Thursday, February 16, 2006

Figure Skating SPOILER: Turino Men's Long

The connection is bad, so I know I missed stuff.

Evan Lysacek USA
BLACK costume from nat's. I like this one.
stalk stalk stalk 3Z-T nice. stalk stalk stalk, 3A nice. stalk stalk stalk 3L stalk stalk 3S axel flying sit ch sit inside death drop nice inside pancake upright. emote emote emote wave arms some day he might as good as Matt at this. stalk stalk stalk 3A (2footed?).back spiral to 3F(2foot?)2T. circle FW. arm waving. walley 3Z? (web cast froze for a sec) 2A-2T(?). more arm waving. camel sit cannon ch sit cannon upright inside? SL FW big arm waving lots of energy, really selling it. camel outside, sit cannon ch camel sit cannon inside upright scratch arm waving.

He must have landed a 4T that I missed. The connection is VERY bad. And as such this is quite innacurrate.

Evan wears a red ribbon and a wedding ring on his right hand... hummmm...
78.24 + 74.34 = 152.58

Matt Savoie
Brown clothes
Tghe Mission
3Z?? nice speed. SE to 3A-3T. 3F-2T. front loaded, but not stalking. FW gentle NICE. split jump 3S. camel outside sit cannon layback. ch sit inside twist (opposite direction?) hydro to 3A. SL FW lots of arm waving but it works with the music. DD sit inside twist. back spiral 3F. 2Z? camel sit cannon twist ch pancake catchfoot. 3T.

Breath-taking. .
65.80 + 71.72 = 137.32

That is SO WRONG. Matt getting lower program components than Evan? Are the judges BLIND or simply stupid?

Gheorghe Chipher
neon green ruffles and black pants... and black lace. This is a candidate for When Bad Costumes Happen to Good Skaters
gypsy music
stalking stalking 3A 2 foot step out 2T stalk stalk stalk 3A step out 2 foot. FW 3Z-2T. upright ch upright. this is my foot FW work. 2F pop. circle FW (was adjusting the buffer--to no avail and missed part of his program) 3S? spiral steps 3F? steps 2A wonky landing camel squat twist upright. gypsy dancing in place. SL FW very gypsy very slow too. Death drop twist squat spin. Oh wait, I'm surprised I lived to FINISH! Am I done?
54.23 + 64.30 = 118.53

Emmanuel Sandhu
blue pants and black velvet top with turquoise and blue designs. The last guy makes this costume look manly and tasteful. TWO earring sin right ear.
waving arms posing. 2 foot skating. drummy music. stalking 4T 2 footed. fall, will probably be downgraded. nice speed. 3A 2 foot fall on arse. NICE death drop inside twist upright. nice FW to music. steps to 1Z popped. Mr Hyde enters the building. more nice FW. 3S! Mr Hyde LEAVES! SE stalk 1A... Mr Hyde comes back for encore. spiral. nice 3L. And leaves again!! 2A 3T nice. NICE catch foot inside, jackknife upright. getting tired. 3F 2T fall out. excellent camel hamill inside. nice FW SL. camel outside sit jack ch camel sit twist catch foot upright inside.

You gotta give Manny some props though. He didn't give up. Hyde kept showing up and Manny kept tossing him out the door.
52.27 + 70.22 -2 = 120.49

Min Zhang CHN
costume looks like alexander
heroic music
stalking stalking stalking 4T fall forward, hands down turn out fully rotated. stalking 4S! 3Z-3T! death drop inside twist. slow part time to pose and wave arms. is actually kinda lyrical here. 3L wonky landing. steps 3Z turn out. camel sit upright ch sit upright travel-y and out of control. SL FW slow gaining speed pretty nice, level 3ish. 3F-2T. ikes I missed a jump. 2A. sit inside upright. circle FW. squat twist ch sit upright.

Simple spins but nice FW.And that 4S was fantastic.
And the woman sitting next to him in the K&C looks like the lady I met at 2003 Worlds!
67.39 + = 128.88

Shawn Sawyer CAN
black or naby velvet. quite nice with stones.
rachmaninov sounding piano.
stalking nice speed. 3F-3T. stalking, 3A fall out. step 2Flz. nice ina bauer. freaking web feed! sit twist hop ch ikes-his-foot-way-up-there-spin! trip on FW. incredible spiral! 2A. he needs to hold those spirals longer. he got one that would make Sasha jealous AND on a DEEP edge. circular FW maybe L2. walley split 2L turns 2T. 2S-2T-2L. camel inside layover!! half beillman. slide spiral extended WAY. SE SE 2F. eh DD twist inside upright. SL FW L3ish. 2A camel, inside layover sit twist arabian camel sit oh-MY-GOD

55.13 + 68.50 = 123.63

1 comment:

Elizabeth Bloom Greenleaf Turner said...

I LOVE SHAWN SAWYER...Hes freakin awesome, beautiful, gorgeous, absolultly gorgeous. My third favorite skater, wait make that sixth favorite no fourth favorite skater*grins Johnny Wier rocks my socks, i love him..seriously...hes awesome...him, Plushy, Savoie, and Sawyer...*totally fangirls:D




IMSGSET and Sue Squad member