest cycle.

Is that Galina Zemeskaya in the K&C?
20.43 + 21.82 -1 = 41.25 20th
She got hit hard for missing the combo... but she wasn't really this bad to be all the way down there...

very straight dark magenta with sequined flowers, deep v neck. actually almost but not quite attractive.
weird fiddle music
3Z under rotated 2footed fall. steps 3F wonky landing. sideways lean layback foot to head beill. huge wobbly ch edge spiral. back catch foot nice. ugly beill spiral. stalking pretty nice ena baure into 2A. camel sit jack catch ch sit catch. SL FW TW rev TW nice speed. nice difficulty. flying camel inverted upright.
21.21 + 20.65 -1 = 40.86 21st place and she is NOT happy.

NBC Real Time Results.
1) Irina
2) Shiz
3) Kimmie!

5) Emily Hughes!!

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