Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Thoroughly Pointless and Not Figure Skating Related...

Do you like to take pointless tests? You know, like "Which LOTR character are you?" (Galadriel). Or "Would you have been a Nazi or an ex-pat?" (would run like hell). Yeah, yeah, they are pointless and silly, but I have a curious weakness for pointless fluff. That's probably why I watch those fluffumentaries on VH1.

So, here's my latest... "Who's your Celebrity Style Twin?" I have to say that I don't wear bikini's and never did. I have a very puckered, very ugly 4" appendix scar. Nearly died of it back when. I have too much dignity to wear bikini's. Yeah, that's it! It has nothing to do with being a middle aged frump.


Your Celebrity Style Twin is Kirsten Dunst

More hippie chic than hippie chick.
Who's Your Celebrity Style Twin?

I'm actually kind of amused. I've liked Dunst since the she was the original Buffy the Vampire Slayer with that guy from 90210. Gosh, aren't there any old—I mean, mature—stars to be like?


Anonymous said...

My celebrity style twin is Gwen Stefani! LOL!

Anonymous said...

Just so you know, Kirsten Dunst wasn't the original Buffy star, it was Kirsty Swanson.