Friday, February 17, 2006

Figure Skating SPOILERS: Ice Dance Compulsories (wrap up)

Here are the final standings after the compulsory.

This was an incomprehensible competition... but remember, there are FOUR TENTHS of a point between 3rd and 7th. And only 2 points between first and EIGHTH!

Chait's fall in the 3rd corner was shocking... especially since she wasn't DOING anything. IIRC, it was on the cross behind! Anyway, they are out.

Dubriel was VERY over marked. VERY VERY VERY overmarked. I had them down around 12th, but granted, Fiella and Scali and the Kerrs were also overmarked.

IMO, Denkova was head and shoulders above the others. I had no problem with Navka being up there with them thought they were not as good. Fusar Poli and Margalio belong in about 10th. Dubriel was, as I've said, way over marked. I didn't see Grushina or Drobiasko. I'm fine with Belbin and Delobel being about tied. Delobel and Schadenfreud were a good bit better than I expected considering how poorly they did this dance at Skate America.

But I have to wonder, Drobiasko BEAT Navka at Euros. They are FREAKING BURIED here! Did they fall? Did they get out-politiced? Are the judges CHEATING AGAIN?

Okay, it's not just that. It's the Italians. There is NO WAY they should be in first. There is SIMPLY NO WAY. This wasn't even THEIR best waltz!

The fix is in. It's just in.

I guess I'll have to look at the protocols.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


First, it's Dubreuil, not Dubriel.

Secondly, I heard for various sources that European dance experts think Dubreuil and Lauzon should have been first...